Friday, October 23, 2009

Found in Print #4

This is my final batch, folks. I hope that you enjoy them.

Hm, I wonder how much I'd bring in?

Hey, it's "like new!"

Gee, I'd go, but I've already made plans for that date.

I'm sure that it's been dried out and sanitized.


I did not realize that Wal-Mart had a dress code.

Oh, I should not tell this story on myself, but we're amongst friends--right? When I was a small child, a bill collector, working for an insurance company, came knocking on our front door. Mama didn't want to tell him AGAiN that she did not have the payment, so she had us children hide. The man knocked louder and louder. Finally, I called out, "nobody here but us chickens!"

Poor Mama had to open the door after all. I'm sure that it wasn't funny then, but I've sure laughed about it plenty of times.


  1. Cute clips, but I love your story!

  2. Thanks for the laugh!!!
    Those are truly funny.

    I can just imagine your poor mother's heart sinking as you spoke up...ahhh...children.

    Have a good day, Sally.

  3. HAHAHA YOUR story is hilarious!!!! Those are all GREAT and I just crack up as I read them!

  4. Morning, Most Smiling One! Well, you've put a smile on my tiny lips today! :)
    You little stinker. I love that story. I can see you've had your sense of humor all your life! I love it!
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  5. Good ones!! Thanks for the chuckle. Sally

  6. Once again, I will be sharing these with some friends who can always use a morning chuckle. Thanks!

  7. Ooh my stomach hurts from all that laughing! Your story was too cute! And the police story of marco and polo too!

    Thanks for the laughs :D

  8. How nice to visit you, Sally! I can always be sure of a good laugh. I like the ad trying to sell the 'oldies'. I have been so tied up recently with work and my daughter who is happily pregnant but unhappily suffering from morning sickness 24/7. I have not been able to get to much blogging. It is so good to make the rounds again...

  9. The one about Wal-Mart is CLASSIC!:)

  10. Always love these. Your story is so funny, though I am sure it wasn't at the time!

  11. Sally, you naughty girl, you! LOL!

    Loved these...


    Sheila :-)

  12. Your poor mama! I am sure she didn't think it was funny then, but later I am sure she got a great chuckle as she thought about what you said.

    Blessings, andrea

  13. I'm sad this is the last of these. However, I should be glad. These are "killing" me!!! (Thanks for the help. I don't have any idea where Perry Como left his heart. LOL)

  14. Awwww, Sally, don't tell us this is the last ones????? Keep 'em coming!

  15. So I guess you're the family announcer?

  16. you are such a hoot!!! I love this! thanks for the giggle'd you know I was cranky?
    have a great weekend my friend

  17. Ha ha Ha he he Oh Sally I so love to visit and read your wonderful posts.. You find the most amazing funny things.... you just crack me up....

    Have a great weekend,


  18. Sally, This entire post had me belly laughing!!
    ♥, Susan

  19. Hi Sally! Thanks for the giggles today : ) ~ xo Joy

  20. These ads and stories are really funny. Don' people edit before publishing? I bet your Mama couldn't laugh for a long time ....


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