Thursday, June 4, 2009

Search and Smile

We had to pause in our packing to search for a place to live after June 18th--that's the magic day we close on this house. (Notice, I'm calling it "house" instead of "home." That's to help me emotionally get ready to leave. I consider the buyers to be blessed people.

The last time we sold a house to have this one built, we rented an apartment. It was so easy. We simple went a few blocks away and did it! Our former house is only two miles from this present house.

This time, we're moving over four hours away. Now, we must go OUT OF TOWN to search for an apartment. Not so easy. To further complicate things, we only need to rent for four to five months, and everybody wants us to sign a 12-month lease. However, with God's help, I have full confidence that we'll keep smiling.

This makes me think of the song:

"When You're Smiling,
When you're smiling,
The whole world smiles with you."

☺ ☺ ☺

Do you realize in about 40 years we'll have millions of old ladies running around with tattoos? (And rap music will be the Golden Oldies!)

☺ ☺ ☺

I am giving away three books.
If you're interested, click on a book cover and you will be taken to my book blog to enter!


  1. praying for the right place to move into! moving can be hard, but such an exciting time too!!! looking forward to pictures of your future home!

  2. Oh, I am wishing you the best in finding the PERFECT apartment with a month to month lease!! Good luck!♥

  3. I hope you find the perfect place....I know that must be a challenge and trying to pack to move too. Good Luck Sally...I hope the perfect place turns up for you.

  4. Hoping and praying you find just the right place to call HOME!

  5. Good luck finding a place, Sally. It shouldn't be hard in the Tampa Bay area cause there are a lot of vacant places. If you really cannot find a place without signing a lease, let me know, you can stay in my house but it's an hr. away north of Tampa and still needs to be cleaned since my daughter just bought a house and moved out....Christine

  6. Good luck finding a place, Sally. It shouldn't be hard in the Tampa Bay area cause there are a lot of vacant places. If you really cannot find a place without signing a lease, let me know, you can stay in my house but it's an hr. away north of Tampa and still needs to be cleaned since my daughter just bought a house and moved out....Christine

  7. I wish you a very good luck in finding a nice place called home. Hope everything will be easier for you.

    Have a nice day
    Lots of luv,

  8. Our son lived in Tampa before moving back to Orlando to get married. Let me know if you need some guidance looking for an apartment. It shouldn't be TOO bad as many empty places there are in Tampa right now. Tampa has some very pretty areas and some very NOT pretty areas, as in all big cities. I'll be praying for you as you progress through this.

  9. Sally Dawlin'... why don't you call an Apartment Locater in the area that you're moving to... tell them what you want... and they'll find a place for you... My daughter uses one every time she moves... they cost you nothing and they know all of the deals in the area... just food for thought my dear!

  10. Yes, keep on smiling! I'm not gonna think about this because in another six or seven months, I may be in a similar situation and I'm really dreading it. I am, however, thinking about getting a tattoo. I won't be here in 40 years, and I'm already an old lady, so I have to work fast!

  11. I'm sure you will find a suitable place, but I know it can be frustrating. We lived in motels for a month back in the 60s when we moved from El Monte to West Covina. The church was building a new house for us to move into and it was supposed to be finished a couple of months sooner than it actually was. The kids were ages 4 and 2 and they thought it was an adventure.
    About the tattoos, I guess I am really getting old. I think they are ridiculous!

  12. Sally I have all confidence that you'll find a great apartment for the term you need!

    Keep us posted!

  13. Sally, I hope and pray it all works out for you. Surely there is someone who would lease their place who is going off for the summer into the fall. Lots of people go north for the summer. Regardless, I will pray that all works out.


    Sheila :-)

  14. Keep smiling, looking and praying. We are also praying for you.

  15. You poor thing, I feel for you. I love the moving in part, but all that comes before it I could do without. Hang in there?

  16. Hang in there, Sally. I know this will be a tough move. You have a whole bunch of us thinking goods thoughts & praying for you.
    Have you checked on Craigs list for rentals or vacation homes? If all else fails, what about Residence Inn or that type of place?
    ☺♥☺ Diane

  17. Praying for a quick and easy apartment hunt!

    Oh - and I shudder to think...old tatoo's and rap music eeeeeeeewwwww.

  18. Trusting God will lead you to just the right place.

  19. I think about the tatoos whenever I see a young girl with them all up her arm or leg.

  20. It's been so long since I rented, till, I'd hate to give it a try again. Good luck.

  21. Praying God will lead you to a great place, Sally. The way things are now, it may not be too hard to find a place. Cute dog and smiling song ~

  22. Keep smiling*! We're all smiling with you*!!! _Ashley ~

  23. Hi Sally, we have been in your shoes. I am wishing you the best in all of the problems of moving. I hope you find a place you will be happy to stay in for awhile. Where are you moving in Central Fl.? I love your snapdragon post.

    I too think the people who will live in your 'house' will be blessed. My prayers are there for you in all this change. I am certain you will be happy after all is said and done.

    Hugs and best wishes...Jeanne

  24. Although stressful, it sounds exciting. I hope you find an apartment that will rent from month to month.

    I laughed and laughed at your snapdragon post.
    It is a funny sight to close your eyes and see a bunch of old ladies with tatoos running around rapping to their music. Someday I guess. I wish I would be around to see it. Not much chance, I will be 70 soon.

  25. Sally
    Good luck finding your apartment... Its a little more difficult for you this time but I know it will all come together for you...and it'll be so very worth it.
    I like what you wrote about the 40 years from...*l*..oh dear.
    have a good evening

  26. Hi Sally, I hope you can find an apartment to rent for the number of months you need before moving into the new home. I'm sure you will!!!!!!

    Good Luck---I'm sure you have lots of emotions right now with all of these changes in your life. God be with you, Sally.

  27. I'm snickering, just trying to visualize tats and rap in the "old folks home" ... UGH!!!
    I called the Tampa Metro "home" for nearly 20 years ... tho' most of it was spent from Clearwater north to Tarpon Springs. If you're looking 'round that side of the bay and would like any insights, please just holler!

  28. Hi, Sweet Sally...I've missed coming by for the last few days. Been sick and haven't spent a lot of time on the computer.
    Bless your heart...I know this is hard for ya'll...moving and not knowing where to look for a place to live..I am praying for you to find just what you need for just how long you need it. I know you must be very excited about getting another new house. Think of this...I am 72 and have NEVER lived in a new house. My goodness...I am deprived!! Oh, dear!! Hahaaa...I am just thankful to have A house to live in !! :O)
    xo bj

  29. Hi Sal, I hope you find just the right place to hang you hat until that pretty new home of yours is ready to move into!
    Hugs, Bridget

  30. I hope you find the perfect place! remember..home is where your heart is...and it will all work out in the end...
    I am prayin!!!

  31. A scary and exciting endeavor. I remember having the same thing happen...we sold our old house way before the new one was complete. Trying to find a place with a short term lease was tough. I hope you guys have MUCH LUCK And find the perfect place.

  32. Good luck with the search. We just sold our house, moved 16 hours, and are renting while waiting for the new house.

  33. Hope you find something suitable very soon, Sally☺

  34. I love your comment about the tatoos LOL So many people don't look to the future. I know you find the perfect place to live while your beautiful new home is being built.

  35. Dear Sally,

    This is my first posting for Blue Monday. Thanks for being a great host to this great event.


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