Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Chaitra at Recipes for the Life: Chronicles of A New Wife gave me this beautiful Deborah Award this past Thursday. The small print reads, "Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest, but who came and never left your side. I’m so very honored as this was the first award for Chaitra. (I’m certain that it won’t be her last.) If you haven’t yet met her, take a minute to visit this special blogger from India.

La Voice at Thoughts from Meme’s Corner gave me this wonderful award this past Sunday. La Voice is a new blogger who has quickly become well loved and appreciated with her thoughtful posts and comments. For instance, this is what she wrote when she presented the award to me and several other bloggers:
Their blog writings are filled with encouragement and inspiring thoughts. They appear rich in their faith and on the right path. My only request to them is continue to keep your feet on solid ground. Perhaps your actions will speak to someone else.

If either of these ladies are unknown to you, pay them a visit today. They're the kind of bloggers everyone would like to have as a friend.


  1. Congratulations on these awards, Sally. You deserve them!

    Becky K.

  2. Thank you Sally for you kind words. You can never know what that meant to me. I am very thankful for the attention my blog has received.

  3. Congratulations! You deserve these awards.

  4. Good Morning Sally... Congratulations on your awards... You are so deserving of them...Have a FUNtastic day!


  5. Congratulations and GOD BLESS!

  6. Congratulations on your much deserved awards, Sally. The book that I won arrived today; just thought I would let you know. Thank you and have a wonderful day.


  7. Morning, Dear Sally! Congratulations on your awards and you are the sweetest one!
    Shelia ;)

  8. Hi Sally, Congrats on the awards. You certainly deserve them!

    Have a great day.

  9. Congratulations! IF I gave awards you would be one of the first on my list.

  10. Congrats, Sally! I know both bloggers and think they are wonderful! So are YOU!


    Sheila :-)

  11. congratulations on your awards Sally you certainly do deserve them.

  12. congrats on your awards....you are the best! Have a great day....and I love it that the blog world has embraced my Aunt and her blog....makes me smile!

  13. Hi Sally!
    Congratulations on these awards! You deserve them!
    Hughs....Luna from Vienna

  14. Thank you Sally for accepting the Award! You made my day :)

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