Monday, August 23, 2010

Blue Monday - Blue Man Group

Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For instruction, just click here.

Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links.

My son, his wife and family traveled to Chicago this month. They loved eating pizza and visiting the "ramblin' town."

One of the highlights of their trip was experiencing Blue Man Group. It doesn't get any Bluer than this! I copied this information from the internet:

Blue Man Group is best known for its award-winning theatrical productions which critics have described as "ground-breaking," "hilarious," "visually stunning" and "musically powerful." These performances feature three enigmatic bald and Blue characters who take the audience through a multi-sensory experience that combines theater, percussive music, art, science, and vaudeville into a form of entertainment that is like nothing else. People from all over the world, from all walks of life and from all age groups have become fans of Blue Man Group's show in New York, Boston, Chicago, Las Vegas, Orlando, Berlin, and Tokyo, and their touring rock concert, Megastar World Tour.

Here's a picture of my son's three daughters with one of the Blue men! Isn't it neat that he posed with them?

Now, how could I resist sharing this picture of Blue along with my beautiful granddaughters?

Happy Blue Monday!

Blue Monday Participants
1. Dena E Dream Doodler
2. LaVoice
3. Sarah@Blogging While Waiting
4. Lesa @ DustyUs
5. Fe's Journey of Life
6. mizhelle
7. Lani, Taiwan
8. Candy @ The Little Round Table
9. Photoblogista, CA
10. Milla
11. Rajesh, India
12. Loui
13. Grace, My Contest
14. Amazing Grace,Philippines
15. Rinkly Rimes
16. LadyBanksRose@Self Sagacity
17. Pie
18. Gloria/Happy To Be
19. Kids Turf # 2
20. rosadimaggio63 - Italy
21. Anni / Sweden
22. Maboe, Norway
23. Linnea
24. Riet, Holland
25. Anne Fannie
26. Naomi @ Sweet Life
27. Zoe's World
28. lazyclick, India
29. carolynUSA
30. NatureFootstep Sweden
31. Vernz, Phils.
32. gungeligung
33. Lucka, Lomnice, CZ
34. Treasures from the Heart
35. Everyday Melbourne
36. Shannara
37. Eden, Australia
38. Recaptured Moments
39. AnnA(Sweden)
40. Rache Photography
41. Ella Maes Barn Gathering
42. Judi@Cranberryblossom
43. Beverly @ How Sweet The Sound
44. Jeanne,backyard neighbor
45. The Tablescaper
46. Becky K
47. Perfectly Blended
48. Cindy @ Applestone Cottage
49. Wifey10-United Kingdom
50. Siromade Australia
51. Sweet Nothings
52. Shelia @ Notesongs
54. Helen
55. Sue-Someone's Mom
56. Joysweb
57. Maria's Space
58. DeniseMarie
59. matchbox advents
60. Niko
61. Camilla - Swe
62. Grandmother Wren
63. Baba
64. ellen b -
65. Caribbean Blue
66. Ann @ Tin and Sparkle
67. Mary@OnePerfectBite
68. Debra Kaye
69. hapzydeco
70. Katillac Shack:MIRACLE MAKEOVER!
71. Delightfully Wed - Debbie
72. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove
73. Sherry@MyHome
74. Shabby Carport Turned Breezy Patio
75. Half Hull Sailboat Painting
76. Dimple
77. sandi @ the whistlestop cafe
78. Joy- Books and Life
79. annies home =
80. Debbie@thepaintsplash
81. Kayce@My Daily Notes
82. Shy@Milestones
83. Coolong Blues @ faithgracecrafts
84. Anna's Adornments, Sweden
85. Patricia

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  1. Oh my LORD in heaven,,am I really the 1st one here Sally!!!
    Pinch me ok!!!
    Those dudes with the BLUE heads are cooool BTW and your grand daughters are Beautiful too!!!..
    Blessings and Hugs Sweetie~~~Dena

  2. Can't believe I am second! The Blue Men are cool--- saw them several yrs ago in Vegas.

  3. Wow, those blue men looks cool. Happy Blue Monday Sally

  4. They were here last year. That's really something blue! Happy Blue Monday!

  5. Great shots. I saw this group many years ago when they were first getting their start. I'm glad that they are making it so big! Thanks for hosting.

  6. wonderful Post Sally..
    beautiful Grands!

  7. Got blues here in my contest.. wannah join?

  8. Its our class 79 Grand Alumni.. Thanks to Blue Monday..

  9. I agree, you couldn't get bluer than that! What an interesting group!~

  10. I seen this group in Vegas in 05 and they were awesome Sally and really blue ha ha!! I'm all linked into blue monday my friend...Hope you have a GREAT week...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  11. My second entry here... would not miss this every week. Visit me please...

  12. Great photos of blue.

    Happy Blue Monday!

    Mine is here.

  13. Blue man !!!
    Fantastico... andrĂ , poi, via la vernice ?
    Buona giornata.
    Spero che la mia foto del giorno in blue vi piaccia nel mio post di oggi !

  14. It wouldn't be as much fun if they were Green Man Group, that's for sure...

    I'm looking forward to enjoying the Blue Man Group in Stockholm in October.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  15. Wow! I don't think I have heard of these guys. Definitely makes for an interesting BLUE post. I am here again with travel related pictures.

    Now I need to visit the other Linnea. Boy was I surprised to see a comment from a Linnea. I thought to myself, wait a minute, I have not commented here yet. Then I realized it was a different Linnea. Guess I better go and visit her!


  16. Hi Ms Sally, what a great blue monday post, the Blue Man Group! I saw them years ago in Las Vegas when they first started. I loved them then! Hey, why wouldn't he take a picture with 3 beautiful girls? Your grand daughters are adorable!
    happy Blue Monday..

  17. My first time to join Blue Monday. Blue is my favorite color.

  18. We have seen those blue men on tv. They're cool.

  19. Zoe is happy to join Blue Monday!

    Those blue men are incredible. We've seen them perform on tv. It must be something to meet them in person.

    You have beautiful granddaughters, Sally. Happy Monday!

  20. I saw them in Las Vegas last November...they are so Kool!

  21. ah, the blue men. I have seen them, they are fun. At my place are only a little blue, on a flower. :)

  22. wow your granddaughters are all grown-ups ... and this must be an interesting show.

  23. your granddaughters are all pretty!

    my first ever entry on Blue MOnday is here

    thanks a lot!

  24. Thanks for hosting Sally!

    This week I've got more of that luscious light turquoise blue.

  25. Great to see your granddaughters, Sally. They are all pretty. Great photos.

    Happy Blue Monday.

  26. Great Blue Men made Happy Blue Monday : )

  27. Hi Sal!
    These blue Men are like agrownupversion of "the smurfs".(I don't know if this is the right English name of these blue cartoons figures...They were shown on childrens channels on the 80:ties, and had people to collect plastic models of the cartoonfigures.)
    Happy Blue Monday!
    Best wishes,

  28. I've always wanted to see the blue Men performance! Happy blue Monday!

  29. How cool is this!!! And, your beautiful granddaughters certainly favor you.

    Happy Blue Monday, Sally.

  30. Hi Sally, I just now published my post for today. I was too tired to finish it last night. We had the same grands sharing posts today. Your granddaughters are all so pretty. I know they loved the 'Blue Men' while visiting Chicago. The photo is terrific. Love your blue post as always.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Love Ya, Jeanne

  31. Hi Sally:

    I haven't linked up to Blue Monday in awhile and I'm happy to be back.

    Blue Man is such a cool group. I've seen them on TV and my son has seen them in person. Thanks for bringing us such a cool and unusual Blue Monday.

    - The Tablescaper

  32. I have a friend who very much enjoyed the Blue Man Group in Las Vegas. How cool that your sweet granddaughters got so close.

    They are lovely young women.

    Becky K.

  33. Hi Sally,
    It looks like they all were having a great time! Cute grand-daughters too!
    Thanks for hostessing Blue Monday!

  34. What lovely granddaughters Sally and those blue men are fun.
    Happy BM

  35. Hello Most Smiling Blue One! Oh, what a cute picture! I've never seen the Blue ones and always thought they seemed a bit silly! Well, on the other hand - maybe I would love them! :) Hope you're doing well and that is one lovely group of smiling ladies!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  36. I've never seen a blue man LOL gald you had a great time with the grands

  37. Your granddaughters are gorgeous! I've never seen Blue Man Group, but I hear the show is great. They sort of freak me about you?

  38. I've tried to talk the hubby into seeing the Blue Man Group several times, but with no success. I'd love to see them someday. I think they're very weird, but fun, too. That's a wonderful photo with your granddaughters!

  39. I have heard of them and heard they put on a FABULOUS show. I would love to see them sometime. That is a GREAT blue post!! Enjoy your day Sally.♥

  40. I've seen them on TV but I think it would be too loud for me to ever see them in real life. Love them, though, and how cool that one posed with your granddaughters!

  41. Good morning Sally, your three granddaughters are beautiful..I have not seen the blue men perform, but they look cool ..
    please remove my number 63 post from the list.It posted an old post that had been done already.Have a good day. Hugs, Baba

  42. You can tell I am behind times. I never heard of these blue guys. I am sure the younger generation knows all about them as your granddaughters appear to be enjoying everything. They certainly make for a perfect blue Monday.

  43. That is so cool Sally. They really put on a entertaining show! Your granddaughters are gorgeous!!

  44. :) thanx for a nice blogg and initiative! I will come back for more blue mondays! yes you were right, it was my cowboyhat on the picture! :)

  45. That IS pretty neat, Sally. The blue men were performing in Las Vegas while we were there a few years ago. We didn't see their performance, but did see them wandering around in the shopping areas.
    Happy Blue Monday.

  46. Happy Blue Monday, Sally. Your blue this morning is truly unique. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  47. Sally,

    We had a great time when we went to Blue Man group! My son and nephew were covered in tissue paper!!!

    Blessings to you today!

  48. Love Blue Man SallY!

    Thank-you for your party!

    Love you!


  49. Loved the Blue Man pictures. Your granddaughters are beautiful.

  50. I remember seeing these guys in Las Vegas. They are a lot of fun!

    I hope you have a wonderful week!

  51. Love the post and the blog in general -- glad to find it. Thanks for hosting!

  52. Hi Sally...
    I'd love to see that group. I've seen them advertised and they seem to be soooo neat and talented.

    Isn't that nice that your son's family was able to go...and how VERY nice your granddaughters got such great pictures!~

    They are beautiful....the girls I mean..*hugs*
    have a lovely BLUE Monday

  53. Your blue post always put a smile on my face. I better not let my grandson see this or he will be wanting to paint his face blue!!! ~~Sherry~~

  54. Would be so much fun to see! and Your granddaughters ARE beautiful. Debbie

  55. I saw this blue man groups on TV performing their music and they are really good. Imagine the kind of paint and time they have to clean their face huh.

  56. My dh is a big fan of this group! Happy Monday, off to register for your book giveaway!

  57. they look so interesting! and their make up was awesome!

  58. Hi Sally,
    I'm late, I know, but I haven't been at my computer until now today. That is some blue-looking men! Very strange, but perfect for the blue theme. Your granddaughters look very nice!
    Best wishes,


  59. I saw the blue man group once in Vegas, they were not my cup of tea, but apparently many others'. :-)

  60. Oh Chicago pizza CANNOT be beat!. I would love to go see these blue guys, think it would be so much fun. Have a great week.

  61. Blessings, hugs, and prayers,

  62. Very intriguing. I'll have to watch for that if it comes to our area. Thank you. :)

  63. Hi Sally,
    Saw Blue Man Group in Las Vegas, very fun!! So creative and clever, what a crazy show!
    Where is the link today? I'm all set to go but couldn't find it.
    here's the info:
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  64. Blue Man group sounds cool! So BLUE indeed!


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