Friday, June 5, 2009

Daddy and the Bisque Baby

Kelli from Kelli's House hosts Show and Tell Friday. If you have something special to share, this is the place to show it. It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Go to her place to join in the fun!

My father adored my daughter--his first grandchild--to the point of allowing her anything her heart desired. One day, when Debi was about one year old, my mom and I went shopping and left Debi with Papa. When we came home, she was on the floor playing with this: Mama's prized bisque baby.

Mama made a squawking sound and snatched it up! "Vince! Why did you give her this?" she demanded as she replaced the precious baby back into the china cabinet for safe keeping. 

Daddy replied, "She wanted it, and I was sitting here, watching her play with it. She didn't hurt a thing!"

By now, Debi began to voice her objection to having "her" baby taken out of reach. Mama thought fast and explained that it was breakable, and that she would keep it safe, JUST for Debi. "One day, when you're a BIG girl, I'll give it to you. It'll be yours." That placated my child and time passed.

Each time we visited Nana, Debi would point and announce, "MY baby!" All would nod and agree with her. Mama turned it over to me when Deb was in college. I've had it for years.

Now, I've carefully packed it up for our move. Since Debi is grown with four children of her own, I probably should turn it over to her when I unwrap it. Think it's time? I know what Daddy would say! "Let her have it!"

Take note on my sidebar of the books I am giving away.
If you're interested, click and enter!


  1. Yeah, it's time. Wrap it exquisitely fancy, and mail it to her. It would be a wonderful surprise for her with many memories.

  2. She is going to be soooo happy!!!

  3. Oh, you Sneaky Sally, give the baby to your sister! LOL I'd put a little sign around her neck and say "Yours!".
    Mother has some similar to this but thei lightly painted and she calls them "piano babies".
    Hope the packing is still going well most organized one!
    be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  4. Great story Sally and yes I think it is time to hand it over.

    Good luck finding a temporary place to live. Talk to you soon.


  5. Sally, I think it's time. As long as she has a china cabinet to protect it, it's time. LOL!

    What a sweet story. Loved reading it.


    Sheila :-)

  6. As I was reading, I started thinking... "I wonder why Sally has this and not Deb..." I think your dad is channeling through me... give that baby back to it's mama...

    sweet post Sally... as always, you find the "common" in all of us and make us feel like we're a part of your story...

    blessings. Dixie

  7. Smile.

    I think we all know that its time.


  8. Yep, I think it's time! What a fun memory!

    btw, got my book yesterday, Thanks!!!

  9. What a delightful story. Thank you for sharing with us.


  10. Thank you for sharing. It's always interesting to see the little treasures that are a part of other peoples lives.

  11. tq for sharing such a great and wonderful story. Love it.

    Have a nice day
    Lots of luv,

  12. Such a touching story. Yes, I think it's time to pass it on...she'll be so thrilled!

  13. Well, I'd say it is past time to give it to her. ...but I know it's probably hard to part with, just suck it up and do dad will be proud of you, finally completing his wishes.

  14. Sally,

    This is such a sweet story!! Leave it to a man to come up with a valuable piece of bisque to give a baby to play with!! And then Mom has to be the "bad guy" to take it away!!! ;-)

    I think Debi will be pleasantly surprised to have the "baby". And it will be even more special to her knowing that you kept it safe and sound all these years for her!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Sally!


  15. What a sweet, sweet story!! Kudos to your mom for thinking of a way to deal with the situation while preserving everyone's feelings.

  16. What a neat story, yeah I think it might be time to give her her baby. I can't wait to post on Blue Monday - I don't have a lot of blue - but I love what I have. I am a fairly new blogger who is diving right in - I am hosting Flashback Friday - I hope you'll visit.

  17. Yes, I agree, it's time for Deb to have "her" baby! One less thing for you to have to find a spot for too. lol

  18. That's one thing I love about moving, Sally. You get out things that have long been put away---and it brings back so many great memories. Hope your daughter and her daughters take as good care of that precious baby as your Mom and you have done.


  19. Yep, I think it is time for her to finally have "her" baby! It is precious and I know those are quite collectible now.

  20. Hi Sally, what a sweet story. I have a son that was my father's favorite too and I have a few things that I just haven't been ready to hand over yet! They still bring sweet memories of my Dad....When you are ready to give it up, its time!

  21. Hi Sally, what a sweet story. I have a son that was my father's favorite too and I have a few things that I just haven't been ready to hand over yet! They still bring sweet memories of my Dad....When you are ready to give it up, its time!

  22. Love the story with the doll! Yes it time, I need to hand over a tea set Hoping it will be around for my granddaughter!

  23. I think it is time. What a wonderful thing to pass onto her and then to one of her children or grandchildren. Such a cute story to go with it also.

  24. must be time. And she's going to be so glad it is!

  25. Hi Sally...

    What a beautiful bisque baby!!! I can certainly see why your mama prized it so! Well my friend, this is such an endearing many sweet memories...yes, I think the time has come!

    Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!

  26. Yep, you need to send her! I bet she'll have a tear in her eye when she unwraps her too. ☺♥☺ Diane

  27. This is such a wonderful story. It never ceases to amaze me how when a man becomes a grand (especially to a little girl), he is immediately doing anything and everything in his power to please that precious baby! I loved your story. laurie

  28. Cute story, Sally. Leave it to those Grampa's to do the spoiling, and the Gramma's to have to take the flack. Like some of the other's said That was quick thinking on your Mom's part. ~ Robyn

  29. Hi Sally,
    Love your story! I say give it to her! Hope all is well with you!
    :) Diane

  30. What a pretty piano baby and a great story! I think she can have it now....Christine

  31. Wont she be pleased when she gets it!All those beautiful childhood memories of her granpa will spring back!!Isn't it?

    ♥ chaitra

  32. What a wonderful story and memory of your dad ♥ I love the way men just melt when they get a grandchild.


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