Monday, August 30, 2010

Blue Monday - Blue Medicine

Welcome to Blue Monday! I'm so glad you decided to join in the fun.

For instructions, click here.

I ❤ to read your comments, so please leave one for me.

I've been fighting a bout of asthma for the past month. Guess what I've stumbled upon? Blue medicine! The package has two shades of Blue.

Look at this lozenge with its pretty shade of soft Blue. Perfect, don't ya think?

Here's a tight shot of the Blue lozenge with my camera flash turned on.

Happy Blue Monday!

Check out sidebar for my book giveaway!

Blue Monday Participants
1. Cass at That Old House
2. Auntie E's Garden
3. Heart's Garden
4. Niko
5. Jeanne,backyard neighbor
6. Helen
7. Cabin & Cottage
8. Lisa @ Vintage Redo
9. LaVoice
10. peggy gatto
11. kat
12. Candy@The Little Round Table
13. Dena E
14. Sarah@Blogging While Waiting
15. mizhelle
16. Fe's Journey of Life
17. Sleigh bells Ring
18. Car Wash, Dubai
19. Becky K
20. Pie
21. Milla
22. Mary@OnePerfectBite
23. Shannara
24. NatureFootstep Sweden
25. Sharing is Caring@SelfSagacity
26. Treasures from the Heart
27. Riet, Holland
28. Doni @ faithgracecrafts
29. La Dame de Nage
30. Anni / Sweden
31. Belle
32. Gena @ Thinking Aloud
33. Joysweb
34. Cher, Singapore
35. Everyday Melbourne
36. Nette
37. Rinkly Rimes
38. Cindy @ Applestone Cottage
39. Happier Than a Pig in Mud
40. Limar
41. Ella Maes Barn Gathering
42. me Ann my camera, canada
43. Judi @Cranberryblossom
44. Maria's Space
45. Beverly @ How Sweet The Sound
46. Darling Dog & Winner Announced!
47. Reach Beyond Limits
48. Eden, Australia
49. cindy
50. Bogie's Wonderland
51. Kathy @ Me & My Memes
52. Wrigley
53. Sweet Memories - NC Cats
54. The Tablescaper
55. Grandmother Wren
56. Sweet Nothings
57. Wifey10-United Kingdom
58. Little World of Fun
59. Deborah
60. annies home
61. Manang Kim, USA
62. Joy- Books and Life
63. Heidi - Heart and Home
64. Lynn Lovelies
65. Amazing Grace, CDO Phil
66. Giveback @ Hyacinths for the Soul
67. Jingle
68. Kayce's Daily Notes
69. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove
70. Vintage blue crocheted throw
71. Fifi Flowers
72. Sandi
73. Loui
74. CailinMarie
75. sandi @ the whistlestop cafe
76. Dhemz
77. Blue Quail Breakfast
78. Shey_strides, USA
79. Windchime Hill
80. Patricia - USA
81. hapzydeco
82. Elaine

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  1. Hi Sally! LOVE where you found your shades of blue this week! And I hope you are doing well; asthma is a challenge, that's for sure.
    Best wishes and hopes for feeling better! Cass

  2. Looks like a great refreshing lozenge that will aid in your breathing. the blue flecks must be a nice cool flavor.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  3. "Oh you Poor Dear"... Suffering with asthma is AWFUL. It has been a bad year and with extremely hot summer... "BLUE" lozenges to the rescue!!!
    Hugs to you Dear Girl, I feel your pain, I am an allergy sufferer...

  4. my goodness don't think I've ever been this early! LOL happy Blue Monday sally! those lozengers look like they'd make you feel good!

  5. Blue is true wherever you find it! I hope you're doing better! Jacqueline

  6. Sally

    Thanks so much for hosting Blue Monday.

    I'm sorry you have not been feeling well.

    I'm glad you were able to get a little relief with those lovely blue meds. :)

    Take care and have a great week.

  7. oh my favorite Halls menthol candy...we have Halls here but the packaging is white with a very light blue color too.

    Nice idea for Blue Monday entry.

    Happy Blue Monday Sally.

  8. So sorry about your asthma Sally,,thats got to be a bummer for sure.. Jacob has bouts of it from activity in football but he stills keeps going... Hope your BLUE Monday is a splash and we are already snapping pics for the next ones... Kent helped with todays..
    Again ;0) Blessings and Huggggs Dena

  9. I dont eat candy but when I have some cough, i mostly have this halls menthol in my bag :)...hope you feel better sally. Happy Blue Monday!

  10. I do hope you are feeling better soon. How creative of you to share this blue medicine. It is such a soft shade of blue.

    Becky K.

  11. Sally, I'm sorry to hear you have not been well. I hope you are on the mend. Hugs and blessings...Mary

  12. Great blue with the Halls cough drops.

    This is my first Monday joing the blue team.

  13. the blue color should indicate strong mint I guess. Good for the throat.

  14. Sally,
    I love tha when i get over here Sunday night you are always up and ready!!
    Thanks, and thanks for being such a great hostess.

    Have a fun and blessed Monday

    barbara jean

  15. Blue throat lozenges?? how COOL is that?? I'm joining your Blue party today!! Hope the asthma goes away for you....nasty stuff!
    Blessings Sally!!

  16. I love Blue, I hate the Monday because I have ti go back to work … So I try to contribute

    Good week everybody

  17. Love the detail in the lozenge without the flash ... hope you feel better soon!
    Gena D

  18. Yep, it's everywhere...ha!

    Have a wonderful day! Be sure to visit my blog for a great giveaway!

    ***Visit my blog for a GIVEAWAY and new linking party!***

  19. Sorry about the asthma - I've been having that same problem all summer. I use Hall's, too, but usually the honey-lemon flavor and the package is yellow, instead of such a lovely shade of blue.

    Hope you're breathing easier soon!
    ~Joy @ Joysweb

  20. Sally, Thank you so much for hosting Blue Monday. And I hope you get better soon.
    By the way your medicine look like candy : )

  21. happy to be here, at last:)
    and,i hope you'll feel well as soon as possible.

  22. Hi Sally,
    I certainly hope you are feeling better soon. Thanks for hostessing Blue Monday too!

  23. I hope you feel better soon:@)

  24. I too have asthma, I know it's not too funny :/ Maybe I should try these :) Posted my first 'Blue Monday' post on my blog :)

  25. Sally, you're almost as crazy as me coming across pink stuff-food, toiletries, etc. They just seem to catch your eye-hope you're feeling better soon!

  26. Very refreshing and looks like it would make my nose run really good.

  27. Happy Blue Monday, dear Sally.

    Great minds must think alike. I've got blue packaging today, too.

  28. Oh my! No! Sally! Get well soon! Those summer blues are the worst.
    Sending BIG HUGS for a fast recovery!

  29. Great photos of the lozenge.

    Get well soon, Sally.

  30. I hope you feel better Sally! Happy Blue Monday :)

  31. You're right, that's a great blue on the Hall's package. Finding beauty in everyday life, that's you, Sally.

  32. Trust you are feeling better today. I am sure since these Halls are in a blue package they will work better. We appreciate you still giving Blue Monday your best even if you are not well.

  33. I have had the same problems - allergies and asthma - hope you feel better.

  34. Feel better!!! Such a fun shade of blue. So sorry that you had to find it that way.

    - The Tablescaper

  35. I like those icey blues myself!
    Hope you're feeling better.

  36. awww, so so sorry, dear one.
    Thank goodness for THIS blue.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  37. Does Halls really helps asthma sigh I am puffing seretide when asthma attacks me

  38. Hope you feel better soon!

  39. I am sorry too to hear that you are feeling under the weather though your blue cough drops look wonderfully soothing. Since I have not visited in a while, I also wanted to wish you Belated Congratulations on your 52nd anniversary (and your 35th birthday). You two are an inspiration to us all.

  40. while the color is blue it makes me blue thinking about the day when I will need these

  41. Oh goodness, that asthma is nothing to mess with. Hope you feel better soon. Happy Blue Monday!

  42. Hi Sally,
    Hope you are feeling better soon.
    I've been using those blue drops for a cough, they help! Guess it's the season to catch bugs, thank goodness for blue medicine! Thanks for hosting Blue Monday.
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  43. Oh girl, are ya still not feelin' well??? Your on my prayer list right now.

    The Halls...aren't they fantastic. When I have a sore throat, like when it feels like it's closin' up. This is the only thing I've found to open up the old vocal cords so I can belt out in song again!

    God bless and have yourself a marvelous Monday dear Sally!

    Get to feelin' better, ya hear!

  44. Sally I do hope you are feeling better, too! Hope these little blues bring some comfort to you!

    Happy Blue Monday!


  45. Hope I am not yet late.. Visit me and see my post .ty.

  46. Sally, hope these bring you some relief. Great for Blue Monday! ~ Sarah

  47. Hello Sally, I am sorry you are not feeling well. I prefer lemon honey if I need a cough drop. Being a blue cough drop is certainly right up your alley. HA! We need a laugh when we don't feel well.

    If you saw me this morning you would surly laugh. I was working in the lily garden and looked a sight. Hat, grungy clothes and not a drop of lipstick. Well, there was color, white sun screen. I'm glad I don't live in a regular neighborhood. I was outside four hours this morning. Cheri sat on the lower deck watching my every move. She is such a good little puppy.

    About the nails, Marilyn did not do these, but she is capable of true art on nails. These were from Google. I will add that too my post.

    Feel better Sally.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  48. Hello,
    I cooked up one today,
    sorry for being absence for weeks.

  49. get well soon,
    love your blog and your encouraging spirits.!


    pick 3 awards, share with 1 to 10 friends.

  51. Hi Sally!

    I sure hope you are feeling better soon! I don't know if you noticed my commenton last weeks blue Monday, but, you won my$25.00 Sam's Gift card giveawy! Would you please email me at
    so, I can get your info!

    Have a great day!

  52. ooooh hate those Halls because that means being sick... ugh!
    Happy Blue Monday!

  53. Hope you feel better soon. I really don't like those cough drops...I use the red ones when I have to, but ick!

  54. Sally..
    sure hope all these blues will soon have you back in the PINK,,
    and feeling much better..
    warm sandy hugs..

  55. Isn't it nice to have something soothing that is pretty too? I hope you feel better, Sally!...Christine

  56. sorry to hear that asthma is bothering you! IT is not fun stuff-
    Happy Blue Monday!

  57. Oh I love halls, but it's quite addicting as well.hehe..Blessed week!

  58. You always find such wonderful blues Sally. I think I might be color blind or going mind blank - like men. I see these things that you've posted in blue, but never made the connection like you do. You have slowly taught me to open my eyes while absorbing with my mind. Clarification here: I am slow, your teaching isn't slow. Smiles.

  59. halls is my refreshing!

  60. Love this lozenge too. The color itself is very soothing.

    Hope you're feeling better. :)

  61. Very creative! Hope you feel better, hugs! ♥

  62. Happy Blue Monday Sally. I hope your feeling better soon ♥

  63. I'll bet they are refreshing.

    I hope your Monday was good and your asthma not too bad...or none existent all together.

  64. Hi Sally. Thanks for visiting.
    Did not buy the crib, and would have only used it for display, not for any children.
    Thanks for the warning about the slats though.


    barbara jean

  65. Sally,
    Hope you are better now. I have suffered asthma for about 15 years in my childhoodtime, now I totally get rid of it for more than 20 years already. You do take care and keep yourself warm...I like your blue posts.

  66. Hi Sally!
    Chris has developed asthma just recently, so I have a pretty good idea of how rough it's been for you. Hope things turn around soon!

  67. Good morning Sally, thinking of you this morning. I really do miss your visits and awesome comments. Short, to the point and often with humor. Your quick wit is the perfect blogger recipe.

    Love ya, Jeanne

  68. Hi Sally
    I hope your asthma improves - disappears.
    Thats a very pretty shade or 2 of blue and I hope its relieving your problem.

    Have a great rest of the day and a late Happy Blue Monday...
    enjoy the weekend.

  69. Hello Miss Sally,
    I have been so busy lately that I completely forgot about Blue Monday this week!
    Leave it to you to find blue medicine! LOL
    Hope you get to feeling better. This time of the year seems to bother my husband's nose too!
    Have a safe and fun weekend!
    Hugs, Ann

  70. Happy Labor Day, Sally!

    I'm racing around trying to see a few people to ask for prayers for Mr. Magpie. He has surgery tomorrow, and we leave in a few to go stay in the hotel by Mayo. I just posted details on my blog.

    Thank you for any prayers you send our way.

    Love you...


    Sheila :-)


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