Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pink Saturday - Entrance Flowers

Precious Beverly at How Sweet the Sound hosts Pink Saturday. Please Pause at her Place to see Plenty of other Pretty Pink items that Precious Pink Participating People are Presently Presenting for your Perusing Pleasure.

These are some Pretty Pink flowers at the entrance to the place I'm renting.

You can see a nice bench peeking out of the background.

The next two shots are close-ups of the blooms. They need some tending, but with 90ยบ temperatures, I give the groundskeepers a little slack. I sure don't want to neaten them up!

See you in two days for Blue Monday!


  1. Happy Pink Saturday, Sally! Those pink blooms are doing well in spite of that heat! You may send some of that heat up this way if you please; it's only 16 degrees celcius here, 7 over night last night! Brrr! too cold for this time of year! Enjoy your weekend.


  2. Hi Sally!!

    Such pretty flowers!! And what lush grounds your rental is on!! Each time I visit Florida, I am amazed and delighted by the beautiful blooming flowers , shrubs and trees, and of course the Palm trees. Love them!!

    My son will be spending the winter season down in Naples, Florida again. So, we will be making several visits and be celebrating our 2nd Christmas in Naples. Different, but fun. I wish I could bring some snow with me so we can have a "White Christmas"!!


  3. Look pretty good for the heat we're is the House coming

  4. Good Morning Sally, Those are such beautiful PINK flowers. And you are so right... TOOO Hot to do yard work!


  5. This is just a lovely spot. Mother Nature really knows how to throw her colors together!! Happy pink day.
    ♥, Susan

  6. How pretty flowers!
    Have a great Pink Saturday :)

  7. " When I write or share something about one of my friends in a posting, I always make sure I send them a copy of it, so they know what was said about them. Today I included information about you and your blog site in my posting, so I thought I should let you know about it as well."

    The above paragraph is the first paragraph in an email I sent out Fri. to all of the owners of blogs whom host "theme days", that I could find email addresses for. But the email I sent to you got returned.

    The rest of the email is what I posted Fri. on our blog. Go to: to read it for yourself.

    Hopefully, it will then clarify of all of this for you ;-}

    Cheryl B.

  8. Hi Sally.

    You have a nice and beautiful surrounding there. Happy pink saturday.

  9. p.s. The "P" tounge twister you wrote about Pink Saturday's, reminded me of a tounge twister I use to say. There was this place locally called "Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour". A wonderful place!!! Every visit, if you correctly said their tounge twister, you were rewarded with a super long piece of rope licorice - your choice, red or black. I do not like licorace, but my Dad is a HUGE fan of black licorice; so every time I went, I'd win him a piece and sneak it into his metal lunch box, seeings how my mom disliked the stuff to the max! He was a local route truck driver and loved finding it and snacking at it all day while he drove ;-p
    Their tounge twister?
    Farrell's features fabulous food and fantastic fountain fantasies, for frolocking fun-filled festive families". :-D

  10. Hi , your flowers are so beautiful !!
    happy pink saturday dear

    greetings from Paris

  11. So it is still very hot down there....we are having lots and lots of rain!

    Becky K.

  12. Very pretty!

    You asked yesterday what a Texas Sheet Cake was. It's a chocolate cake with cinnamon in the recipe, and it's baked in a 15 x 10 pan (making it kind of flat) rather than a 9 x 13. It's delicious. I'd had some at church functions but never had one at home, so it was nice to have a whole one at the house. You can google recipes for it -- there are several on the web. I don't know which one my son used.

  13. Beautiful pink blooms of summer!
    Enjoy your pink Saturday!
    xo Tami

  14. Lovely pinks !
    Love from the Netherlands Rini

  15. Pretty landscaping! Happy Pink Saturday!

  16. Pretty flowers. Have a great weekend!!

  17. Hi Sally
    I love those flowers. They make for a lovely entrance have been very hot over there. We haven't had many of those kinds of days this is truly the topic of discussion around these parts.
    thank you for sharing..and yes nice of you to give them some slack that is hot weather.
    have a lovely PINK Saturday

  18. I never get tired of flowers. A lot of ours are starting to look tired here with Fall around the corner, but I enjoy every bloom for as long as it lasts!

  19. Such pretty flowers! Lovely post.

  20. Hi Sally; Happy Pink Saturday...

    I love the beautiful pink flowers where you are living... I know how you feel about tending them,, I want to do the same thing here where we are they did say I could,, so when I get my garden bag from back home,, I will be doing some have a great weekend... it has been very hot here too...


  21. Hi Sally, Great pictures for "PINK" Saturday...

    How is your new home coming??? Have they given you a move-in date yet????

    Have a great weekend.

  22. Enjoyed your pink. Happy Pink Saturday. See you for Blue Monday, one of my favorite events!

  23. Beautiful blooms! Nice shots.
    Have a great week ahed.

  24. Hi Sally, you live in a lovely place. It reminds me of the time we Lived in a condo one whole summer while our new home was being built in Jupiter, Fl. It was 1988 and FPL transferred Bill to their Corporate headquarters. This condo belonged to the company. It was a great summer in a beautiful place with a pool. They had beautiful flowers everywhere.

    The flowers you shared just brought that memory right back. Thanks
    Sally. Happy PS.


  25. I'm just thinking about how wonderful it would be to have wonderful flowers around me, but having someone else care for them. The pink bench looks like such a charming place to sit and enjoy the fruits of someone else's labor. laurie

  26. Happy Pink Saturday, Sally. I know I'm a day late, but I'm not a dollar short. Well, actually I'm ten dollars short. My grandson was here this afternoon with a very loose tooth. I told him I'd give him ten dollars if he got that tooth out. And, guess what? ;-)

    These flowers are very pretty, and the location looks like a nice place to get away from some of the heat.


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