Monday, July 6, 2009

Blue Monday - Baseball with Grandkids

It's Blue Monday! To participate:

1. Post about something blue on your blog. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's blue. Leave a link to this blog on your post.

2. Place the Blue Monday button on the top of your post so that people can easily spot it. Place another Blue Monday button on the sidebar of your blog.

3. Mr. Linky will be up after midnight. Return here and link in with Mr. Linky by leaving your name and the Permalink to your post. To create a Permalink, click on your Blue Monday post title and copy all the stuff in the http window. It is a longer address so that people can find your post even later in the week--whenever they get a chance to visit.

4. Leave me a comment. I promise that I will visit you and leave you a commet. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links. Make someone's day; leave a comment.


Johnny invited Pierce, our ten-year-old grandson to see a baseball game between the Florida Marlins (Johnny's team) and the Tampa Bay Rays (Pierce's team). Pierce's mom, our daughter, dropped him off that Friday before lunch. We spent the day together shopping for a gorgeous Tampa Bay Rays shirt that Pierce is seen wearing, and then they went to the ballpark.

He didn't have a Rays hat, but he did have a Marlins hat, which he wore at first. Pierce spent the night, and we drove him back home the following morning. What a treat to live close enough for a time like this!

Johnny invited our son and any of his who were interested to go along. Brittany, Jenna, and a visiting friend jumped at the chance. Our son's father-in-law was also visiting, and he came along. That made a total of seven. A van was borrowed, and all rode together to the stadium.

Here's a picture of Brittany (in Pierce's hat) with her father.

Both teams have blue in their uniforms.

The best blue was the blue cotton candy that Brittany shared with Jenna.

These granddaughters also have blue eyes. Pierce's team, the Rays won the game. A good time was had by all.

Blue Monday Participants
1. Kathy b
2. Charlotte
3. Itajeff @Something To Share
4. Tina @ Enchanted Rose Studio
5. m- tales from an oc cottage
6. Carrie - Oak Rise Cottage
7. Robyn
8. Tammy518
9. Mary@One Perfect Bite
10. D
11. Shari @ My Cottage of Bliss
12. RobinfromCA
13. Fifi Flowers
14. Barbara Jean
15. gee
16. Gemma, Australia
17. lavoice
18. Ninnu, Finland
19. NicoleB Hungary
20. Oma Nijn's Country Huis
21. Linnea
22. Barbara@Purple Goat Lady
23. Becky K.
24. Janie at Southern Lagniappe
25. Melissa
26. Sandi
27. Candy
28. bj
29. Tink *~*~*
30. Puna
31. Shirls Rose Cottage
32. Marsha
33. Shirley Corwin
34. Jeanne
35. Susan
36. Christi @ A Southern Life
37. Maria Berg, Sweden
38. Dawn
39. KayC
40. Carrie @ Being Domestic
41. Susan M Hickam
42. Ivory Spring
43. ellen b
44. Cindy @ Applestone
45. Geri@hearnsoulcooking
46. charli and me
47. The Explorer, Philippines
48. The Stylish House
49. Beverly
50. NatureFootstep Photo Sweden
51. Annies Home -
52. Annie
53. Terry
54. icandy
55. Yira
56. Brittany
57. Rita aka Cashjocky Mo USA
58. Chandy
59. Maria's Space
60. Amanda Calif,USA
61. Bry at Trying to Reason

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. Lots of nice blues in these pictures. And what beautiful blue eyes. I'm a little partial to blue eyes since our family (hubby, me and both kids) have blue eyes.
    Happy Blue Monday.

  2. Hi Sally..
    I love all the blues in those pictures..they are so lovely.
    Happy Blue Monday
    Lots of luv,

  3. Do they ever have blue eyes!

    m ^..^

  4. Thanks for hosting this fun blog party, Sally! Love you creative post! Everyone looked like they had a really good time at the Ballpark. Love the blue cotton candy!

    We had season tickets to the Rays their inaugural year at Tropiciana Field. My son was "dancing boy" for the Rays. He had so much fun and the team was really sweet to him.


  5. Sally, You have lots of fun blues today! I bet Pierce was gloating on the way home about that one! You have some awfully cute grandkids there - with the prettiest of blue eyes! ~ Robyn

  6. Sally you have to fix my first Mr. Linky sign in - it takes me back to last weeks post - sorry about that. ~ Robyn

  7. It looks like the gang had a really great time at the game. I loved the blues you picked to share with us. Blue cotton candy always stuns me, no matter how often I see it:-). Thank you Sally for sponsoring this event. We appreciate the time and effort you spend to make it possible.

  8. Dear sally,

    I have always love the cotton candy but you've got yours in blue. Thats superb.

  9. Fun pictures!! I just ate blue cotton candy at a SF Giant's ballgame on Friday night!

    I'm having a giveaway over at my place so check it out!!

    Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts

  10. Yay! The Tampa Bay Rays are from my hometown (although I don't really follow baseball too closely).

    Thanks for the opportunity to participate in Blue Monday, Sally. I'm fairly new to blogging so this is my first Blue Monday post. :)

  11. Sally,
    blue cotton candy.
    I can't even member the last time i had Cotton Candy, and always ordered pink when i did.!!!
    Looks like so much fun.

    thanks fro hosting.

    blessings and happy blue Monday.
    Barbara jean

  12. Lots of sporty blues there and loved the storyline behind the blues!

  13. Nothing more precious than a grandchild or great grand ones. No matter their age. Lovely eyes on a lovely family.

  14. Nice and happy pictures!
    Have a nice week!

  15. What a great time!
    That looks like a bunch of fun.
    And boy, those girls have some gorgeous blue eyes!

  16. How fun to be near your grandkids for things like this!! We have driven by the stadium in Tampa when traveling to and from the airport there. Last time was in 2007. We need to get there again to see my son and his family who are in Fort Myers.

  17. Good Morning Sally,
    Wow! The girls' eyes are so blue.
    They look like they are having so much fun!!!

    Great post.

  18. Sally, I know you love being so close to your grandchildren now. What fun memories you're making.

    I love all the blues you shared today ... especially your granddaughters' pretty blue eyes!

    Have a Happy Blue Monday!

  19. Sally what fun! I bet you love having them so close. Pierce looks like he is having a great time and those are blue eyes on the girls.
    Happy Blue Monday!

  20. Hi Sally
    What a great Blue Monday post. How wonderful to be living so close is all I can say...I'm so happy for you and Johnny. These are such special years to be spent with your grandchildren and your own children...and you are so fortunate to be living close to them.
    What a great treat for Pierce!
    have a lovely week...see you Wednesday.

  21. Beautiful blue eyes! Wonderful memories! My three sons all have blue eyes too. Thanks for sharing and have yourself a fabulous blue Monday.


  22. Take me out to the ball game...
    What a fun time for sure and great finish with that last photo of those blue-eyed cuties.

    Blue Blessings,

  23. I can't help but be reminded of that old song that used to play on the USAF recruiting ads on TV that started "They took the blue from the skies and a pretty girl's eyes and a touch of Old Glory's hue..."

    I'm partial to the Rays' shade of blue over the Marlins, but I guess that ... aqua? is sort of a South FL staple, huh? The Dolphins use it too. I'm surprised the Panthers didn't.

    Oh, and I've also got a big blue button in a different post today. A really important one.
    If You Were Waiting For The Last Minute, It's Here. Most Inspiring Blog Award Voting Closes Today

  24. That cotton candy is cracking me up - I bet their lips are a lovely shade of blue when they are done! :D

    Tink *~*~*
    A little bit of Provence in Walt Disney World

  25. Hi Sally, did you change your background? I like it!

  26. Hello Sally, Happy Blue Monday! Great post, your grandchildren are beautiful. Looks like a fun day. That blue cotton candy looks yummy!
    Bless you, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  27. Good morning Sally, Back home and now grnd kids week. Whew, I am tired but loving every minute.

    Your post is so cute. How fun to be closer to your family. the move was so worth all the work. Your grands are darling and so attractive. Blue eyes and smiling faces. The best part is having so much fun together.


  28. Awesome choice for a Blue Monday- I especially love the Cotton Candy and those gorgeous blue eyes!

  29. Oh, Sally, I am so glad you are close to family now and can enjoy times like this. I am blessed to be close to all my family and so thankful when someone else can be by loved ones, too.
    You have a beautiful family.
    Love, bj

  30. How fun to have so many join you in going to the game. It looks like blue fit right in with both teams. I, on the other hand, prefer the Red of the Boston Red Sox!!

    take care,

  31. Sounds like a great time was had by all! Love the blue eyes and cotton candy shot. Thanks for hosting Sally. Sweetpea Sue

  32. Fun times Sally! Love these baseball shots. We're going to a Mariners game tonight with our niece...
    Have a great week!

  33. Sally
    Good eye! No wonder you can edit books...its cranberries. I corrected my recipe. Don't know where the cherries came from.
    p.s. Marc is back to Miami on business for 2 days this week...guess he'll never get to come by for coffee now..*lol*..

  34. I love the cotton candy and the lovely pics of your family! Thanks for being our hostess! Cindy

  35. Hi Sally, what a fun family time. That blue cotton candy is really something, isn't it?

  36. Sally, I'm so glad you are close to your family. That is wonderful, and I know you are going to really enjoy it!


    Sheila :-)

  37. What fun, for the family to go to a ballgame! We are going to take Lexi to one of the minor league games in Oklahoma City within the next few weeks. She is excited!

  38. Baseball is such a perfect summertime outing for families. I'm so glad that you are living closer to these special people and can do things like this more often.

    Kathy b

  39. What fun Sally! I know how happy you must be being able to do things like this with your grandchildren ♥ It looks like everyone had quite a day. That blue candy cotton looks so good. Your grandchildren are very nice looking :>) Happy Blue Monday!

  40. So much fun here. Wonderful post.
    Have a great week Sally.

  41. It's nothing like being close to your family to share the good times. I know you will never regret making this moving. What Pretty Grands you have.

  42. Happy Blue Monday, Sally. You've sure got some special blues today.

    My grandson is ten years old, too. They are great little guys, aren't they?!

  43. Hi Sally,
    What a great way to enjoy a summer afternoon! I love baseball and go as often as possible. (Tigers fan!)
    Happy Blue Monday!

  44. Hi Sally, your team are welcome to play at my place :)

  45. so cool have to say my boys love their baseball as well

  46. Hi Sally, I know you and Johnny are thrilled to live close enough now to the kids and grands --so that you all can do things with and for them.

    Graet Monday post.

  47. great pics this week!!

    do you know that I don't like cotton candy? weird, I know!

    btw, I just received my book. thanks so much for hosting such great giveaways!!!

  48. so happy to find you. Love the BLUE cotton candy. Cool, literally. I've entered my first post as well.

  49. Howdy Sally
    Thank you for hosting Blue Monday !
    Wow these were awesome family photos.
    What a great time .
    That blue cooton candy looked really sweet in the photos.
    Blessings of joy to you all as you continue to enjoy your new location.
    Have a fabulous week.
    Happy Trails

  50. Hello and Happy Blue Monday!!!! Thanks very much for linking and sharing!!!

    Christina! :)

  51. A blue rivalry with cotton candy. Looks like everyone had a great time!


  52. Great pictures. Great story. I wish I could have been there.

  53. Hi Sally, I'm posted at #52 on the list.

  54. The best blue were those gorgeous blue eyes!! Sally

  55. The girls have the prettiest blue eyes! Loved the pictures of your family outing. It's wonderful to be so close now. ☺ Diane

  56. What a cool blue day for you and yours!

    Sally, I waited until about 1 am to link up but then I forgot until now. LOL Better late than never right? ;-)

  57. Oh Sally I am so happy to see you get to see the grand babies all the time now...your grand daughter have beautiful BLUE eyes...Hope you have a great day my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  58. Yummy, blue cotton candy. How perfect.

  59. What a fun day! Man, that cotton candy looked good! Love the smiles and those seriously blue eyes. :-) Happy Blue Monday! Susan

  60. I love most Florida teams and this Rays logo is sweet! Cute post even the cotton candy was Blue!

  61. Great photo! Stop by and visit.

  62. Great lookin' greandkids. Looks like a great day! laurie


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