Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Home Progress

Susan at A Southern Daydreamer is the gracious hostess for Outdoor Wednesday. If you'd like to join in, all you need do is to post pictures of anything that that might be found outdoors.

Two months ago we moved from South Florida, our home for over forty-five years. We're currently living in a rental while our new home is being built. We're close enough that we go "visit" every day.

This is a shot taken last week after the plumbing (the white pipes) was put into place. Then, the vapor barrier was laid down.

Last Thursday, we were thrilled to see that it had been poured! This shows our front entrance.

Monday, we were so excited to see the men beginning to lay blocks!

Yesterday morning, this shot was taken. The builder called us in the afternoon to report that all the blocks were laid. It's beginning to look like a house!


  1. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly they can build a house these days.

    I am happy for you.


  2. It is so exciting to see a all the progress as the house is built. I know you are really getting excited. Hugs, Marty

  3. Oh, Sally, I'm so excited for you! It's going to be marvelous!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Progress of this kind is beautiful! Congratulations.

  5. hat fun it must be to watch real progress being made. It will be fun to see the photos as things move along.

  6. I know the heart has to beating faster every time you go and see how far they have come...we will be looking for Christmas decoration there.

  7. Sally, what would I do without you. If I had checked it like you told me once before this would not have happened again. I did not and I was very tired last night after a long weekend trip. Thank you again. Hang in there. As you know ,when your house is all finished you will think it is worth all the wait and problems that may arise.

  8. If this is exciting for us to read about and watch, I can only imagine what you and your husband must be feeling!

  9. A new house how lucky you are.
    And to be able to watch it being built daily must be fun. And of course make you anxious to move in !
    Take care

  10. Awesome! sooo fast ~ Wasn't your projected date to be done in Dec? Its quite amazing how quickly they can build houses anymore!

    blessings and thanks for's fun watching it go up

  11. Great Sally, I'm glad to hear this news. I have been intending to ask you if they are getting on with building your house. I know you're excited about it. I hope you have better internet access when you get there. I remember when we had the old AOL dial-up connection and a slow computer. It was maddening.
    Happy O.W.

  12. Wonderful! Although it seems to me you just moved a few weeks ago, it must be a long two months for you.

  13. That must be soooooo exciting to be able to watch your new home going up!!!!!

  14. I'm so excited for you, Sally! Things are plugging right along!

  15. I am so happy for you sweet lady. This is me....doin' a little happy dance in your honor. I'm excitingly awaiting progress reports.

    Enjoy your day surrounded by blessings!!!

  16. Yeah! you are going to be in there soon!

  17. It won't be long now, Sally. This must be an exciting time for you. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  18. Yeah Rah, Sally... I think you may have a new home sometime!!!!! That reminds me SO much of my son and daughter-in-law's home in Texas. They built their home ---and the beginnings looks so similar to yours.

    I know you are getting excited.

  19. It will be so neat to watch the progress!

  20. Three cheers for the workers. It looks great. We are smiling right along with you.

  21. It must be lots of fun seeing your house go up from the dirt to the roof!

  22. What an exciting time. Look forward to watching the development as it all takes shape.

  23. Hi Sally, hurray, your new home is under way. If you are like we were, you will be there very often. The homes around your lot are lovely. Enjoy the process.


  24. Wow! ...It's been two months already?! This is such fun, vicariously rediscovering a "new land" through your eyes!

    Waiting to see that great RED door!

    Best wishes,

  25. The progress semms to be picking up. I hope you are on schedule.

    I love the blonde joke in your last post. My husband really loves them!!

    Thanks for your thoughtful comments about my father. I appreciate your prayers and I will be praying for you and your family as well. You are a wonderful person, Sally.


  26. The progress semms to be picking up. I hope you are on schedule.

    I love the blonde joke in your last post. My husband really loves them!!

    Thanks for your thoughtful comments about my father. I appreciate your prayers and I will be praying for you and your family as well. You are a wonderful person, Sally.


  27. How exciting to see your home built from scratch. I'll enjoy seeing it's progression.

  28. How exciting. It must be fun to be able to visit and see the daily progress. How long will it be before you house is finished? I bet you are anxious.


  29. OH! Sally, I am so excited for you both, seeing this reminds me of when we built our home ten years ago, and how exciting it was to see, from day to day, it being transformed into this beautiful structure that we would later call home.
    I am so looking forward to going along with you on this adventure.

  30. A new home! That is exciting!

    I like the comment you left to my article "Lasting and Happy" on Family Fountain and would like to quote you in a follow up post. Would that be all right? You can check the blog later and let me know. Thanks!

  31. Hi, Sally:

    It is great to know your house building is progressing. I'm sure it will be beautiful.

    Have a great day,

  32. Hi Sally, I am rally enjoying your new home journey. Lucky you to hav a lovely new home grow before your very eyes.

    Hugs, Jeanne

    ps, I will be gone for a week Sally. I have pre-posted for several days including Blue Monday. I will catch up when I return. Have a wonderful week my friend.

  33. WOW! They are coming along - you'd better start shopping for all the pretty flowers you are going to need!

  34. Hi Sally, It's good to be back to a more "normal" routine - sans company...anyhoo, This is really exciting to finally see some progress taking place. Keep us posted! ~ Robyn

  35. I'm glad all that progress is being made, Sally.

  36. Hi Sally, it must be very exciting to go by and watch the progress on your new home! It looks so pretty!
    Can't wait to see it all done!

  37. What fun this is for you I know!
    It is fun for us to share it all with you! So exciting!
    Things have begin and it won't be long now!


  38. How exciting Sally to see all of you think it will be done by Christmas....I just know this home is going to be beautiful from the pics you shown us awhile back on the floor plan...Girl I'm even getting excited for you and Hubby now...I bet you love being so close to the grand kids..Listen if you get a chance you need to come by and see me...I have something for you my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  39. Wow...they are moving right along with this!!
    I hope everything is ok..I don't remember you skipping several days without a posting..?
    Hope to see you soon, Sally girl.
    xo bj

  40. How exciting! Your photos remind me of watching our first house be built decades ago ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,


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