Monday, October 18, 2010

Blue Monday - Alligator!

Welcome! It's Blue Monday! I'm so glad you came to play.

If posts are not about Blue or not linked back here, they risk being deleted. Last week, at least ten were deleted. I hate that! So, please, please follow the instructions located here.

To visit other Blue participants, click on their links.


We used to live on a lake, and we now have a small pond in our backyard. It's so peaceful; I love to see the blue sky reflecting in the water. People often ask if any alligators live in the water. I've always answered that I've never seen any. However, this is Florida, and where there's water, there could be a gator.

Last Monday, Johnny spotted an alligator strolling in our front yard! He watched it as it continued through to our back yard and into the pond. Then, he grabbed the camera. Here's the proof. You'll have to squint, but it's that small dot in the water.

This shot is a little closer.

I'm sure this shot is close enough. Wanna come over for a swim?

Happy Blue Monday!

Check my sidebar for my book giveaways.

Blue Monday Participants
1. mizhelle
2. Sheila
3. Fall redo
4. LaVoice
5. Little World of Fun
6. Dena E CareBears
7. Milla
8. Donna Connolly
9. blue-taiwan
10. DHM, Room Redo
11. Fifi Flowers
12. Christine
13. Shannara
14. fes Journey of life
15. Elaine
16. Pie
17. Rose of Sharon
18. Maboe, Norway
19. Poetic Shutterbug
20. La Dame de Nage
21. Anni, Sweden
22. Priyanka Bhowmick @ Lensomania
23. mercedes scott
24. Treasures from the Heart
25. Rantis, Swe
26. Eden, Australia
27. Rinkly Rimes
28. Life is a Battle
29. Life Ramblings
30. Jeanne,backyard neighbor
31. Doni@faithgracecrafts and Giveaway!
32. Lani in Taipei
33. Vernz, Phils.
34. Eileen, MD
35. NatureFootstep Swe
36. Kayce's Life and Journey
37. Crafty Gardener, Canada
38. Donnie
39. Reach Beyond Limits
40. American Folk Art in Blue!
41. Beverly @ How Sweet The Sound
42. Maria's Space
43. Judi @ Cranberryblossom
44. Tove, Tenerife
45. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen
46. Linderhof
47. Sue-Someone's Mom
48. sandi @ the wistlestop cafe
49. DeniseMarie
50. hapzydeco
51. Belle
52. My Place to Yours
53. Shy
54. ellen b
55. Loui♥
56. Lillianna - Sweden
57. Annie
58. Valerie-Traveling Through
59. Dhemz
60. Zoe's World
61. Ann
62. Windsurfing in Florida
63. Nnika, Sweden
64. Kelsey@The Flip-Flop Farmgirl
65. Joyful
66. Sherry@MyJourney
67. Cabin & Cottage
68. Komali-Butchart Gardens
69. Terie- Caribbean Sea
70. Joy- Books and Life
71. Livsnjutaren
72. Claire Rose
73. Kathy @ Me & My Memes
74. Saltbox in the Country ~ Autumn
75. Saltbox Treasures ~
76. jerla :)
77. Gunsside, Norway
78. Lynns Lovelies
79. Patricia
80. Junneth's Landscape
81. annies home -

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  1. Sally! EEEEEEK! He was in your yard??? That's a little too close for comfort. I know we used to swim and ski in lakes and bodies of water with gators, but still... I would rather see them in the zoo. LOL! Or maybe at a Gator game. ;-)

    Happy Blue Monday to you!


    Sheila :-)

  2. That's a tad too much wildlife for my taste! Beautiful pond though! I'd enjoy looking at that every day, too! Thanks for hosting another Blue Monday.

  3. No thx! I'll stay right where I am! YIKES!

    m ^..^

  4. There's indeed an alligator, waaaaahhh scary

  5. Sally, I think I'm on there twice! Sorry. Not sure how that happened, but I thought my link didn't go through.


    Sheila :-)

  6. OmGeeze,,,Sis,, were you putting food out for him???? Just teasing Sally..YIKES is right...
    Blessings and PRAYERS Dena

  7. Where you live is truly a lovely place. That woulds have scared me to death to have that creature, regardless of size, that close to my home. Those are very good shots of it.

  8. "Oh My, that's Quite a visitor"!!! No Swimming there!!!
    GREAT picture! I did a bit better this week LINKING back to you. I WILL GET BETTER, I promise!
    Hugs to you,

  9. I was just watching an Animal Planet program last night about urban alligators. There are patrols that go out and chase these bad boys down, catch them humanely and then move them to the outer limits elsewhere. I'm guessing you or your neighbors have had to call them a few times. But, seriously. YIKES!!

  10. Awww,that's scary though I love animals I may n0t like them in my yard....
    weekend getaway @ kenting

  11. SCARY blue post... I don't think I'd like to go in that water.
    Have a great week!

  12. OMG, I am glad you did not step on it thinking it was a log. There was an 8 ft alligator who crossed our yard too in FL. to go to the next house. Our neighbor found it trying to get to their pool. It made it on national news about 2 years ago. Yikes!...Christine

  13. what an alligator infront of your yard, isn't that scary....happy blue monday sally

  14. I only like alligators if they are in pictures or behing a high fence. Happy Blue Monday

  15. So what do you do when you find an alligator? leave it there or call for help?

    Happy Blue Monday!

  16. Sally, this is my first visit and link to your Blue Monday... wonderful post and pics from you today! I'm delighted to have discovered you! :) mercedes

  17. OH MY GOSH!!

    How big was it? Is tha pond in your back yard?? No thanks on the swim invite!!

    thanks for hosting.


    barbara jean

  18. One very evil blue eye! And I reject the offer of a swim!

  19. No, thanks, Sally! It's so scary.

    But I like the place. It is so beautiful. Lovely photos and the reflections are fantastic.

    Happy Blue Monday.

  20. here again, posting another entry for blue monday meme. hope this will count. thanks!

  21. nice shots. love the reflections in the lake but the alligator looks scary.

  22. Hi Sally, as you can see I am up very late posting the blogger party. I fell asleep on the couch all evening and now who can sleep after that silly move.

    Love your backyard view of the pond. I was going to say I bet there is a gator in that water and no surprise, there was. I am imagining your hubs watching that gator walk through your yard and into the pond. I hope your neighbors keep watch on their pets.

    When our daughter's new home in Kissimmee was under construction, we saw a HUGE gator in the lot next door. He was quite a ways from the lake. Very scary. She has not seen a gator again for a few years now. It is a golf course community and there are many lakes in the area.
    Gators are out there for sure. There are a couple of them that live in their home. The football kind. HA!

    Happy Blue Monday.
    Love, Jeanne

  23. I wouldn't be able to stay there...I'd have to move! I wouldn't be able to sleep or anything thinking a gator would jump at me from the commode or something!!!! AAAKKKKKK!!!!
    Oh my, I don't know how you do it!
    BUT, the view is gorgeous!! WITHOUT Mr. Gator!!
    I'm joining you this week for Blue monday! Have an awesome GATOR FREE week!!!
    Blessings, Doni

  24. My blue monday is up... care to visit?

  25. eeek! just the thought living close to a gator makes me shiver!

    hope you guys stay high, dry, and safe.

    an exhibit of Andy Warhol illustrations for my entry this week

  26. if I'm desperate enough Sally, I will do it... ewwwwww... I can imagine how this guy's gonna munch on my bones...

  27. Sally, beautiful capture of the skies reflection. The gator looks scary but would still be neat to see one. Far away of course.

  28. I think I´ll pass on the swimming today. :)

  29. OMG! that's so scary! I can't imagine myself being there. lol!

  30. That alligator is a bit too close for me, I won't be popping by for a swim no matter how hot it gets.

  31. We're getting ready to head to Lady Lake, Florida, since we're snowbirds, and there are quite a few small gators there. Small gators equals big gators so we have to watch out around the water. Your husband took a great photo.

  32. Having a pond on the property is really wonderful but...I'm not swimming there! That's for sure! Great photos!
    Happy Blue Monday!

  33. Happy Blue Monday, dear Sally.

    I would have bet my pay that there was a gator. When we lived in Fort Lauderdale, we lived on a canal. And, there were definitely gators.

    When I was very ... pregnant, I went outside and stretched out on the bank of the canal to enjoy the warm sun and cool breezes. Well, I fell asleep, and I was awakened by a movement next to my arm. A baby gator had come up next to me to enjoy the sun, and was returning to the water. I was so stunned, it was a wonder I didn't have the baby right then.

  34. Hi Sally!
    I afraid I have to turn down your invitation ;D. In fact I wouldn´t ever go near your backyard. Nice enough to see on TV.

    Happy Blue Monday from a Grey Tenerife.

  35. no thank you, I think I will just look at it from got several in the big Lake down the road from my house and I just ride by never stop.
    Beautiful cloud reflection shot in your second picture.

  36. HOLY COW!

    I just got back from Florida and was walking around the pond in my aunt's complex. If I'd seen this bad boy, I would have messed my pants.

    Last trip, my cousin took me back to the creek behind her house to show me a gator slide. She's never actually seen the gator, but her son has.

  37. Lovely views of the land. I would want to be there. However that Crock isn't so inviting.
    My Blue Monday link for you

  38. Sally, that is not nearly as cute as a turtle running around in the water close by. I had wanted a place on the bayou here and we nervously laughed about the alligators in there. He's been known to eat doggies walking by.

  39. Hi Sally, The closest that I have ever gotten to a gator was probably at the zoo. They kinda creep me out. Those are some very cool pictures that you have today.

  40. I would not trade my moose for your alligator ! LOL !!!

  41. What a beautiful blue reflection in the pond. I hope the alligator just came for a visit and doesn't make your pond his home!

  42. Yikes! My husband got jumped by an alligator years ago while wade fishing. Fortunately, it hit his shrimp bucket tied several yards behind him and he wasn't hurt! Great post.

  43. Yikes! My husband got jumped by an alligator years ago while wade fishing. Fortunately, it hit his shrimp bucket tied several yards behind him and he wasn't hurt! Great post.

  44. Holly macaroni! Alligator...Ms Sally, that alligator gives me a creep. Right at your backyard. you guys take care. Thanks for sharing

  45. Gator!! Stay out of that water Sally! :0) Love the reflections of the clouds in that blue water!

  46. Hi Sally! swimming for me!!
    This mermaid prefers the ocean or preferably our beautiful Gulf of Mexico! no alligators there!!
    have a beautiful Blue Monday!!
    warm sandy hugs!

  47. hello sally,
    it is from a friend who is now living in Ocoee Florida. she told me the took this picture while she went to disneyland.

  48. Thanks for the greetings! Happy Week ahead!

  49. Hi Sally,

    Got your request to enter the link and return for Blue Monday. My bad. I forget return links way too much. Thanks for the reminder.


  50. I'm as close as I want to be sitting right here in Colorado. Of course, we have bears that stroll through our yard at night. I guess there is no difference!!! Sally

  51. Hi I am wondering whether anyone here interested in writing some paid reviews?
    Please let me know..



  52. Hi Sally,
    Oh that's scary! I think I'd prefer to stay out of the water. Beautiful pond though and I love the clouds reflected in it.

  53. We're glad we're able to join you this week, Sally. Our entry is in Zoe's World.

    Thanks for hosting. Blessings!

  54. oh my! that's pretty scary Sally...eehehe...alligator?! oh dear...ahhahaha!

    I would love to have a pond in our backyard where you can go fishing and pretty much unwind.

  55. Sally!!?? IN your pond yikes!! Well now you know so you have to be a bit careful. I'm glad Johnny got such good pics of him IN the pond and not any closer. I wonder whether he'll be "hanging" around there or moving along at some point..
    Happy Blue Monday!

  56. As Traveling Wildlife Biologists, we worked with alligators down along the texas/lousiana border for a year - we weren't blogging at that time, but have been for over a year now about our travels/work.....thanks for hosting :)

  57. YIKES!!! I'll pass on the swim. ;)
    The first picture is really beautiful!
    Have a wonderful Monday!

  58. wow, that was a little scary.. I woulnd´t like an alligator in my yard... Lucky me living in a country without alligators.. :-))

  59. I love the pond in your yard. I think I'll skip the swim though! ;-)

  60. Hi Sally! Fun gator shots! Your own little wildlife safari!

  61. Yipes....... Welcome to Florida... Right?????? Now what happens??? Do you just leave him there---or does someone have to remove him --and take him somewhere else?????

    Glad you didn't get out and take a little swim!!!!! ha

    Have a great week.

  62. Love your backyard! Watch those gators now ;)

  63. Wow - great photo! My husband's parents used to live in Venice FL and frequently had gators on the golf course and lake behind their condo. It was quite an experience for me to see them. Hope you have a great week.

  64. Our ponds are full of fish, frogs and occasionally snakes, but never a critter like that one! Your pond looks beautiful though.
    Love your conacopia.

  65. Hope this blue toile edging qualifies me for this linky party!!

  66. how next post for my Story tellers meme is going to be about our trip to a gator farm!!!

  67. This is the one thing that bothers me a bit about our plans to move to Florida in a few years. I'm not sure I could get used to a gator walking around in the yard!

  68. OH. MY. LORDY.
    I can not EVEN believe this, Sally.
    It would scare the living daylights right out of me. Do you have a dog? Oh, sure would have to stay inside, hu.
    Oh, gosh, my heart is racing, just thinking of Johnny out there, taking pics of such an ugly thing.
    Can you put up an alligator proof fence? I surely hope so...
    My grands would be lovin' this to pieces...they would be running and holloring and giggling...

  69. Sally, don't you be leaving your doors open, even for a few minutes. one could easily come inside. OMGOSH...
    Excuse me...gotta go to the bathroom...:)O)))

  70. I think that's just awesome Sally! I hope you had a happy Blue Monday :)

  71. Hi. This is my first blue monday. Thanks for hosting this blog party.
    ~ Julie

  72. This is scary in " my world !
    Great shots !!
    Have a nice week.

  73. Wow, am I glad I don't live in your neighborhood! Seriously, those are amazing photos!

    We're going to be moving back to Texas when the hubby retires, and the area we're looking at is still a little rural. I've been worrying about all the deer roaming the yards, but compared to alligators, deer should be no problem at all!

  74. Oh Salllleeeee!! Those photos brought a flashback of growing up in Florida. We lived in the New Tampa (before we moved up here) in a new development.Both of our boys were very little. Imagine my fear to look out the front window and see a baby gator crossing the street a few door away! Actually we were actually in HIS neighborhood. lol!

    Happy Blue Monday!

  75. Hi Sally, Thanks for visiting and commenting.
    ~ Julie

  76. Sally, I am afraid my pups would be either his afternoon snack or supper....oh, goodness! You had better be careful when going outdoors....where there is one, there has bound to be more!

  77. I was just watching a show on Animal Planet about alligators attacking. {{{Shudder}}}. Are you nervous about hanging out in your backyard? Unbelievable pics!


  78. Does that gator LIVE in the pond now, or was it just "visiting"? YOU be careful with that critter lurking in your back yard! Great photo, however! I believe I saw that boy (or girl) smiling for the camera!!

    LOVE your kitchen....I have cherry cabinets, too.

    Hope all is well with you!!


  79. Sally, thought you should know the link above to the rules does not work. the page is empty.

  80. Oh wow! Oh my! Charli could never live there although your pond is beautiful. If one happened to be on your drive way, or porch, and you walked outside would it attack or would it run away?

  81. Hi Sally,
    That alligator is a little too close for comfort! LOL

    Thank you for the visit today...I have been a terrible blogger lately.

    Can't seem to regain my enthusiasm, and have thought about stopping all together.

    You seem to be doing really well with your Blue Monday! Keep up the good work!

  82. I think I'll pass on the swim! I would love to have a pond in my yard though.
    Great pictures!

  83. Sally,
    Forget Halloween. . .this is too scary! Please be careful in your yard! Keep in touch!

  84. No, I don't want to come for a swim!! Those things scare me to death. I hope you don't have any little dogs/cats running around!!!

  85. I am returning to link back but seems you closed MR. Linky.

  86. great pictures but I think I will pass on the swim

  87. Good evening Sally...sorry it's taken me so long to come by here my friend...Just got back in the state on Monday night...My daughter had surgery and I was gone for a week..I pray all is well in your world my Dear friend and thanks for the shoud out girl..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
