Sunday, August 2, 2009


When I grew up, there was absolutely no clapping in church, but I've "come a long way, baby." Now I enjoy music that gets feet tapping. In fact, the church I attend, gets "into it." How about you? Do you clap to the beat?

Spiritual Sundays are hosted by gracious Ginger and charming Charlotte. To visit other participants, click here.

See you tomorrow for Blue Monday!


  1. I like to clap and tap my feet. I think Jesus enjoys all the wonderful ways of praise.

  2. Good morning Sally, yes our church is big on clapping. We like it very much. The people in our church our warm and loving. It is a blessing for sure. Have a happy Sunday.


  3. Yep! We clap a lot and even dance. Now my hubby, on the other hand, misses the beat...ha!

  4. Happy Sunday Sistah!!
    Yes, we clap and sing and praise the Lord, Besides David danced and praised Lord, and I'm sure he clapped as well!!! (smiles)

    Hugz Lorie

  5. Happy Spiritual Sunday! I also came from a non-clapping background, but it's hard to find a congregation that doesn't clap now. We also lift our hands in praise, tap our feet, and some dance, while others jump up and down. It's hard to keep the joy of the Lord restrained - He wants us to show it!

  6. Oh man growing up no clapping, no dancing, no moving, no raising hands, no candles, no taking communion without proof you were just had to be pretty serious. :0)
    We've come a long way from those days...

  7. I too grew up in a much more restrained atmosphere in church. Although I am grateful for all that I learned there, I love my new church. The praise and worship music makes me clap my hands and raise my voice.

    Blessings, Karen

  8. I love the foot tapping music. I believe God wants us to celebrate our life with him. What better way then with lively music. Have a fabulous week.

  9. I love to clap!! Me and the other 2 ladies in our church:)
    Have a great week,

  10. Great reminder to praise God ...shout for joy! Clang the cymbols, and clap of course too!

  11. No clapping, but quietly feeling the spirit.

  12. I can go for the clapping as I try to stay with the beat! Happy Sunday!

  13. I sing, clap, dance and sing unto the LORD....making a joyful noise unto HIM!


  14. Absolutely love this! My husband was the choir director and I the pianist for our church and we always could never figure out why people can't clap to the beat.
    "See" you tomorrow.

  15. Grew up not clapping in church--didn't think we should. And then when it became "the in thing to do" I found out I can't do it. LOL

  16. Sometimes I clap. Most of the songs we sing at church are non clapping songs, but there are quite a few of the clapping ones too. I guess you could say I prefer non clapping ones, but it seems it's the world we live in now. To clap or not clap - that is the question. I think God is pleased with both. It's the heart that counts.

  17. P.S. I think I've mentioned it before but I like the adjectives you gave Ginger and me. LOL

  18. Sounds like "Ellen B" and I were raised in the same congregation! Sacred equals quiet and respectful.
    Today, I enjoy the upbeat music and different musical instruments, but would probably feel uncomfortable if they were doing anything more "exciting" than clapping.
    Thanks for making me pause to examine my feelings!

  19. Hi Sally,
    as always i leave here smiling, and very ear to ear!! And yes I do clap my hands, I might even tap my foot too.

  20. Sally,
    I am definitely a clapper and a tapper - now whether I do it "on the beat" or not is another matter! :-) Thanks for the smile today!


  21. I love Praise and Worship music so much..I get a lot of the Holy Spirit thru our music. Yes, yes, yes...we clap and we stomp our feet and we get up and dance for the Lord if the notion strikes us.
    Now, keep in mind that I belong to a home church where we do as we feel..wherever the Holy Spirit takes us. In our traditional Baptist clapping nor raising our hands up to praise our Father in Heaven. Too strict for is too short not to enjoy the most important part of our lives...our church.
    hugs, bj

  22. Clappin', toe tappin', dancin', and hands held high in adoration and praise...I love it...Heaven is a big Jewish wedding celebration, right? I believe that we'll be doin' it all then with our Bridegroom, Jesus!

  23. Nothing like the joy of music to bring us all together... Great post Sally!


  24. I'll be offering up some Brazilian Black Bean Soup with Blue Corn Bread Sticks for Blue Monday. I hope you will come check it out as well as Crock Pot Wednesdays. Thanks so much for hosting BM.

  25. You are right about change. We never did clap I the church I grew up in. Occasionally just in appreciation for something very special.
    I love music that has a beat the just naturally leads to hand clapping. There is a "gentleman" at out church who frequently breaks out in applause after the prayer time. But he is usually clapping solo.

    Kathy b

  26. We clap, we sing, we praise the Lord, sometimes, we even dance! Mind you, we're a musical family, so I guess it just comes naturally! I believe the Lord is pleased as long as we are worshipping Him and not acting 'in the flesh!'
    I won't be participating in your Blue Monday tomorrow because I will be away. Have a great week, Sally.


  27. Yes, I do like to clap in church. It really makes me feel more a part of it all. In the church I used to attend years ago, people also danced too. It could be really joyous.


  28. Sometimes I even play the tamborine...yikes!

    Becky K.

  29. Clapping is like PDA for the Lord! :)


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