Monday, June 1, 2009

Blue Monday - Rose's Whimsical Back Porch

It's Blue Monday! To participate:

1. Post about something blue on your blog. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's blue. Leave a link to this blog on your post.

2. Place the Blue Monday button on the top of your post so that people can easily spot it. Place another Blue Monday button on the sidebar of your blog.

3. Mr. Linky will be up after midnight. Return here and link in with Mr. Linky by leaving your name and the Permalink to your post. To create a Permalink, click on your Blue Monday post title and copy all the stuff in the http window. It is a longer address so that people can find your post even later in the week--whenever they get a chance to visit.

4. Leave me a comment. I promise that I will visit you and leave you a commet. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links. Make someone's day; leave a comment. Comments always make my day!


Last Saturday I posted about my friend, Rose, and her whimsical screened-in back porch. Today I want to show some more of that fun place to visit.  Here's a corner of Blue ceramics. Even the display rack is painted Blue.

The decorator made a spot for my friend's husband. Bob's overstuffed chair is just out of the camera range. He sits there and reads the newspaper every day. Notice the Blue cabinet.

Here's a table and chair set with several colors represented. How many Blues can you spot?

The lady who painted the pieces in this room is a decorator who said she always wanted to do something like this. The lace on the table top is painted! Look at the precise details!

Here's the base of that table. Notice the Blue chairs. See that bug on the bottom?

Here's a close-up of the lady bug.

I sure enjoyed sharing Rose's play land porch with you. I've saved a bit more for next Pink Saturday and next Blue Monday. Meanwhile, here's a picture of my friend Rose and her husband, Bob. Please note that Bob is wearing a Blue shirt!

I'm linking in with Rhondi today to celebrate the porch. Check it out.

Happy Blue Monday! Please remember to leave me a comment.

I have THREE books listed for giveaways! Check out that sidebar!

Blue Monday Participants
1. Lana G!
2. ellen b
3. Knitty
4. Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer
5. Claudie @ Bubblin' Over
6. pam
7. Carrie - Oak Rise Cottage
8. The Bliss Journey
9. Sheila
10. Libby TwirlandTaste
11. Mojo, NC, USA
12. Mary @ One Perfect Bite
13. Debbie~Delightfully Wed
14. Charlotte
15. Barb~Bella Vista
16. Chandy
17. Fifi Flowers
18. Kady@Life on the Edge
19. Iris
20. Robyn
21. Sharing with Sherri
22. Barbara Jean
23. RobinfromCA
24. Maria Berg, Sweden
25. Gie
26. Ivory Spring
27. Beverly
28. Heidi Pocketbook
29. NatureFootstep Swe
30. hip chick
31. Gemma
32. Tam @ The Gypsy's Corner
33. Barbara, The Purple Goat Lady
34. Yira-early morning peace
35. QueenB- The Queenz Blahg
36. Marjorie...Molly
37. Christine (xinex)
38. Elizabeth
39. Tink *~*~*
40. Marty Mason
41. Candy
42. Judi
43. Christi at A Southern Life
44. Joyce
45. Carrie @ Being Domestic
46. Jeanne
47. Shirls Rose Cottage
48. Tesoro Fino ~ Fine Treasures
49. Rhondi
50. Becky K.
51. Linnea
52. Helen
53. Amanda Guthrie ( Calif, USA)
54. Sherrie
55. charli and me
56. Florida Sue
57. Barbara Jean
58. Mary @Boogieboard Cottage
59. ButterYum
60. Sandra
61. Terry
62. Cindy
63. Ashley ~
64. angie @ Annies Home
65. Baba,s babies are special
66. Aussie Nikki
67. Itajeff

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. What a great porch! All the details are just fabulous! Happy Blue Monday and June to you Sally!

  2. Oh Rose's porch is so fabulous. I love all the details and that lace table top is amazing! It would be fun to sit in this room and sip morning coffee!!

  3. Oh, I love it all! The colors and designs remind me of Debbie Mumm and Mary Englebreit in happiness value with a bit of Mrs Potts and Chip from Beauty and the Beast thrown in. :)

  4. Oh Sally I love the table. You have given me more idea for the base of my blue table. Out comes the paint tomorrow unless the sun shows it's pretty face around here. It's been so cold and wet.
    Happy Packing and Happy Blue Monday Sally.
    Love Claudie

  5. What a fun collection of blues...I love the tea set and the base of that fun. Happy Monday!

  6. A great should link up with Rhondi's Porch party...
    Your friends look so sweet...
    xo bj

  7. I love Rose's things, Sally! They are so whimsical and fun! And the colors are so cheerful! Thanks for sharing (thank Rose, too) and for hosting Blue Monday!


    Sheila :-)

  8. This is beautiful Sally! I LOVE Rose's style!!! Now I can hardly wait for the next PS & BM events! ☺♥☺ Diane

  9. Happy Blue Monday and First Day of June to you Sally. I hope that this month will be filled with fun and fabulous days for you.
    Happy Twirls

  10. Looks like someone's as big a fan of blue as you are!

  11. Sally, I loved your pictures especially the one of Bob's Corner. I suspect, given his lovely smile, that there is little time to be spent there. Have a wonderful day - happy Blue Monday.

  12. Love Rose's porch and the beautiful ceramics. Happy Blue Monday! ~Debbie

  13. How nice for you to share your friends and their lovely play porch with us. Will look forward to Pink Saturday and next Blue Monday.
    Happy Blue Monday,

  14. Hi Sally, oh, I just love it all. So cute!!!

    Happy Blue Monday.


  15. That table is ADORABLE... Happy Blue Monday!

  16. Everything is just beautiful. It is easy to see that your friend has the wonderful knack of knowing how to make things gorgeous. I love the painted table top.


  17. Cute table & porch! Thanks for sharing this with us today! It's inspirational! ~ Robyn

  18. Hi Sally,

    Great blue's! Love the polka dot teapot and pitcher!!


  19. Love all that blue.
    Maybe i should keep mine after all.
    Let's see, which room can i re-do to have a blue corner? =))

    Blessings and thanks for hosting each week.

    Barbara Jean

  20. Those are really pretty blues.
    Happy Blue Monday.

  21. WOW that lace tablecloth is amazing and how intricate and delicate looking it is too! and I love the ladybird :) take care, Judith

  22. What a cute porch with all the different blue accents. Have a great Monday.

  23. Happy Blue Monday, Sally.

    I am so enjoying your friend's porch, and I look forward to seeing even more.

    I had to put in the main url for my blog. Mr. Linky wouldn't accept the post url today. He said it had too many characters.

  24. Love Rose's screen porch. I wish mine was even half as cute.

    Thanks for hosting and Happy Blue Monday.

  25. My favorite is the blue polka-dot tea set. How sweet is that.

  26. Love the powder blue shade of the ceramics!

    And that painted table is simply awesome!

  27. Sally, What a beautiful table, and my husband would love Bob's corner, please tell Rose how pretty I think everything is.

  28. That porch is fabulous! I LOVE all the whimsy. The little ladybug on the table bottom is just adorable. Hope you have a great Monday Sally!

  29. Love all the blues and whimsy. Very delightful!....Christine

  30. What a wonderful place to relax and visit. And no bugs!

  31. On the bottom rack, looks like you have some stuff with grapes on it. That's the theme in my own kitchen - grapes!

    Tink *~*~*
    A colorful and spicy display at EPCOT

  32. Love the job she did on the table. I have always wanted to do a project with lace and paint.

    Great Blues today,

  33. What a fun post, Sally, and a great collection of blues! I would never have guessed that table top was looks like a lacy tablecloth! Amazing!

  34. That is a great porch and I LOVE the table with the little lady bug. So cute!

  35. Love all her Blue... makes me want to screen my porch in... but I think it would just "trap" all that Texas dust... but a girl can dream can't she...

    I love that her hubby has his own little nook... Every man needs his own easy chair on the porch... I hope Ricky doesn't see this one! LOL

    have a happy-happy Blue Monday...
    hugs. Dixie

  36. Hello Sally, Happy Blue Monday and Porch Party day with Rhonda, your post is beautiful and perfect for both! What a sweet looking couple! Thankyou so much for sharing!
    Bless you, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  37. wonderful porch..great looking friends! Happy Blue Monday ~ Susan

  38. Rose's porch is delightful. Love the blue polka dots! And some of her things remind me of McKenzie Childs..
    Lovely post, Sally, have a great Blue Monday!

  39. Hi Sally
    I've linked up with you. Each Monday I think of doing this, but never in time! I love your friend's porch. I have the same yellow teapot as her.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  40. Sally, I love that table...over the top whimsy! I will be back to Blue Mondays next week...just can't seem to combine things.
    ♥, Susan

  41. Hello Sally! ohhh how I've missed you & all my blue friends! LOL, finally had to put thecomputer down & buy a new one, so much catching up to do lol, great post! loved it all!

  42. Sally, the blues look wonderful on that porch! The table painted to look like lace is outstanding!

    Happy Blue Monday to you!

  43. What a cute and delightful room! I love it!

  44. Oh Sally I am loving this cute is that table and charis..all the little details are great...thanks for sharing this...May you have a great day my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  45. I love the table and the painted base. I had to blow the picture up to see that the bug was "painted"!!! cute!

  46. That's a lot of work invested but well worth it! Those blue candle sticks are pretty cool and the painted table lace is a conversation piece to be sure!

  47. Hi Sally,
    Love your friends porch! It's beautiful! I have posted mine at my place, Sherrie's Stuff. Have a great day!!


  48. What a fun and whimcial porch! I love it and especially the table petestal. Happy Blue Monday Sally ♥

  49. Hi Sally, What a beautiful Blue Monday and Porch Party. I love the lace painted table. Your friend's porch is lovely and every detail is perfect. What a pretty spot to relax and enjoy.
    Enjoyed my visit to your lovely blog.
    Have a great week.
    Blessings, Celestina Marie

  50. Hi Sally, Great Blue Monday post. Your friends Rose and Bob DO have alot of blue in their home, don't they???? It's the lighter blue--which seems to match well with all other colors. NEAT!!!

    Thanks for sharing.

  51. I just love the porch and the table is so cute.


  52. Your friends have a lovely porch, and I may steal that painted-on-lace idea for a table for my own porch -- which right now is sadly nude. (Both table AND porch, lol.)

    Love your Blue Monday posts -- great idea, and one of these Mondays I will join in --lots of blue here at That Old House!
    Best ... Cass

  53. Happy Blue Monday Sally
    It was so nice to meet your neighbours...the neighbours with the lovely porch. No wonder you all enjoy sitting there...its so sweet.
    thank you for sharing

  54. Every Monday I think,"One of these days these blogging ladies are going to run out of BLUE." Guess not!

  55. Such a treat to see more of this space. I think the blue cabinet is painted the perfect shade of blue! Just lovely, everything!

  56. Hi! fantastic party! so I probably I´ll participate in next monday! I love blue color, and you have great blue party!It´s so cute!

    fantastic table, just lovely!

    you have fantastic blog!

    visit me anytime...

  57. Tell Rose she has some real treasures there on her porch, and thanks to her for sharing. Sally

  58. Happy Blue Monday
    Thank you Sally
    for hosting this wonderful
    Blue Monday.
    You have quite a treasure in your friend Rose.
    I love her playland .Fun place.
    There was so much to see .
    I have to go back and visit again .
    Have a blessed week .

  59. I signed up to be a part of Barbara's moving we come! LOL

    Hope you get moved without too many hassles. Know it is a chore - thinking of you and wishing you a quick settling-in in your new home. ~Debbie

  60. What a beautiful porch! Your items are always lovely.

  61. Wow that table is a work of art. At first I thought the top was one of those table cloths with elastic on the edge - handpainted lace - just amazing. Beautiful place!


  62. What a talented friend you have. It just looks so unique and lovely.

  63. Hi Sally
    I came back to reread and I don't know why I thought these friends were your neighbours. I guess somehow I thought you'd just slipped next door for dinner...but you had a bit of a drive.
    They look a lovely couple..

  64. Hi Sally :)

    What a beautiful porch Rose has! That table is adorable and the little lady bug is just too cute!! Please thank her for letting you share it with us :)


  65. Oh, what a wonderful porch! I just love all of those cleverly painted surfaces. I apparently missed where you posted about this porch last week, and I'm going to go back and look. Thanks for sharing this pretty porch. laurie

  66. Hi Sally, I love all of your blue items that you have shared with us.. Rose and Bob are a cute couple..

    My life has been busy with family and events!!
    Hugs, Baba

  67. Hi Sally, I'm new to Blue Monday and I've just put my first posting. I know I gonna have fun with all of you.
    I love all you blue stuffs, there are wonderful..

    Happy Blue Monday
    Lots of luv,

  68. What a fun porch! Thanks for sharing!!


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
