Tuesday, May 19, 2009


We're carefully wrapping and packing--almost like this.


  1. Ha!

    My Mikey and Warren would do something like this.

  2. Wow...I think they have it covered! Lots of luck with your packing...that's never a fun job!

  3. Good thinking! Can't be too careful.

  4. That is the worst part of a move....packing everything up!

  5. Wonder the owner of the bike thought? Good luck with all the packing. That is the hard part. Well....the unpacking can be hard too I guess.

  6. someone did this to my suburban on my 40th birthday! too funny!

    Happy packing!

  7. As I said in another comment, packing is good --since it forces us to get rid of stuff we have kept for years and years, and yet never used...

    When I packed to leave Texas (coming back to TN), I got really organized --and that helped when I unpacked. I had things marked for certain rooms and even had things packed that I wasn't sure I would need at all (and those were marked for the attic)....

    Good Luck, Sally...
    Have a great day.

  8. Hate to pack, such a job. But try to remember you're going to a new adventure and unpacking can be fun. Hugs, Marty

  9. Take your time. It's easy to become over whelmed. Mark all of your boxes. What an adventure! I hope you have a wonderful day ♥

  10. Hi Sally...Whoa...I've been on a bloggy break a couple of weeks & look what I find out when I returned...You've already sold & you are moving on...I love the floor plan of your new home...You know it has to be the right decision when everything falls into place as quickly as this did..
    I wish you a safe & dare I say "easy" move... ;-) Bo

  11. Good luck, that is the only thing I disliked about moving..packing and unpacking, till we built in 1971 We moved 12 times in 10 yrs...I got real good at it. Now after 38 yrs. I sure would hate to have to try ...but I know you are so excited about being closer to the kids.

  12. Cute, Sally - Reminds me of how they used to move some music exhibits at Wal-Mart.

  13. Oh my word...I wonder how many boxes of plastic wrap they used? I would have loved to have seen the poor owners face when he saw it.

  14. You simply can't be too careful, Sally! And if it's upholstered, this really is a good solution! It saved a sofa and two chairs of mine that were moved in hot weather with sweaty movers who couldn't help the heat or the sweat. ;-)


    Sheila :-)

  15. That's funny. But packing is no joke! Hope things are going smoothly for you.

  16. That was one heck of a lot of plastic wrap!

  17. Good luck with the packing Sally. How soon do you move?

  18. I like playing pratical jokes but I am afraid that my husband would not think that it was funny if I did that to his motorcycle.

  19. Sally, I am moving too. When will your move be over?

  20. Evening, Sally. Oh, good luck with all of your packing! Hope all goes smoothly with your move!
    Can't wait to hear all of your stories and I know you'll have some!
    Be a sweeie,
    Shelia ;)

  21. Can you imagine unwrapping this? My Dad worked for the railroad and we were transferred to a new location. The moving company was told to give us the "white glove" treatment. They packed everything. I mean everything. We had pizza for supper that night. They wrapped the leftovers in paper and put it in a box. My Mom smoked then, they wrapped her ashtray, ashes and all. It was insane. Happy Packing! ~ Robyn

  22. Where are you going to, Ms. Sally? :)

  23. Better you than me! Oops, sorry - that wasn't very nice. But I really hate moving - and the packing is always the worst part. Well, until the unpacking comes around. Hope everything goes smoothly, with no nasty surprises. Just keep repeating over and over: "Moving is really a fun thing to do!"


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