Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Buffalos Abound!

Susan at A Southern Daydreamer is the hostess for Outdoor Wednesday. Participants post pictures of anything that they might find outdoors. Come join us.

Everyone is different so we expect to see different things decorating our homes. But would someone please explain to me why would anyone would decorate with a buffalo?

Yep, this cutie and another just like him were standing guard alongside a stone wall that surrounded someone's rather elaborate home.

Go figure.


  1. Hmmm that sure is an interesting choice of for decoration Sally. Do you think they are originally from Buffalo NY and want to be reminded of their roots?

  2. Sally. I know where you can find another just like him, the town down the road from me is Buffalo and the football team are the Buffalos, so naturally right in the middle of town(?) there is a large buffalo just like yours.

    Just in case you wanted this bit of information...heheh.


  3. Hi Sally
    Now isn't that interesting? hmmmmm... I wonder too why they would decorate with one of those...he is a nice specimen though.
    thank you for sharing

  4. I've seen lions, dragons and even fish, but never a buffalo before!

  5. He looks a bit scary!


    PS: You have an award at arise 2 write

  6. Interesting. I sure wouldn't want it in my yard, now if it was a cat...

  7. wow.......not sure what to say about that! maybe they grew up in Montana?

  8. Wow how different is that? Beautiful though... Maybe they are a graduate of Colorado or from Custer, SD. ☺☺☺

    Have a great day!

  9. It certainly makes giving directions to your house easier than saying "sixth house from the corner". Beyond that, I haven't a clue. :)

  10. I ofetne wonder who puts these humongous fake animals in their garden. A garden shop near us sells pigs, horses and whatever that are bigger than us for the garden. Where do you put them?...Christine

  11. Hmm...definitely different! Maybe they wanted a change from the usual lions at entrances. I imagine these were expensive.

  12. Yes, I think a huge buffalo is exageratedly funny XD
    You made me laugh once again, thanks.
    I love your witty posts.
    Hugs from Chile,

  13. May be the owners are feeling bullish?! :)

  14. I have to admit that's about the strangest thing I've ever seen at the front of someone's house. I'd probably have to think long and hard before I knocked on THEIR door!

  15. Hummm what ever floats their boat.
    It is kind of cute. I do love pictures of Buffaloes in their natural habitat out west.

  16. Thank you for visiting my blog today and leaving me a lovely comment. I have enjoyed visiting your blog. The buffalo looks very interesting. I presume it means something to the house owners. I grew up near a house which had two stone lions standing guard outside. The owners were very upset one day when someone drew glasses on the lions in black marker pen!

  17. Now that's a lot of bull or shall I say bison. I am still cracking up from the redneck pictures. Scary thing is these things are an everyday occurrence here in the Ozark hills. Have a great smilin' day Sally.

  18. Hmmm....maybe they are from a Western State and wanted to bring a bit of it with them?

    Becky K.

  19. Perhaps the store was out of lions :-). I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  20. Now this is a good one and I bet you are not the first to take a picture. He is an imposing figure though...maybe like the person inside :)

  21. Maybe it depends on where you live. Wouldn't surprise me to see one around here. ;)

  22. Velly int'rsting, Most Smiling One. Maybe Native Americans live in that house! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  23. LOL, i am not sure why, but i have a buffalo story, there is one at the gas station outside the grand canyon, i have always wondered why it was there ... lol maybe someday someone will enlighten us.

  24. Was that pic taken in Oklahoma? There was a project a few years ago where lots of groups were building buffalos out of chicken wire and other items, all colors and patterns as some sort of Oklahoma deal. You would see them in different places all over the state.

  25. That's not something that would even cross my mind! To each his own I guess! Me, I like roses LOL!

    take care,

  26. Hi Sally; Now that is a good question..... I guess to each his or her own.... lol thanks for showing it... have a great week.


  27. I think he would keep me away. Maybe that's what the owner has in mind! laurie

  28. LOL I don't know but it must have some special significance to it's owner. I hope you are having a lovely week.

  29. for heavens sake, not in Florida of all places. This is so unpredictable.
    AND, seemingly out of place. but, one never knows what goes on behind closed doors. They may have a totally western decor inside. If it makes them happy, then that is all that counts.


  30. I'm sure you wouldn't just start taking Thursdays off without talking with me about it first, but if you did, I missed it. LOL (Is this an example of a run on sentence that "drives you up the wall"?)

  31. Omgosh Sally! That is to funny! LOL! Hmm, interesting and a sure conversation starter. Thanks for sharing.


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