Monday, September 14, 2009

Blue Monday - Blue Earrings

It's Blue Monday! To participate:

1. Post about something blue on your blog. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's blue. Leave a link to this blog on your post.

2. Please place the Blue Monday button on the top of your post so that people can easily spot it.

3. Mr. Linky will be up after midnight. Return here and link in with Mr. Linky by leaving your name and the Permalink to your post. To create a Permalink, click on your Blue Monday post title and copy all the stuff in the http window. It is a longer address so that people can find your post even later in the week--whenever they get a chance to visit.

4. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links. Make someone's day; leave a comment. Please remember to leave me a comment.


Many of you know Elizabeth from Thoughts from an Evil Overlord. She has an ETSY shop called Little Somethings with the motto, Find the right thing for every occasion...or for yourself. She makes bracelets, anklets, earrings, notecards, and more. In addition, she's also quite open to working on special custom orders.

Recently, I bought a couple of bracelets from Little Somethings and was delighted with the workmanship. There was a bit of a problem--one bead was broken by the nasty post office. I emailed Elizabeth, and she quickly sent a replacement, paid for my return postage, and slipped in a surprise. Look at these blue angel earrings. Aren't they precious? You can believe that I am one satisfied customer!

Stop and visit Little Somethings today. Elizabeth will make sure that you are satisfied!

♪ ♬ ♩ ♫ ♯ ♬ ♭ ♯ ♬

Reminder: Ten o'clock tonight Jay Leno is on NBC. I ❤ Jay Leno!

Blue Monday Participants
1. Lana G!
2. ellen b
3. Candy
4. Sandi
5. Elizabeth
6. Iris
7. LaVoice
8. Deborah
9. Maria Berg, Sweden
10. Christine
11. Fifi Flowers French Blue!
12. Mary@One Perfect Bite
13. Riet
14. Rechelle
15. Anne Fannie
16. Rinkly Rimes Australia
17. Gemma
18. Jensmere
19. RobinfromCA
20. hip chick
21. Judi
22. Darlene @Darlene's Days
23. Cindy @ Applestone
24. Becky K. @Hospitality Lane
25. charli and Me
26. Black eyed Susan's kitchen
27. cindy
28. Boulevard Interior Design
29. Maria's Space
30. bj
31. Sharlotte
32. Miranda
33. Cozy Kitchen by the Sea
34. ...Molly
35. denisemarie
36. Jeanne
37. AnnA
38. Kitty_Valerie
39. Ivory Spring
40. Shy
41. gina@the tickle pink thrift
42. Singapore plants lover
43. Shelia @NoteSones
44. Gayle in Alaska
45. Baba's Special babies
46. Susan
47. Paula Grace
48. Hannah - St. Petersburg, USA
49. Robin
50. annies home -
51. Pagan Sphinx - Massachusetts USA
52. Miss Mustard Seed
53. storyteller at Small Reflections

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. Those are so cute Sally! Happy Blue Monday to you!

  2. The earrings are really sweet Sally. Happy blue to you and enjoy Leno!

  3. Lovely earrings in just the right shade for Monday!
    Cheers ;-)

  4. What darling earrings and perfect for Blue Monday.


  5. Thanks for the great plug, Sally!
    Those earrings also come with skirts that are soft pink or frosty white. Only the pink are in the shop right now, but I have plenty of each color.

  6. Those are really sweet earrings. A big thank you for reminding us of Jay Leno's new show tonight. I had forgotten.


  7. I once had a boyfriend that did love jay Leno, but I am not so kin on him. Mb

  8. Very cute earrings, Sally, love the shade....Christine

  9. Very pretty! Elizabeth is such a great lady! I've been admiring a couple of bracelets and anklets over there and have them on my "Wish list". I give this "list" to my kids and hubby so they know exactly what I want come Christmas. lol!

  10. Your blue earrings arrived at exactly the right time!

  11. Lovely delicate blue beauty! These earrings would look so pretty with any outfit!

  12. Such sweet earrings! What a nice treat for you...

    thanks for stopping by my place this weekend...hope that you enjoyed yourself!

    Be blessed, Sally,

  13. Very sweet earrings and such a nice gesture! Be sure to stop by and see the blue in Amsterdam!


  14. Those earrings are beautiful. I'll have to go by and visit her. Hope you have a great blue Monday.

  15. Good Morning Sally,.
    What a lovely set of earrings! They are so delicate looking and very classy! I love the shade of blue too! Thanks for being our hostess! Cindy

  16. Good Morning, Friend!

    Thanks for hosting. I was amused at how you came to mind as soon as I saw the flower pictures, in my post, on my camera screen. Blue Monday is so fun.

    Hope you have a great day and that your new house is coming along nicely.

    Becky K.

  17. Happy blue monday! And such pretty earrings! Loved them.

  18. Very pretty earrings Sally! I hope you have a wonderful week and a happy Blue Monday......

  19. How sweet! I'll be sure to visit her shop for Christmas gifts.

  20. The shade of blue in the earrings is so pretty. You made a god chose. I checked out Little Something and she does have some nice things.

  21. Those earrings are so cute.
    I did jewelry today too

  22. Very pretty earrings, Sally. I have tell you that I missed Leno all summer. Thanks for the reminder.
    ♥, Susan

  23. What cute earrings. I'm stopping by there today!

    Enjoy your Monday and thanks for hosting this party!

  24. What pretty earrings, Sally! I'll have to check out her shop as soon as I get a chance! Yes, I can't wait for Jay Leno tonight!

  25. those earrings are so cute!!

    I can't wait to see Jay Leno's show tonight...fortunately for me it comes on at 9 here! I can't stay awake much past 10!!

  26. Very Pretty earrings! Have a great week!

  27. Sweet earrings! I <3 blue monday.

  28. nice earrings. I'm trying to pick a pin cushion from an etsy shop. Have a happy week, Sally. :0)

  29. Very Beautiful earrings, how sweet of Elizabeth to include them in the replacement order.
    Happy Blue Monday

  30. Hi Sally, I'm late connecting today as my cousin Patty is coming for a few days. You know I have been CLEANING! ugh. Patty has never been here and you can imagine I am thrilled, as are my sisters.

    OMG your earrings are adorable. Elizabeth is so sweet. I just love her. A very nice bonus for your broken bead.

    Happy blue Monday.


  31. Those earrings are so cute.Have a happy blue Monday.

  32. Hi Sally!
    Such a cute couple of bluey earrings you have sent for!(Hm, I must visit that blogsite, of course!)
    Have a nice Blue Monday, and a great week!/

  33. Hey, Sally:

    Thanks for hosting this fun Blue Monday!!!

    Those are lovely earrings :)

    Happy Blue Monday,

  34. Happy Blue Monday, Sally. I love your ear rings. They are really lovely. I hope you are having a great day.

  35. That is one lovely pair of blue earrings sally. I love angels. Too bad the post people broke one of them. sorry to hear that.

  36. Hello Most Smiling Blue One! I love your earrings! I'm blueing with you today!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  37. I bought a pair of earrings very similar to those for my daughter when I was in Ireland.

  38. Good afternoon Sally, get in the mood for dancing by watching this video..have a good day.. Baba

  39. Cute earrings, Sally... AND--just for you, they are BLUE....

    Hope Leno makes it at that hour--but I wonder... We have sll kinds of other shows we watch at that time, so we probably won't watch his show very much.


  40. I just found your blog through my friend's blog (Boulevard Interior Design). Blue, blue! I love blue! It is a main accent color in my home. I linked to my post on color where I feature it. What a fantastic blog you have. Glad I found it.

  41. I fixed it, Dear Sally! Sorry about that! I'm getting old, ya know :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  42. Hi Sally
    The angel earrings are very cute. Hope you are having a great day....
    Happy Blue Monday

  43. What nice earrings Sally. Happy Blue Monday!

  44. Very sweet earrings....what a lovely thing for her to do! I hope you have a wonderful week!

  45. Precious earrings! Wear them with joy. Sally

  46. those are so nice! I haven't changed my earrings in years...simple hoops...4 pair! lol

  47. They're lovely blue earrings but like Tootsie, mine don't ever get changed any more even though I own MANY sets. Retirement has made me lazy about such things. Sorry I'm so late ... it's been a BUSY day but I did just post at Small Reflections!
    Hugs and blessings,

  48. Hey Ms Sally, Happy Blue Monday (a little late) to you. What cute earrings you purchased! Very cute and thanks again for hosting Blue Monday.

  49. Its pretty Sally. I will post next time. Been a busy week:)

  50. Hi Sally,
    The form for adding name and URL is missing...Number 53 is as far as it has gone since yesterday morning. This is my URL for my post this week. Maybe you can add it?


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
