Saturday, June 6, 2009

Pink Saturday - Rose's Teacup Chandelier

Beverly at How Sweet the Sound hosts Pink Saturday. Pause at her Place to see Plenty of other Pretty Pink items that Precious Pink Participating People are Presenting for your Pleasure.

We've been gone for the past three days. We've found a place to rent with a six-month lease, got a Tampa telephone number, and rented a warehouse (because the apartment won't hold all of my stuff.) Whew! Now, back to packing.

Rose and I have been friends for over forty years. I've shared pictures from her screened-in porch located in Florida here and here. Today I have a few more. Take a look at the tea cup chandelier hanging in the center of the porch. (You can peek to see Bob's chair in the right lower corner.)

Rose puts candles inside each teacup at night for a special glow.

This teacup holds some FAUX tea. It sure looks real, doesn't it?

Isn't this a fun place to sit and visit? I have some more to share from Rose's porch this Blue Monday.

Happy Pink Saturday!

Take note on my sidebar of the books I am giving away.
If you're interested, click and enter!


  1. WOW! That sure looks like real tea to me....very cute ideas there!

    And you have been busy! But I'm sure now you feel better and more organized towards the move knowing what size place you will have and what to take or not take.

  2. Happy Pink Saturday,

    Love the tea cup chandelier. The tea and cup looks so real!

    Good luck with your move.

    Thank you for sharing!

  3. Acustomer of mine had a chandy made with the cups and saucrs along with the teapot. Kathy

  4. The tea cup chandelier is so wonderful, wish i can have one in my dining.

    Happy pink saturday
    Lots of luv,

  5. That is one cute chandelier! Oh the ambiance it must provide at night...

  6. Hi Sally,
    Happy Pink Saturday! That chandy is really sweet and the cuppa looks real! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.


  7. That is one of the cutest things I have ever seen. This room needs to be in a decorating magazine!

  8. That teacup chandelier would be so darling in a little girl' room! Congrats on your moving accomplishments!! Good luck!

  9. Sally, I'm back. I forgot to tell you there is an award waiting for you on yesterday's post. Drop by and pick it up.


  10. The chandelier is great!!

    Good luck moving!

  11. Oh yes I remember and I love her porch with all those teacups and colors that makes me think of a magical land :-) And she has more! You certainly saved the best for last with that chandelier.

    Happy PS!


  12. WOW, that was something else. I've never seen anything so amazing as that chandelier. Oh, almost forgot the preamble: Good morning, I'm stopping by to say hello, and Happy Pink Saturday. LOL

    It's been stormy and rainy here in Southwest Florida. I hope your day is full of sunny skies, warm temps and plenty of Pink!


  13. Your friends porch is really cute and this candelier is just the icing on the cake! Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Robyn

  14. Yay! Wonderful news on finding an apartment! Everything seems to be falling into place quickly. How much more packing do you have left?

    I love Rose's sunroom & wish I had a space to decorate like that. ☺♥☺ Diane

  15. Glad to hear the good news about the place to rent.

  16. Oh my! Sally, I LOVE this... I've got everything I need to make one of these.... thanks for the inspiration! Just Beautiful!!

    and so happy that you guys have found a place to call temporary home... it won't be long before your new place is ready and you'll be showing us all the photos of New HOME... hugs. Dixie

  17. What a pretty porch. How nice to have a friend with such a pretty place to visit. I really like the chandelier. I see you are moving but haven't looked at past post to find out the details. Hope all goes well.

    God Bless,

  18. Cute ideas with the faux tea and the tea cup chandelier. I'm glad you shared more of Rose's beautiful porch.

  19. Hi Sally...thanks for coming by. I love that candlelier and the fake that is unique! Have a great weekend.

  20. ♥´¨)
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ HAPPY PINK SATURDAY ♥

  21. I love that teacup chandelier. That's as beautiful as it gets. Happy Pink Saturday..and have a lovely week.

  22. Hi Sally
    Happy Pink Saturday to you sweetie .
    Wow love your friends place .
    The teacup chadelier is so creative.
    Tell Rose thanks for sharing her delightful home.
    What a blessing.
    So happy you were able to get so much done the past few days.
    Please know I am wishing you many
    happy thoughts.
    Have a blessed rest of the weekend.
    Happy Trails

  23. What a cute idea! Happy Pink Saturday!

  24. Glad you found a place to live. Would hate for you to have been out on the street. LOL
    Love these pictures, especially the teacup chandelier. I'll bet it is really pretty lit. That tea certainly does look real.
    Happy P.S.

  25. OMG!!! I want one like that!! maybe I will just have to make my own!

  26. The chandelier is so pretty. Is the "tea" in the teacup a jell candle?

  27. So glad you found a place, Sally..I know that makes you feel better.
    I love this beautiful tea cup chandy. Very pretty.
    Don't work too hard...
    xo bj

  28. You have been busy! I hope you take some time to put up your feet and rest my friend! Happy Pink Saturday ~ I hope you have a great weekend ~ Susan

  29. Sally, I'm glad you have such a creative friend in Rose. I have never in all of my life seen a Teacup Chandelier... Absolutely amazing!!!!!

    AND--it is perfect for Pink Saturday...

    How is the packing coming????


  30. I was just reading again the comment you left and I had to stop over and tell you how sorry I am about your sister's cancer. I will certainly add her to my pray list. I was also interested to learn about your bout with Ovarian Cancer, and thanking God that you are recovered and doing well*! I LOVE to hear that*! Hope you are having a great weekend*! _Ashley ~

  31. Hi Sally, I am glad to hear you have made progress for the move. You accomplished alot in three days. I am happy for you.

    Rose does have a lovely chandy. the tea cups are so pretty too. a fun pink offering today.


  32. Cute teacups! You're right, that last one does look real. You could play some serious tricks on people with that. Happy Pink and have a loveleigh weekend!

  33. If I were to re-write Alice in Wonderland, this would be her chandelier.

  34. What a great creative idea! Sounds like a fun place to visit!

    Enjoy your Sunday!


  35. You are going to miss Rose. It's a pretty good drive from Fort Lauderdale to Tampa. But, special friends are always worth the extra effort.

    Happy Pink Saturday, Sally.

  36. I have NEVER seen a chandelier like THIS... And I'm glad I finally have! This is BEAUTIFUL!.. As for the tea? You could have fooled me! I'd have blown on it a bit to see if it needed cooling, and then tried to take a sip! (0; Happy Pink Saturday, Sally, and hope you have a wonderful week!

  37. hi, i am still making my rounds to wish you a happy pink saturday!!! Your blog is beautiful.

  38. Hello, I wanted to drop by and wish you a Happy PINK week. :0)
    I love the teacup chandelier!


  39. Your friend has such a flare for decorating. Her things are just beautiful!

  40. ADORABLE! Cute as can be! Love her porch SO much, and that chandy is the bee's knees along with that cup and saucer with the faux liquid.


    Sheila :-)

  41. wow.. faux tea? i thought only cuppies and biscuits come in faux shape.. hehehehe.. anyway.. I love the chandelier! super cute!

    have a great week. I am late for my PS round


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