Monday, August 16, 2010

Blue Monday - Blue Heron

It's Blue Monday! To read the instructions, click here.

See more offerings of Blue by clicking on the links below.

Most of you know that we moved from South Florida into the Tampa area this past year. We're enjoying our new home and surroundings.

Because our back yard faces a small pond, we see some interesting wildlife. Look at what we recently spotted! A Blue Heron. He's standing on a concrete overflow pipe.

I looked it up and found a site, where I copied this information:

Adult Description

* Large, gray bird.
* Long legs
* Long, "S"-shaped neck.
* Long, thick bill.
* White crown stripe.
* Black plume extending from behind eye to off the back of the neck.
* Shaggy feathers on neck and back.
* Bluish gray back, wings, and belly.
* Reddish or gray neck.
* White morph all white with pale legs, yellow bill.

Immature Description
Juvenile similar to adult, but has gray crown, a dark upper bill, rusty brown edging to back feathers, and lacks body plumes.

That little touch of Blue on his feathers identifies him.

The same web site captures his sound. Click here to hear the noise that has kept me awake at night!

Happy Blue Monday!

Blue Monday Participants
1. Fe's Journey of Life
2. Lani, Taiwan
3. mizhelle
4. Jeanne,backyard neighbor
5. Traveler's Notebook
6. Candy @ The Little Round Table
7. Trearues from the Heart
8. Siromade Australia
9. peggy gatto
10. Sarah@Blogging While Waiting
11. Little World of Fun
12. Boo
13. Rinkly Rimes
14. QC Girl
15. Pie
16. Dena E Dream Doodler
17. LaVoice
18. Blurry
19. Kooki
20. Fifi Flowers
21. Loui
22. Cabin & Cottage
23. VH
24. Vernz, Phils.
25. Riet, Holland
26. Maboe, Norway
27. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove
28. Boogieboard Cottage
29. Eden, Australia
30. Komali Nunna
31. Shannara
32. Rajesh, India
33. kat
34. Maria Berg, Sweden
35. Christine
36. foto CHIP - Birgitta
37. Belle
38. hip chick
39. A Vintage School Book!
40. Ella Maes Barn Gathering
41. Crafty Gardener, Canada
42. Auntie'sQuilting @SelfSagacity
43. cindy
44. Wifey10-United Kingdom
45. Beverly @ How Sweet The Sweet
46. Beth Beyond the Garden Gate
47. Gracie Jewellery
48. Beyond the Garden Gate
49. Manang Kim, USA
50. Shelia @ Notesongs
51. Viridian USA
52. Sue at Beach Bungalow
53. Christi at A SOUTHERN LIFE
54. Mountains and Flowers - Linsday
55. hapzydeco
56. Baba
57. me Ann my camera, canada
58. Ann @ Tin and Sparkle
59. Briarside Lane
60. Kaye Swain
61. Sue-Someone's Mom
62. Mary@OnePerfectBite
63. Sweet Nothings
64. Turkish Shopping Mall
65. melandria
66. Joysweb
67. Molly's Country Memories
68. Milla
69. Mary @ Vintage Comfort
70. Kayce's Daily Notes
71. An Eskimo Bakes ~
72. SailingSimply
73. Yoli ~ Apron Senorita
74. Ruth
75. Debbie@thepaintsplash
76. Kathy @ Me & My Memes
77. Joy- Books and Life
78. Shy@Milestones
79. Memories Captured
80. Patricia - USA
81. Teresa C.

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  1. Hello Sally! I think you double your widget, Anyways, happy week ahead! By the way, nice captured of Heron!

  2. Wow, that's so cool if you see some interesting wildlife close to your backyard. First time I see this heron when I visited the zoo in NL.

  3. Sally,
    You will not believe this, but we had 4 of the young ones in our back yard 2 weeks ago. They came and went for a could of days, and then disappeared. My guess is they were checking out local territory.
    I have seen an adult in a pond a mile from here for the last 3 years. It was all so cool!

    OK, now, i am confused about where i should link. Did not see the second link up for blue Monday till i linked to the top one. I will link yup to the second one, and you can take me off the one i do not belong in. OK??

    thanks for hosting.


    barbara jean

  4. wait. now i see they are both alike. so i will leave it as it is.



  5. Herons are good luck, did you know that!

  6. Nice captured of that blue heron, good for you it is easy for you to capture a picture of those birds how I wish I could do that here as well hehehe mine is up thanks

  7. How Cool is that Sally...
    You get some neat ideas for BLUE Monday!!!
    Blessings and Hugggggs Dena

  8. Sally, sorry guess I goofed, but not sure what I did. I hope it all works now. Heron's are interesting birds. You did well on getting this great shot of him.

  9. Happy blue Monday Sally!!
    love the Blue Heron!!
    don't love his nite serenade!!
    warm sandy hugs..

  10. Back for more Blue! I'm a bird watcher too, but I find it very hard to photograph birds. Your photo is great. How fun to be so close to fantastic birds! Thanks for hosting--Jacqueline

  11. Hi Sally, so sad we don't have this bird in our place... thanks for sharing ... have a happy monday...

  12. Hi Sally!

    Wonderful shot! We see these around here once in awhile on lake Erie.

    Hope you have a great week!

  13. i've never seen anything like it! wonderful bird shots. thank you for sharing!

    My entry is here

  14. Wow, nice captures of the blue heron, Sally.

    Happy Blue Monday.

  15. What a cute bird! Happy Blue Monday, Mary :O)

  16. How nice that you see blue herons by your pond, Sally. I think they are very graceful birds....Christine

  17. We get them up here in New England also. They are so pretty and majestic looking standing in the water. One time my husband and I saw one catch a fish and eat it.

  18. Oh appeared that Mr. Linky was not accepting my entry so it looks like I've enter twice. So sorry for the blunder!

    Whenever I see a blue heron, I am stunned by the beauty of nature. Such a lovely bird in the wilds.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  19. Great photos, I love capturing the blue heron through my lens when I go for walks down by the bay.

  20. saw a heron last time when I had a week with parents inlaw but it flew fast that I haven't took a photo of it. Nice shot you took!
    Happy Blue Monday and a good week ahead!

  21. Good morning dear Sally. I love your photo of the Blue Heron. I clicked to hear the sounds and it was definitely something that can keep one awake. You would not be happy with the sounds in the mountains at night. It is SO loud at times you wouldn't believe it. Mostly in the summer. Winter... things are very quiet here.

    I took Cheri out this morning and the air was a sudden change to cool. Also, less humidity. A lovely feeling.

    Have a wonderful day.
    Love ya, Jeanne

  22. Hello Sally! I enjoyed your post on the blue heron. We see them in our area in the midwest too but not in our backyards. You must be close to water. This summer we've had a lot of flooding - farm fields have become home to the water birds - even pelicans. That is an awesome site. I'm glad God gave us wildlife to see and enjoy. Have a great week!

  23. Happy Blue Monday Sally
    thats so nice to have water behind you like that to see interesting birds...nice picture and great description of them.
    I know I've seen them around...interesting bird..
    hope you have a wonderful Blue Monday

  24. How neat, Sally!! We have them here, but I have never heard one. Is it really quiet where you live so you hear it really well?

  25. I'm joining in after about a year away! Happy Blue Monday.

  26. Morning Most Blue Smiling One! Oh, I love the shore birds and see these around here but I can't get close enough to them! I love watching the birdies. I didn't know which linky to hook up to. You have two! I did the first one and then looked where to comment and then saw another list. I signed up on that one too but my name didn't pop up! :)
    I'm playing with you today with little touches of blue.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  27. Never seen a juvenile before - we have a great blue that lives int eh creek across from us. Happy Blue Monday!

  28. Good morning Sally, I have seen a blue Heron behind my house in the marsh looking for fish in the cove that flows near my house.I get excited to watch them..have a fun day. Hugs, Baba

  29. Ah, the beautiful blue heron - very nice!

    Christi @ A Southern Life

  30. This bird is pretty awesome. I think the sound is unique, I wouldn't mind hearing them. Happy Blue Monday.

  31. A wonderful Blue Monday post, Sally! Love the blue heron... being a bird-watcher!

    Enjoy your Blue Monday! ...Karen

  32. Hi! I'm new to Blue Monday, but thought I'd play along this week. Love the Blue Heron, my dad lives on Siesta Key, not far from you. It is my second home.

  33. What great photos of one of these intriguing birds! Thank you so much for sharing them. :)

  34. Sally, how wonderful it must be to have such critters visiting so close to your home. I love to see the herons getting ready for take off. They look so awkward until they are actually airborne :-). I hope you had a great weekend and are enjoying Blue Monday. Blessings...Mary

  35. I seeing DOUBLE ?? :)

    Thanks so much for fun it must be to see all this wild life in your own yard.
    xo bj

  36. Nice pictures of the blue heron.......I've never seen one before.

    Happy Blue Monday!!!!!

  37. This is my FIRST BLUE MONDAY... I'm re-posting my Silver Blue Tea, and I would LOVE,LOVE,LOVE some new followers, "PRETTY PLEASE"... I always have my "Kettle On" for visitors and LOVE company!!! HUGS ALL...
    LOVE the Blue Heron... He looks so prehistoric, doesn't he! and I LOVE seeing him in a tree where he looks so awkward... He is SUCH a beautiful bird!!! Thank you for sharing him, Donna

  38. Neat photos! Herons don't really look like they should be able to fly, do they? Interesting birds.

    Have a great Blue Monday!

  39. That is cool - i really enjoyed listening to their call. Happy Blue Monday~

  40. Good morning from the west coast, Sally!

    I used to live in Tallahassee, 14 years before returning home. On rare occasions I'd spot a blue heron - usually to a beach or lake trip. How fun - it always felt like a special moment to come across one.

    Happy week to you!

  41. Thank you for posting this beautiful bird! We love to see them out on the water when we go for rides.

    Hope you have a wonderful BlUe MoNdAy! Be sure to visit my blog for a great giveaway!

    Sarah ***Visit my blog for a GIVEAWAY and new linking party!***

  42. we have blue heron where I live too - they are awesome birds

  43. Love the herons on our lake. They are so graceful! Great picture. Debbie

  44. Thank you for fixing my link!!!! I love participating in Blue Monday-great bird pics!

  45. LOVE those pictures of the heron Sally! Happy Blue Monday!

  46. What a tiny little bird. Thanks for sharing the info and Happy Blue Monday once again!

  47. Looks like an interesting bird to see for free. Youdon't have to go to the zoo as you can watch them at the comfort of your own back yard. Thanks for sharing.

  48. What a pretty bird and neat to see from your backyard! Have a great week Sally.♥

  49. I love Blue Herons. Up here in the Niagara Region of Ontario, the Blue Herons have been raiding the fish ponds in peoples' backyards. Thank you for hosting Blue Monday!

  50. Hey Sally! The photos in my post were taken in Clearwater. We are in FL to drop my daughter off at college and are making a small sweep across the state in a mini-vacation before we do. We have family and friends in Palm Harbor and Dunedin, so we spent time there and around the area. Now we are in Orlando for a day or so. We've seen a pretty good share of herons on this trip!

  51. I was about to say, "What a nice visitor" until I saw he kept you awake at night. :-)

  52. It's good to see you have 'wildlife' too. I enjoyed the pic and info on the blue heron.

    God bless ya and have a terrific day sweet Sally!!! :o)

  53. Sally, he's neat! I love herons. They are one of my favorite birds.

    Hope all is well. I've missed you, but I'm still on break. Just checking in mid way to see how folks are. I am going to blog to everyone on my last post and call it a night. Mr. Magpie has kidney stones, and we are dealing with that and with things with the house AND garden. So, I hope I will be back after the first of September.


    Sheila :-)

  54. Good morning Sally, I wonder if you will try to send a comment. It seems some people are having a problem posting their comments on my blog.

    Thanks for your email, I am glad you were able to watch your program. Smile.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  55. Thanks Sally, it seems to be working fine.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  56. Hi Sally, Just stopping by to see how you are doing. Hope you are still enjoying that new home and enjoying being closer to your kids/grands there in the Tampa area.

    We are fine --and had a wonderful trip to the Blue Ridge Mtns. in VA to celebrate my birthday.

  57. What a great photo. I would love to look outside my window and see a cool little bird like that. I hope you are doing well. I think of you often ♥


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