Thursday, May 21, 2009

Another Job Completed

We have a barrel tile roof, and the last time we had it cleaned, the fellow wasn't careful. The inspector found some roof damage. Today, the roofers came to repair it so that the buyers can smile when they sign at closing.

All done! 

Now that I think about it, we could've had a nasty surprise if that roof began leaking. With the rainy season coming, a secure roof is a necessary thing. I'm glad the inspector found the problem and that it's fixed.


  1. Looks good my sweet Sally.I did not get a good report yesterday,but I am trying to keep my head up and trust in the Lord.Please tell everyone you know to keep me in thier prayers!You mean so much to me Sally.I am going to need you to help me keep going on the bad days!I do not know what kind of treatment i will be taking.I will know in a couple of days.We are going to our Summerville home so I can talk to my girls and spend time with thoes precious grands.Hope you have a blessed weekend! Love, Faye

  2. I just read Faye's comment. She's left me a comment in the past. I'll be sure to pop over and let her know I'm praying for her.

    Your home looks beautiful, Sally! The buyers are going to be very lucky!

  3. So glad it coud be taken care of.

    It looks absolutely beautiful there. I guess you are far enough south to have missed all of that mess in Orlando.

    The home you are leaving is beautiful too. Lucky new owners!

    Have a great day!

  4. What a neat looking house! Beautiful.

  5. Sally, your home is just breathtaking. Oh, is so pretty.

  6. Amen, Sally! With the rains we've been having, it's imperative!


    Sheila :-)

  7. It will definitely be appreciated by the new owners. Sounds like you guys are getting that rain now too.

  8. So glad you got that repaired. What a nice home.

  9. Home inspections are a good thing, even when you are not selling, sometimes stuff can go bad and youre not aware, the buyers are getting a great looking home, just beautiful!

  10. Sally,

    Those home inspectors can be quite helpful. Before we started work on a new patio at the lake, we had to have our home inspected in order to get a permit. Because our home sits on marshy ground, many, many things were found wrong. $30,000 later, we are safe and sound.


  11. That's great you got it fixed, Sally.

  12. I would not mind being the one that buys your house. I love it.

  13. my son found when he had his old house on the market, there was more repairs to do than you realize. How that that one is done you can move on to the next.

  14. Another job checked off! Move on to the next one. Doesn't if feel good when a task is completed? You're well on your way! "Hello Central Florida. Here we come!"

  15. Well if that's the only thing the inspectors found that needed fixing then you did pretty good. And the new home owners are lucky to be getting such a gorgeous house!

  16. To me, getting all these kinds of things done is one of the most frustrating parts of moving. Glad you were able to tick this one off the list and that the new owners will be dry and secure when the rains come!

  17. I think that it is wonderful that you are moving to Central Florida. I love the Tampa area, it is about an hour from us, but we visit on a regular basis. Congratulations on selling so quickly. You must be very excited. I hope the times goes by quickly so that before you know it, you will be cozy in your new home.

  18. Yay, one more item checked off the list! Your home is beautiful Sally. The new buyers are very lucky to have such a pretty new home. ☺ diane

  19. Your home is beautiful, and I love those big white fluffy clouds and blue skies*!!! Are you SURE you want to move*? Just kidding*! I'm sure where ever you go will be beautiful too. _Ashley~

  20. Sally, Good thing the bad places were found. I know things are moving fast for you,,packing, etc

    Have you found a place to rent while your house is being built?

  21. You have a beautiful home, Sally! No wonder you found a buyer so fast...Christine

  22. Beautiful home Sally. I like that syle of roof. It's very pretty.

  23. Selling and buying is really good at times I think.. It 'forces' us to do some of the things to our house--and get things the way we want them at the new home---which is good...

    I'm excited that you are building your home. You'll love all of the things you can do to personalize it. My son is a home-builder in Texas --so he would tell you to keep a CLOSE watch during the building and make sure that they do everything you want done. I'm sure you'll do that.

    P.S. Your home where you are now is GORGEOUS.. It's no wonder you sold it so quickly.

  24. Our house has this kind of roof. When we bought it I thought we'd never have any roofing problems. NOT!
    I didn't realize it was the black stuff under the tiles that kept the rain out and it deteriorates so fast in AZ.
    Happy Packing.


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