Monday, May 18, 2009

Blue Monday - Frugal Art

It's Blue Monday! To participate:

1. Post about something blue on your blog. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's blue. Leave a link to this blog on your post.

2. Place the Blue Monday button on the top of your post so that people can easily spot it. Place another Blue Monday button on the sidebar of your blog.

3. Mr. Linky will be up after midnight. Return here and link in with Mr. Linky by leaving your name and the Permalink to your post. To create a Permalink, click on your Blue Monday post title and copy all the stuff in the http window. It is a longer address so that people can find your post even later in the week--whenever they get a chance to visit.

4. Leave me a comment. I promise that I will visit you and leave you a commet. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links. Make someone's day; leave a comment.


Here's some blue in a bookcase that's located in our home office. I took a calendar picture of a place in Italy and inserted it into this blue frame. Notice the blue basket and blue book.

Here's a shot without the glare from the camera. The frame is really a blue-gray color, while the picture is full of blue  water.
To turn our home into a house so that a buyer might be more interested, we removed the wallpaper and painted it a neutral color. I shared that with you earlier.

I needed some neutral art to hang on the wall to replace the personal things we had before. I took an old picture of the family, painted the gold frame white, and put a piece of the former wallpaper in it. Then, I placed another page from the same calendar. You can see blue in the wallpaper as well as in the picture. Here's how it turned out.

Blue Monday Participants
1. Marie (happy postcards:)
2. Jennifer Swan Hopkins
3. Becky K.
4. Barbara, The Purple Goat Lady
5. Janie at Southern Lagniappe
6. Karen
7. Beverly
8. sylvia extra from Villa Extra
9. Cindy @ Applestone
10. kathy b
11. Knitty
12. Shirls Rose Cottage
13. Serenata in England
14. Barb~Bella Vista
15. Becky
16. Sandi
17. Marty Mason
18. Mojo, NC, USA
19. The Bliss Journey
20. Lana G!
21. Lisa
22. Pagan Sphinx - Massachusetts USA
23. Pat@Back Porch Musings
24. ValerieKC
25. Elizabeth
26. Mary @ One Perfect Bite
27. Noelle Chiddister
28. Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer
29. Lynda
30. Chandy
31. Rechelle
32. Diane@A Picture is Worth...
33. blueeyedtango
34. ButterYum - USA
35. Baba
36. KayC.
37. ellen b
38. Carrie - Oak Rise Cottage
39. Ivory Spring
40. Iris
41. Sandra
42. Beverly
43. Tesoro Fino ~ Fine Treasures
44. Kathleen
45. NatureFootstep
46. Fifi Flowers
47. Kathy's Red Door Welcome
48. Terry
49. Mary @Boogieboard Cottage
50. Linnea
51. Jennifer
52. Carla
53. Amanda Guthrie
54. Gie
55. Suzie
56. angie @ annies home
57. Stephanie~Angelic Accents
58. Dirkjogt, Belgium
59. Candy
60. RobinfromCA
61. CuisineKathleen
62. Barbara Jean
63. Gemma
64. Tee
65. Libby Twirl&Taste
66. Jensmere
67. Linda

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. Good morning Saly! It looks like you're doing a wonderful job getting everything in ship shape for selling!

  2. Happy Pink Saturday; ) Belated but still sincere! Hey wait a minute, it's Blue Monday! I didn't even know I was participating but I guess I am, LOL!!

    I'm finishing 2 tissue cozies today and shipping one out that I sold. Then it's on to upgrading my DeStash site, re-writing my Faerie Tales and on and on. Yep, I do love to be productive. Talk to you soon, Have a great week,


  3. Hi Sally!
    I love what you've done with those pictures...very creative!

  4. Hey Sally! Muse sent me over to say hi!

    Hi Sally! hee hee hee.... :))

  5. I want more water pictures in my house now...and it is all your fault!

    Very nice job on getting the house ready. I guess it worked since it sold so very quickly.


    Becky K.

  6. Morning Sally, I know this is a busy time for you

    Happy Blue Monday

  7. I love what you did with the pictures of Italy, Sally ... They're perfect for a "neutral" look and complement any style decor.

    Thank you for hosting our Blue Mondays. I hope your move goes smoothly.

  8. Your calendar sure have lots of beautiful pictures stored. This is a great idea! Sally :-)

  9. There sure are some really pretty calendars out there. Good job.

  10. Evidently everything you did was right because you got great results.

    Happy Blue Monday, Sally.

  11. Good Morning Sally,
    I love that pic you posted, its so serene and bluesy. Good luck with selling your home too! Cindy

  12. Good Morning Sally. Happy Blue Monday. Beautiful Artwork and great news on selling you home. I wish you blessings on your new journey!
    Bless you, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  13. How very clever of you Sally. You made your home more attractive to buyers and recycled some calendar pictures too. Those touches must have been what sold your home!
    Kathy b

  14. Very nice, Sally. Calendar pictures do make lovely art for the walls and bookcase. Happy Blue Monday.


  15. Good job de-personalizing and still having lovely things for a buyer to look at!

    Happy Blue Monday!

  16. Blue Monday...what a fun idea. I'm off now to find my blue for the day...Later

  17. Very clever ideas indeed! I'll have to keep those in mind...


  18. Great Blues! I'm glad to be back to see everyone for Blue Monday!

  19. Very pretty! Great idea. Happy Blue Monday. Congrats on the sale of the house!

  20. Hi Sally!

    I just added my Tidbits post, for Blue Monday. The post isn't entirely blue, but it does have some of Aunt Ruth's beautiful blue iris, I want to share.

    Your blue art is beautiful.

    J and I will meet Jeanne today. I'll be back, this afternoon to visit.

  21. Good morning Sally - I beat you this morning, I did my post and then came to your site to link it and you hadn't done yours yet! LOL, so off I trotted and got on with some work and came back and you are here :-)

    How exciting moving - and how amazingly quick you sold your house - I wish things were that quick here!

  22. Those are both great ideas! See you are a little crafty. I'm sure your staging helped a lot with the fast sale.

  23. Congratulations on the sale of your house. Your new home is lovely. Have a good Blue Monday.

  24. i'm visiting from stephanie's and am joining in on blue mondays!! i have 2 boys so we have lots of blue around here:)

  25. exciting...and scary... pace yourself... and if there is anything I can help you from a distance...let me know! Happy Blue Monday ~ Susan

  26. Cool art piece for today, Sally!

    I know you're probably packing as I type this and I hope you have a great move (or at least as little stress as possible)

    Have a great Monday!

  27. That picture is really pretty and turned out great in the frame. Hope you have a great blue Monday!

  28. Very creative, really like them! Thanks for hosting BM. Luanne

  29. Hi Sally, wonderful calming.

    Happy Blue Monday.


  30. Well you staged your home well for such a fast sale :0)
    It will be fun to see what blues end up in the new place in the future! Happy Monday to you...

  31. Have a wonderful "Blue Monday"!

  32. Hi Sally,

    I'm really enjoying this Blue Monday thing... I just joined for the second week in a row... I'm already thinking about what to post next time. Thanks so much!

  33. Good morning, you are so clever with your camera and picture!!!Thanks for hosting this week with you being so busy with packing and moving..hugs, Baba

  34. Very cost-effective and good for staging the house.

  35. Happy Blue Monday, Sally! I also married at 17 and we celebrated 33 years of bliss last month! 4 kids and 5 grandchildren with one on the way!

  36. Hi Sally,
    Great tips for selling!
    Thanks for hosting Blue Monday!

  37. I've framed calendar pages before but haven't used wallpaper as a mat -- great idea! Lots of lovely blue artwork here.

  38. It never fails to amaze me how you always come up with something blue. Great pictures....And a new red door amazes me even more.

  39. Very pretty pictures, Sally ~

  40. GM Sally! I'm so happy to hear you've all ready sold your home and have found a new one. How fantastic!
    I love that picture of Italy. That is a place I hope to visit one day.
    I hope your day is a great one!

  41. Hi Sally, Whatever you did to sell your home really did work. Congrats.. So you have to be out of your current home by June 18th.. Right??? AND--you'll rent for about 3 months.. RIGHT???? (I'm trying to keep up with you!!! ha)

    I know you will be busy packing and organizing everything for the next month... I'm happy about your move--but I don't envy you having to do all of that packing, etc... But -- they say it's good to move because that is the time to get rid of JUNK... ha


  42. What a gorgeous picture and the frame is so pretty with the blue/gray frame. Just lovely. Hugs, Marty

  43. The last one is my favorite!
    Happy Blue Monday!

  44. Hi Sally
    Happy Blue Monday
    Again you are always creative and inspiring ! Simple and effective way to decorate.
    I can't believe all the great things I learn from visiting you.
    I use to save favorite calendars because of the pictures but finally stopped. Now I have a reason they are so full of ART ! :)
    Blessigns as you continue to prepare for your move.
    Have a wonderful week.

  45. I love your blue!!! (on your blog background and header too:)

  46. I would love to have those hanging from my walls, Happy BM.

  47. that's a pretty view.

    Happy Blue Monday.

  48. I have seen so may people come in and the first thing is to re paint. One of my customers, that has sold 4 homes I know of never paints a home before a she puts it on the market. She will just stage it. Kathy

  49. enough comments???? lol
    I have done this with a calendar too. I have 11 vintage sports equipment pics framed and hanging in the "man room" down stairs. It is a hockey theme and the calendar had better photos than I could find anywhere why not? I have had so many compliments on them...and the frames only cost me $5 each! Happy blue Monday!

  50. Beautiful picture ~ wish I were there! Happy Blue Monday!

    Angelic Accents

  51. I like the picture that you transformed ... happy Blue Monday

  52. Beautiful blue art.
    thanks for hosting and for being so diligent about it.

    Barbara jean

  53. Such delightful blue artwork and a very clever way of dressing up images!

  54. Very nice. I especially like the way you did the picture in the white frame.
    I didn't do a Blue Monday today. Guess I just wasn't in a blue mood. Maybe next week.
    Happy Blue Monday.

  55. so busy and yet you still have time to post!! the paintings are beautiful!!

    Happy Blue Monday!

  56. Hey There
    Wow you have been busy. I hope you find continued happiness and great love in your new home, and that it more than exceeds your every expectation. Of the pictures, I think the last one is my favorite. Good lucky packing, sorting, and moving.
    Happy Twirls

  57. Sally, what a great idea with the wallpaper and neutral pics! I'm dreading the day I sell my house one will need a lot of de-personalizing, I'm afraid. Happy Blue Monday! Susan

  58. Lovely pictures...

    I'm a bit late, but it is still Monday!

    I really enjoy doing this....

  59. Hi Sally, Happy Blue Monday, I checked out your post where you removed hte wall paper, I love the neutral color, isnt it strange how de-personalising a home makes it more appealing to buyers?

  60. Great idea..congrats on the fast where will you go?

  61. What great ideas! Love the one with the wallpaper behind it. laurie

  62. You did a great job with your frugal artwork. Calendars are a great source of cheap art.
    Blue Monday has really grown by leaps and bounds...67 participants! Congrats!!!

  63. Great ideas Sally! Love the reuse of the wallpaper & the calendar. I save some of the calendars too, they're just to pretty to throw out. ☺ Diane

  64. I always save calendars I love, and I think this is a wonderful thing to do with the pictures. Great idea!


    Sheila :-)

  65. Happy Blue Monday
    What a clever lady you are! Your pics are of wonderful places and they look so good in their frames...and you said you weren't that crafty...
    have a nice evening


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
