Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Many ask how I'm keeping up with blogging when life is so hectic. Organization is my answer. We no longer have a little cute dog (as pictured) nor children, so we have no other obligations. I spend time each day visiting those of you who have been kind enough to leave me a comment. I have not been going down my blogroll to each and every blog as I used to do. I do miss seeing so many of my blogging friends, but at least I don't miss everyone. I schedule posts in advance, so that on days when I know that it will be impossible, I am "all set." This way I don't have to "take a break."

With packing,  I do have Johnny to help. We are plugging away making sure that each day we've made some progress. We look at every item to decide if: 
  1. we should toss it into the trash,
  2. donate it to Salvation Army, or
  3. pack it into a box.

I number each box, fill it, and I write on a legal pad the box number along with its contents. In that way, we'll be able to tell when we get where we're going, which box(es) we want to open next.  For instance, if I want to find the afghan, I locate it on the legal pad beside box number 10, and I know that if I open box 10, I'll have my afghan!

We plan to rent a warehouse to store things we won't need until we have our new home finished. So we are separating boxes that will go into the warehouse from boxes going with us into the apartment. We still have to find an apartment to rent!


  1. I love your idea of numbering the boxes, Sally. I'm sure that saves a lot of time when you're unpacking and trying to find something in particular.

    It sounds like you have things under control. When is moving day?

  2. You are doing great! Yes, I have heard of numbering the boxes from my very organized sister-in-law. She has moved multiple times and can organize the worst chaos. I don't remember exactly how her numbering system works, but it was by zones in the house, so she could easily find something on her list and retrieve it with minimal effort.

  3. Well, I don't have a cute little dog or children, either, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't keep up with packing and blogging the way you're doing. It's really amazing! Hope everything keeps going well.

  4. It definitely sounds like you have everything under control! I know that any time we have moved I have purged a LOT of stuff! It has now been 15 years in one location....hmmmm maybe we need to move to get organized again...hahaha

  5. I need to learn from you, Sally, as we'll be moving next summer. I agree, the key to not losing your sanity through the whole process is ORGANIZATION. Sounds like you have it down to a science.

  6. You are a girl after my own heart. We're comrades in organization.

    I just can't imagine life any other way. Well, actually I can imagine it because I deal with unorganized people all of the time.

  7. Sally... I don't envy your having to pack up and move... but I do envy your organizational skills! When Ricky and I married over 5 years ago... I moved into his house... I've still got stuff in boxes... guess it's time to send them to a charity... if I haven't used it in 5-years... right? LOL

    So, when is moving day? Hope you find temporary accomodations... and soon! When do you expect your new home to be complete? You've got a lot going on girl... don't forget to stop and smell the roses...
    hugs & blessings. Dixie

  8. Hooray for organization! It would be a mess without it! Blessings to you as you start your new life.

  9. I have taken to making lists and numbering boxes for items that are stored right here at home, so I can appreciate the need to be organized for your move, especially with some items going to storage and some going with you to an apartment.

    I wish you good luck with finding a nice apartment for your temporary home. :)

  10. Great system Sally, I'll keep it in mind the next time I move, or even store items long term.

    I'm really glad to know this is a stress free move for you, as it should be.

    Arent the turtles amazing though? I figured the light would disorient them, esp those just making ther way out of the ocean.

  11. I love moving and the organization that it involves. It's a chance to get all of our belongings in order. Good luck. Sally

  12. Sounds like you are in very good shape for this move. I love, love, love the idea of being so organized. I always start out well...

  13. You are definitely on top of things!!

  14. That is a great idea...but I can just imagine it is a LOT of work.

    I am amazed at how you stay organized...that is really something. I need a good dose of that around here!!

    Wanted to say....missed you popping in....Your "smile" always is a bright spot!

  15. Sally, you really are organized and very smart!

  16. I'm so impressed & what a great idea. Maybe some of your organizational skills will rub off on me. ☺♥☺ Diane

  17. I do love being organized. No need to take me to jewelry stores, or high end clothing stores...just take me to a Bed Bath and Beyond, or Linens'N Things, and I'm a happy camper.

    Wishing you the best of luck on your move. I hope that you will be able to find just the right apartment, and that your move goes smoothly!

  18. Good job! We store things in the attic with this numbering system, works great!

    I enjoyed seeing your friend, Rose's pretty blue and pink things!


  19. Great job, Sally. You are very organized. I did the same thing --when I moved to TN from TX in 2000. I had bought a townhouse in TN--so I knew which room things needed to go.. I wrote exactly on the box where to put the boxes when the movers brought them in. I also had about 30 boxes of books to use at work. I had to make sure the movers put them on the truck last --so that they could go by my work and put the books there first --before coming to my townhouse.

    It takes alot of work--and I was able to give away so many things which I no longer needed or used.

    Good Luck!!!! I know what you are going through.

  20. Three cheers for you and Johnny for being organized and hard workers. Charlotte and I did it just the way you are doing it when we moved from California to Arizona. It was wonderful. The movers put the right boxes in the right rooms and we did the rest. Soldier on! We are praying for that apartment.

  21. Sally...oh my you are way too organized. I don't believe I could get that organized whew. Its a lot of work I think initially getting everything written down and organized but for sure at the other end of the move you are going to be in a good way.

    You don't want to lose track of things as you put them into storage...its different from going directly from one house to another.

    When we've moved from one place to another directly I write down the room it goes into...

    Happy packing...
    have a lovely day

  22. I'm sorry I misunderstood. Being a man, when I read: "I do have Johhny to help"..."We are plugging away..."we've made some progress..."We look at every item to decide.."..."we should toss it." I was thrilled with Ol Johnny and said to myself, "Good man. He's a fine specimen of a man." I guess that just doesn't include being organized.
    Is he still golfing every day? LOL

  23. Oh my Lord are you organized or what, You are my hero. I would be just popping stuff in a box and hope I find what I need. Just doing the bath room, had me totally confused...lol...I finally found my special shampoo today after going and buying more.
    Good luck and keep up the good work.

  24. Sally if you have a second please visit my blue post that I posted this week as I think it will make you smile:) We have moved 11 times so I have the packing thing down to a science by now:)

  25. Now I must call you the Most Smiling Organized One! I know that is the key! I have organization in my head and do well on some things and others...well... ;)
    Hope all the packing, sorting and tossing out is going well!
    I think of you often.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  26. Organization... that is yet I have to discipline myself LoL I don't know, sometimes I do and there are just times that i tend to lay some thing around too. :-)

    (ooohhhh I love your friends porch and thanks for sharing it with us. It's so playful.... full of whimsy from the colors and designs. I mean, look at her teapost - I especially love her yellow teapot. It's so pretty that it just made me smile :-). And the ladybug is a nice added touch too)


  27. It sounds like you have a handle on everything Sally. I think I would be a nervous wreck LOL I like to think I'm organized but some days I just give up. I like your system of keeping track of all of your things :>)


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