Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Roof Finished

With the setting sun, it's hard to see, but there is tile on the roof. It is finished. The windows are in. We're waiting for an inspection, which should happen today. Next comes insulation and then dry wall begins next week.

The garage door will be installed soon. I know that you see a white front door, but it will be RED.

We had a meeting with the builder today to inspect the interior rough work. He continued to state that he was "pushing toward the end of November."

I challenged him, "If this were YOUR house and YOUR wife asked you WHEN would it be finished, what would your answer be?"

"The middle of December," the man answered, while my husband vigorously nodded.

I know that several of you want me to be in by Christmas, but really, no matter when we get into the house, we will be swamped with work. Therefore, I am not planning on decorating this house for Christmas. Perhaps I'll hang a wreath on the door. Remember, the reason for the season can be celebrated without all of the fuss--at least for one year. I won't mind a bit; I'll still be smiling!

Susan at A Southern Daydreamer is the gracious hostess for Outdoor Wednesday. Participants post pictures of anything that they might find outdoors.


  1. Sally, I think you're smart in not planning to decorate the new house for Christmas. The less stress you put on yourself, the better off you will be. Just enjoy watching your house go up and try not to worry about moving in by a certain date. Been there, done that, and it's not fun.

    I hope your Wednesday is filled with reasons to "keep on smiling!"

  2. I agree with the wreath on the RED front door - it will look very festive!

  3. Oh! But may be setting up the house can be your way of celebrating Christmas? :D

  4. Maybe if you get your garage door painted red that will be your Christmas decoation! I moved one year on Dec 31 and still decorated as usual because of the kids--big mistake!

  5. Maybe you will be in by November.

    It's getting more exciting, isn't it?

  6. Wow, it really looks almost finished! Guess it seems like a long time to you, but the construction has actually gone very fast, hasn't it? Can't wait to see the red door - with or without said wreath!

  7. Oh, what wonderfulness, Sally! You're getting closer and closer. I think you're right in not trying to do so much as you're moving in. You're completely right - the reason for the season lives in our lives.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Yea! Yea! Yea! Grow, House, Grow!


    Sheila :-)

  9. It is looking so FABULOUS!!! I would be excited beyond belief!

  10. Sally, it will be Christmas the day you walk in the need for a fuss at all....I'm with you...just get in the house and be happy!

  11. Praising GOD with you for the progress on your house. What a beautiful journey. His timing is always perfect.

    Blessings, andrea

    PS: I have an urgent prayer request on arise 2 write.

  12. Getting the roof on is a big milestone!

    I think you're wise not to plan to decorate much for Christmas this year.

  13. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll be in sooner than later!

  14. Sally I think it's very wise to lay aside Christmas decorating this year! You are so right there is so much more then the decorations. How fun to see the great progress on your new home :0)

  15. Wow looks like your house is almost finish Sally, goodluck!

  16. Your home looks mighty wonderful, Sally! Love the roof line! I so love a place with little jogs in it. I am excited for you! I would definitely hang a wreath on your red door; very festive. I would put up a small table Christmas tree too. But you're right, too much to do after just moving in. It will likely be exhausting as it is. Jesus is the reason for the season. Enjoy your day.


  17. Good luck with your new home. I moved in to a home 2 weeks before Cmas once..and my son was little so the decos had to go up!
    You are right, a wreath on the door is fine!
    No BLUE door? :) Mine is blue but is going to be red next week..
    Did you pick a paint yet?
    I have swatches taped on the door, and I ask everyone who comes to the door to vote, even the UPS man!

  18. Hi Sally, I am with you with less decorating your new home for Christmas..there will be tons of stuff to do after you move in your home..I know you must be very excited about your new home..

    I went back to check on my link for today's post and it worked correctly..I hope it works for others..

    Have a good day.. hugs, Baba

  19. It is fun to see your beautiful new home and imagine all the love which will happen within it's walls.
    I am looking forward to seeing the wreath on your new door!

    How nice to enjoy a Christmas without the fuss but with the real reason we are celebrating!


  20. GM Sally, this is really coming along great my friend...and about decorating for Christmas I just made up my mind after last year I can't do as much any more...I think my age is starting to catch up with me ha ha!! I also passed the torch on cooking all the big dinners...Hope you have a great day my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  21. Sally the progress is really going along great... And you'll have plenty of Christmas' to decorate... Have Fun!


  22. I sure hope you're in by the holidays! But that is exciting to see the roof up and know that progress is happening. :)

  23. Sally,
    I am so excited for you and your new home! I remember 12 years ago (almost) when my home was being completed! I moved in at the end of December and we were having an El Ninio year and I practically got blown into my home! But,it was great to be in and snug and warm!!


  24. Oh, Sally, that is wonderful the roof is finished. I know you will be happy when it is finished.

  25. Oh, I know you will be glad when it is done. It is so exciting to watch it being built. Hugs, Marty

  26. Six years ago, when we were building this house, they promised Thanksgiving. Didn't make it. We met the kids at a restaurant, the Sunday before and that was our family gathering. On Thanksgiving Day, J and I brought a little bistro table out here and set it in the breakfast room, where we ate turkey sandwiches and drank white wine. It was an unforgettable Thanksgiving, for us. Our first meal in our new, although unfinished home.

    We did get in by Christmas. I found a lit tree at Lowes and put it in the hearth room and stuck silk hydrangeas here and there, in the branches, instead of ornaments. All the work was finished in that room. I know the guys thought I was batty and they might have been right! Still finish work going on after new year, that year and no yard till spring.

    I love these update posts of your new home, Sally!

  27. It is all happening very quickly now, Sally. Get your shopping done now so it's not overwhelming. Have a great day.

  28. Oh sweet Sally, your home is going to be so beautiful all it will need is a pretty wreath adorning it. I am so excited for you. You have made a wise decision.

    Have a wonderful and and enjoy every moment of anticipation!!!

  29. it seems like it is coming along great!!!

  30. Beautiful Sally. I am so excited for you all. I don't blame you for not decorating the new house for Christmas. BUT--just being in it will be the best gift you could receive.

    Betsy--From my laptop in Georgia

  31. You blog always inspires me...Just out blog hopping on tonight...really should be working... Hope you will stop by my Christmas blog and leave your favorite Christmas song...and enter a great giveaway. Also, a birthday letter to my daughter on my main blog...

  32. Sally, it's looking so pretty. I know you are excited. I was so lucky when we moved into our current home very close to Christmas. We still owned our previous home, so after we got the furniture moved in, I only moved Christmas decor. It was the first time I've decorated for Christmas without having to first put up some decor that is normally out. laurie

  33. Hi Sally!

    I just can't wait to see your new home all finished! How exciting. I've only enjoyed this process once, but have actually moved at Christmas three times. Once, so close to Christmas that I still had boxed piled EVERYWHERE! I reminded myself that "next year I can decorate"....and just enjoyed the season and it's true meaning. You'll have lots of Christmas's there, so just enjoy! :-)

    Now, thank you so much for the book. I'm thrilled and can't wait to get it. You're a peach!



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