Sunday, February 7, 2010

Answered Prayer

It's a good thing that God answers our prayers with not always what we ask, but what is best for us.

Spiritual Sundays are hosted by gracious Ginger and charming Charlotte. To visit other participants, click here.

See you tomorrow for Blue Monday!


  1. Morning again, this definitely is a funny illustration of Gods answered prayers. True, as well.
    Hugs, Jeanne

    PS: I commented on your previous post as well. I forgot te mention our net was down intermittently these past two days. Visiting has been quite a problem. sigh!

  2. Cute one Sally.... How is the new house doing? I am telling you we won't be straying from Florida next winter... It is darn cold in the other parts of the country!!! Have a blessed Sunday my friend.

  3. I'm glad God knows what's best for me!


  4. Great Post Sally! I didnt much feel like blogging this weekend myself but your post really hits the spot. Much love to you this week my friend. I hope that you are doing well and that God is blessing you.

  5. I like the saying, "Be Careful What you Wish For". I always tell my kids that because they often say, "I wish I didn't have to do homework, clean my room, ect".

    I like peas darling, but that is probably too much for me. Thanks for the cute post and see you tomorrow!

    Yoli :)

  6. :) I enjoy reading your blog every week. I know it will bring a smile to my face! Thanks, Smiling Sally!

  7. Cute one, Sally... I always enjoy your Sunday 'funny'....

    Reminded me of the story about my youngest son HATING peas. Like a good Mom, I would make him sit at the table for hours (it seemed) --when he was about five--- to eat only FIVE PEAS... He would gag and carry on like I was killing him... We went round and round over the veggies!!!! Oh--how I long for those days again since he is now almost 39... ha


  8. How cute. Great message!

    Cheers. Happy Sunday.

  9. Thank God for the unanswered prayers! and thank you for this quite amusing cartoon. Hope all is well and God bless!

  10. Cute!!
    Hugs and blessings, andrea

  11. So true and such a cute illustration.

  12. Amen and Amen!! I'm smiling. I like peas but not that many.

  13. i will have to share this in Sunday eve. service!

  14. OH SO TRUE and that is too funny. Thanks for the godly laugh! Enjoyed the post. As one song says, "thank God for unanswered prayers."

  15. OH~~ my goodness this made me smile:)
    Thank-you Sally! I hope that you have a wonderful week and that you find relaxation in your new home.

  16. LOL. Hello, Most Smiling One! Oh, this was cute! Sometimes God does give us what we ask for and when we get it, we realize it's not what we want. I'm so glad God knows what best for me! Hope you're staying warm in your cold Florida weather! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  17. I thanked God this week for some unanswered prayers!!

  18. Hi Sally, Our sermon touched on this today! Love the cartoon! ~hugs, Rhonda :)

  19. Sally, Just browsed down to see the inside of your new home. It is beautiful! I love the old vintage plates beside the Norman Rockwell prints! ...and the coffered ceilings! Can't wait to see more! ~hugs, Rhonda :)

  20. HI Sally; Amen to that..... love the comic lol have a great week.


  21. Sally, I kind of had one of those ah-ha moments with this post. It's odd, isn't it, that Jesus who loved us more than anyone could ever love anyone taught us to pray the Lord's prayer which states "THY WILL BE DONE." Sometimes I think we are so afraid of God that we don't trust Him, particularly when he says that He wants to give His children good gifts. He wants us to have His best, to give us bread and not stones. Anyhow, I'm just thinking about that today, and how maybe, just maybe, God wants us to step out and trust Him on this and open our hands up for the bread of Heaven instead of eating candy that will rot our teeth. ;-)


    Sheila :-)


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