Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pink Saturday Dog & Cancer Survivor

When I spotted these two dressed as Piglet and Pooh, and the little guy in Pink, I thought you might get a chuckle. Neither dog is mine; I copied this picture from the internet.

Precious Beverly at How Sweet the Sound hosts Pink Saturday.

Please Pause at her Place to see Plenty of other Pretty Pink items that Precious Pink Participating People are Presently Presenting for your Perusing Pleasure.

They've Plotted, Planned, and Preformed to Perfection so you can take a Peek.

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Everyone has been touched by the horrible disease of cancer. October is all about breast cancer. It seems that the world is saturated with Pink. We are all praying for a cure.

I am an Ovarian Cancer survivor. It's known as the silent killer as symptoms are often vague. It grows undetected, and few of its victims survive.

Teal blue is the color of the ovarian cancer ribbon.

Twenty-one years ago, I had a mass the size of a grapefruit removed, along with all the rest of my "lady parts." It had not metastasized. Although I had to visit an oncologist for five years, I never had to go through chemo or radiation.

No matter what color, I am truly a blessed woman.
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Check out my book giveaways.
See you in two days for Blue Monday!


  1. Happy Pink Saturday, dear Sally. You can't know how much I have missed your pinkie face every Saturday. I added a note about your giveaways.

    You are indeed truly blessed. Ovarian cancer is a wicked foe. I have lost close friends to it. Thank you for sharing.

    Pooh and Piglet are adorable, and they always tug at my heart. My son had stuffed animals of the entire group when he was small.

  2. Those dogs look very sweet!


  3. Sally,

    I am so happy that you are a SURVIVOR!

    I happen to love all things having to do with Pooh. I cannot wait to introduce any Grandchildren we may be blessed with to these lovable characters.

    Becky K.

  4. Precious picture of those doggies, I agree the pink is tooooo cute.

  5. Sally, I am having server issues, but when I read this I perservered because I wanted to give thanks to God that you are a survivor! That is such a wonderful praise report, and you are such a blessing to others.

    Love the cute dogs, but I love you much, much more!


    Sheila :-)

  6. The picture of the dogs in costume had me giggling Sally...not so much the cancer. I am sorry that you had to go through this illness, but so happy that you are well today.
    ♥, Susan

  7. Happy Pink Saturday, Sally!!!

    Ah the little Piglet and Pooh are adorable!!! :)

    I have lost a friend to Ovarian few survive that one. I am so happy to learn that you are one of the fortunate ones who was able to have it detected early enough for a good fight against it!! Thank you for sharing your story, Sally.

    I hope you have a great weekend! We're having a little "cool down".....rain off and on, too. It's Fall! :) L,Dana

  8. Happy Pink Saturday Sally,

    So glad you are a survivor. I had uterine cancer, I did have chemo and radiation treatments and in January I'll be celebrating my 5 year survivorship. I often wear my "peach ribbon" with my pink ribbon to help draw attention to the fact that there are other cancers to fight for the cure.

  9. Those costumes are super cute :) I'm glad you're a survivor. I pray for a cure.

  10. Happy Pink Saturday, Sally! The doggies are too cute! I'm so happy that you survived that terrible disease! Yes, you are blessed! Have a wonderful Pink weekend, my friend.
    ~ Blessings

  11. I didn't know that, Sally. I am so glad God healed you and blessed you with more life.

  12. Happy PINK Saturday Sally and blessings for continued clean bill of health, Nan

  13. Congrats on being a survivor! There are those miracles out there like you that are an encouragement for those you are currently suffering. May there be more survivors!!! Sally

  14. The pups are just so darn cute. I love dogs, big and little!

    I am so happy to hear that you are a survivor. it saddens me that the symptoms of ovarian cancer are so vague...imagine all the lives that could be saved if there was early detection.

    My husband lost his first wife to breast cancer. She was misdiagnosed. We have to be very diligent and sometimes take things in our own hands.


  15. Happy Pink Saturday, Sally!
    I am thrilled you are a cancer survivor!!! Hurrah! You are so blessed!

    Those doggies sure are cute!!

  16. G'day Sally ~ How blessed you are to have survived ... may all others be as fortunate with His healing hands.

    Have a wonderful PS week ~
    TTFN ~Hugs, Marydon

  17. Hey Sally, Those dogs are so cute. I have a granddog who had bone cancer was only supposed to survive 6 months and he's been with us 7 years. I had bladder cancer 2 years ago and so far so good but I did have chemo and 2 tumors removed. We hope to find a cause and cure of all cancers. Have a blessed week.

  18. Happy Pink Saturday! AWE! Piglet and Pooh Bear! I want one of each!!!!

  19. Happy Pink Saturday, thank goodness you survived so you could not only spread the word but let all us Pinky ladies get to know you! Blessings to you Pink ones and Teal too! Hugs Marilou

  20. What a sweet reminder and precious pups!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  21. Beautiful..Thank you for sharing..

  22. cute,
    Will have a post linked up this week.
    Happy Sunday!

  23. That is way too cute. The dog in pink is a wonderful contribution to PinkSat.


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