Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fill 'er Up!

Dixie at French Lique hosts Wordless Wednesday. The rules are simple: NO WORDS!


  1. Goodmorning my sweet Sally,Hope you are having a good day.Say a prayer.I go back to the doctor today.They are going to do a lot of tests.It will be 2 weeks before I hear from the biopsy.I am just trying to keep my eyes on the Lord.I am scared,but I am trying to keep my faith.Take care and have a blessed day! Love, Faye

  2. that picture says it all!!!

    We have moved so many times, seeing a box almost makes me cringe! I enjoy moving, just not the process!!

    praying it all goes smoothly!

  3. Oh, Dear Smiling One! I feel your pain! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Oh Sally... wish I was in Florida... I'd stop by and lend a hand...

    happy WW... hugs. Dixie

  5. Sigh, just keep saying, I'm going to enjoy this, I'm going to enjoy this...and it will be over before you know
    Can't wait to see your new home.

  6. I'm sure that's the beginning of many more to come! Hang in will all be behind you before you know it!

  7. Moving, right up there with childbirth!

    What fun to get to pick our own theme today.

    Have a Great Wordless Wednesday

    The Raggedy Girl

  8. That is a perfect wordless post. That picture doesn't need any words at all. Good luck with all the packing.

  9. If I had to move I would need helppppppppppp! Happy Wordless Wednesday

  10. We all get this one! Ugh-
    Bless you!

    Happy WW!

    Linda C

  11. It doesn't take words for me to see that you are well organized and well on your way. Have a great day.

  12. Hi Sally
    Wish I could be there to lend you some helping hands.
    hubby and I have moved so many times I can pack really well with my eyes closed.
    Seriously may God continue to provide the needed energy and organized thoughts and all that you may have need of during this time .
    Happy Wordless Wednesday to you .
    Blessings of joy with hugs for your week.

  13. Our house is for sale so this image just might be us pretty soon!

  14. Sally, I feel for you! Sorry you've having to pack, but so happy that all of this worked out for you to be near your son! :-)



  15. Don't pack them too heavy now.

    Soon this will be behind you and all will be back to normal.

  16. Sounds like you are moving...hope it all goes well. Cool pic though. :)

  17. My goodness I cant imagine how many boxes you may need to pack your entire life!

    Have fun!

  18. Great picture Sally! I bet your dreaming about filling boxes in your sleep! ☺ Diane

  19. Been there, done that 11 times! If I lived closer I would come and help.

  20. My sister in law shipped large plastic containers with bungie wrapped around. It went through to P.R. I hat to maove, even of it is just moving jobs. But them the fun is putting things in the new place when the new home gets done.Kathy

  21. Good Day Sally!
    I sooo know what those boxes mean :0)
    Hope your day is a good one and very productive :0)

  22. Oh no! Moving! I can remember when I married my husband and we moved to another state. We just rented a small uhaul. Now after 17 years we would need at least 3 semi trucks! lol

    ¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
    (¸.*´ (¸.*´* Wordless Wednesday~

  23. Oh no! Moving! I can remember when I married my husband and we moved to another state. We just rented a small uhaul. Now after 17 years we would need at least 3 semi trucks! lol

    ¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
    (¸.*´ (¸.*´* Wordless Wednesday~

  24. Oh no! Moving! I can remember when I married my husband and we moved to another state. We just rented a small uhaul. Now after 17 years we would need at least 3 semi trucks! lol

    ¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
    (¸.*´ (¸.*´* Wordless Wednesday~

  25. Oh I don't envy you, Sally... BUT--it will all be worth it once you are moved and in your new home!!!!

    Yes---no words needed other than "Fill 'er Up"!!!!!

    Good Luck!!!

  26. I hope your packing is going well! I looked at your floorplan, your house is lovely.

  27. I hope your packing is going well! I looked at your floorplan, your house is lovely.

  28. There goes your cute sense of humor again, Smiling Sally...and i can't believe I am sending you something ELSE to pack...sorry...but...

  29. There goes your cute sense of humor again, Smiling Sally...and i can't believe I am sending you something ELSE to pack...sorry...but...

  30. There goes your cute sense of humor again, Smiling Sally...and i can't believe I am sending you something ELSE to pack...sorry...but...

  31. A Picture is worth a 1,000 words...we know what you've been up to!

  32. Yikes! Good luck on your new adventure. But the sight of moving boxes just makes me cringe. Kathy

  33. Sally
    No words needed...we know what THATS all about....and I can see your big smiles...
    have a nice day

  34. Sally, Just remember it will be all worth it..and pace yourself!
    Are ya'll all underwater down there? I talked to my mom today in Tampa, she said the grass is just so green and soggy, but very thankful for the rain!
    Happy WW..this was my first one today!

  35. Moving - I think that's what they make you do in hell! Move after move after move. It's my least favorite things to do but you look like you're right on top of it! Good luck. Happy WW :)Nancy

  36. The moving boxes just sent chills up my spine. I told my husband, I am not ever moving again....

  37. No words -- but this speaks volumes!!

  38. Oh! Look how your pen is balancing on your yellow pad and how your yellow pad is balancing on your box!


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