Monday, February 7, 2011

Blue Monday - Review Billy Elliot

Hi! It's Blue Monday! Welcome.

For instructions, please click here.

Enjoy the day by visiting other Blue Monday participants, clicking on their links, and leaving a Happy Blue Monday comment! You might also visit later in the week as you find the time.

Johnny and I went to see Billy Elliot, the Musical, last Tuesday night. I absolutely loved it; Johnny grumbled about the British accents being hard for him to understand. I had no trouble understanding. However, Johnny did appreciate the music, singers, and dancers, so I give this a thumbs up!

Four boys rotate in the role of Billy. Note the blue shirt and blue pants on this star. We saw Kylend Hetherington, 13 years old, from Auburn, Michigan. What a talented young man! He sang, he acted, and oh boy, did he dance! He got a standing ovation and gave the audience an encore. What a night!

Based on the 2000 British film of the same name (pictured below, starring Jamie Bell as Billy Elliot) the show tells the tale of a young boy with a dream of becoming a ballet dancer against his father's wishes. Both the play and the film are set in the North East England during the 1984/85 coalminers' strike.

Look at this vertical leap and notice the lovely blue shirt.

There's plenty of blue in this advertisement for the movie.

If you ever get the chance to see either the movie or the play, go for it!

❤ Blogger ❤ Love ❤

Cindy at Whimsical Musings sent me some Blogger Love with this beautiful blue tag, made especially for Valentine's Day! Thank you, Cindy! Just look at all of the shades of turquoise blue!

Happy Blue Monday!
Stay warm!

Blue Monday Participants
1. John
2. Lani in Taipei
3. Lani in Belfast
4. Candy @ The Little Round Table
5. whatchamacallit/RIZ
6. Milla
7. Spice Up Your Life
8. imriz
9. Chubskulit
10. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove
11. Nostalgic Marveling
12. LaVoice
13. niko
14. Fifi Flowers
15. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA
16. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA, 2nd entry
17. mizhelle
18. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA, 3rd entry
19. Cindy Adkins
20. Mom and wife
21. culture medley
22. Iris
23. Dena E's
24. Siromade Australia
25. Dhemz
26. Rinkly Rimes revised
27. Lesley
28. Eden, Australia
29. La Dame de Nage
30. Little World of Fun
31. Lotus Mahal
32. Samson's Photoblog
33. Shy
34. The Gardener
35. Life is a Battle
36. Cindy @ Custom Comforts
37. Self Sagacity
38. Yami
39. Crafty Gardener, Canada
40. Kids and Me
41. Ella Maes Barn Gathering-Richeau Mint Tin
42. Reach Beyond Limits
43. Beverly @How Sweet The Sound
44. At Home with Auntie E
45. Shakerag Susan
46. Mylene
47. Dorincard: "From Estonia, with love!" lake
48. Mom's Place - kat
49. Birgitta
50. Wifey10-United Kingdom
51. Chie
52. Manang Kim,USA
53. annies home
54. A mini tutorial, Viviana
55. molly's Memories
56. Jeanne, backyard neighbor
57. Ann- Brag book
58. Joy@Books and Life
59. hapzydeco
60. Mary@OnePerfectBite
61. Prosperity's Desire
62. classic casual home
63. Kathy Matthews
64. Momgen
65. Christine
66. Andrea
67. ellen b
68. Marie @ Bonkers in Barnhart
69. Jingle
70. Maria's Space
71. Grandmother Wren
72. Scribbler
73. webbloggirl
74. Create with Joy - Vintage Valentine
75. Find Your Happiness
76. Whistlestop Love
77. Cacai M.
78. Debbie at The Paint Splash
79. Jeri
80. Terry
81. English Teacup
82. Patricia
83. Shengkay's journal, PH
84. Joyful
85. Pie

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  1. What lovely pictures for this chilly Blue Monday. Thank you for the sweet smile they put on this baby boomer's face as I head for bed, especially when I saw the lovely blue tags by Cindy. She does such lovely work. I tried one of those earlier today with my grandkids, thanks to an example she showed last week. It wasn't nearly as good as hers but it was fun. Thanks for a lovely visit. ;)

  2. looks like a great musical, i'm also struggling to understand "bloody" brit accents but it's a little harder to understand my aussie niece's accent, haha

    nice card:)

  3. wished i could watch musicals with my kids.

    happy valentine's day in advance, Sally.

  4. Yes, I loved the movie and think that seeing a live performance would be ducky. And I especially love your header photo!

  5. Oh my gosh, Sally, you are so sweet to post the tag. I hope it put a bright spot in your day! I was just going to go to Netflix and see if there was a movie on I'd like to watch--I'm going to see if they have this...thank you so much for the suggestion! And I'm so glad that the play was good too. I hope you had fun. Happy Blue Monday!

  6. The blue tags are beautiful. I'm glad you enjoyed the play.
    Happy Blue Monday

  7. Wow Sally, theyre are soooo many joining already. And here I thought I'd be like # 5 or something... What fun this BLUE Monday will be!!! Exciting Sis!!!
    Blessings and Hugs Dena

  8. would love to see that show...:) sweet of early present!

    have a wonderful Monday Sally!

  9. So sweet of her. It's a beautiful blue tag.

    I haven't watched it yet. Nice to know you enjoyed the show.

    Happy Blue Monday.

  10. You must have so much fun, Happy Blue Monday

  11. Advance happy Valentines day Ms.Sally. Cindy is so sweet for sending early love.

  12. Hello Ms. Sally.. Thanks for sharing and hosting this meme...:-)Advance happy Valentine!!!!

  13. Hi Sally,
    After leaving my comment, I looked for the movie on Netflix...Oh my gosh--it was great!!! Thank you for telling us about it...I LOVED it!

  14. nice presents Sally. mine is up. happy BM..

  15. I have been wanting to see the movie, I am glad you like it. I will take it more seriously now. :-)

  16. I so wanted to see the musical when it was in Chicago. I guess I will have to rent the movie. I really do love musicals though, my favorite is 42nd Street!

    Very nice gift from Cindy! How thoughtful!


  17. Lovely blues for today. Very nice gift to receive.

  18. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll look for the movie. We are off to the airport to drop Georgia off so she can head to your warm and sunny State.
    Becky K.

  19. What fun blue valentines-Happy Monday!

  20. I saw the movie a long time ago, and I like it..I'm glad you enjoyed the musical.

  21. Happy Blue Monday, Sally.

    I've heard wonderful things about this play. Maybe we'll have the opportunity to see it, too.

    I love your blue tag. It is so pretty.

  22. I will have to look that movie up. Haven't seen anything on it here yet. Happy Blue Monday.

  23. Glad to know you enjoy the show ;) I love watching Musical but I rarely have a chance to do it.

  24. Dynamic images...who's to say that blue pertains to calm and stillness?
    Ballet dancer - "in the name of the boy". Not "in the name of the father"...:)

  25. good eve, it is my first time for blue Monday..great share for blue monday, i haven't seen the movie but I would love to watch it...

    the blue tag is gorgeous

  26. oh you're friend is so sweet..nice gift for this month full of love.

    I wish I could find Billy's movie here.

    Thanks for the funny comment Sally.

  27. Great photos, Sally! Looks like a good and entertaining show to watch....Christine

  28. Looks like a neat movie, and love the cute basket of Valentine's Day
    goodies. Happy Blue Monday!

  29. Sally, I'm so glad you enjoyed the musical and you must be thrilled with that Valentine's tag. I hope you have a great week. Blessings...Mary

  30. Hi Most Smiling One! Oh, look at your pretties!
    The musical sounds like it would have been so good and I'm glad you liked it!
    Hope you're staying warm down your way! And I do miss you! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  31. Hi Sally,

    That looks like a good movie. I probably won't end up making it to the live musical, but I'm glad that you got the chance to.

    That was so nice of Cindy to make that beautiful tag for you!

    Have a great week,


  32. oh s sweet of her, very creative as well =)

  33. Wow i like those blue tags sweet. i like the movie also i watch that last month. Mine is a bit late...

    Mine is here

  34. I loved the movie. Hope I'll be able to see the play one day. Have a beautiful Blue Monday!

  35. Love those sweet blue tags! It's been a long time but I finally had something blue for today. Blessings Sally!

  36. very pretty tag - lucky you with talented friends!

  37. The musical sounds interesting. That tag is adorable.

  38. I loved the movie -- would really love an opportunity to see this on stage. Thanks for hosting!

  39. my blog is joining for the first time.thanks for this nice meme..
    See the World

  40. Wow, I love that blue tag...I am a sucker for vintage images!

  41. I've heard about the movie, but I didn't know it was made into a Broadway musical! Glad you enjoyed it!

  42. s. i love you. see you when i return. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox she.

  43. Beautiful keepsake! Very artistically made. And looks like the movie is awesome. Thanks for sharing! Happy Blue Monday!

    Come see mine: CSJ Blue Monday: Pens, Etc.

    See yah...

  44. Hi Sally, Thank you for your sweet comment about Molly. She is not the least impressed with her looks. Although, she is told that by many. We love that about her. It may not last, she is 15 now. She does think she is all grown up now. Sigh!

    I found the blue parrot on Google. I just Googled things that are blue if I remember correctly. If you want to use it take it. I think it is awesome. I knew you would love it. Smile. It is all yours.

    I am sending you an email about something.
    Love you, Jeanne

  45. Oh my Gosh, I forgot to tell you I want to see that movie. It sounds like fun. The sweet tag was a thoughtful gift. I love the blues she used. Making tags is fun. I often wonder what to do with them. Do you use them for gifts. It is a craft art and there is so much time involved making them. My cousin Marilyn makes them.

    have a wonderful week,
    Love ya, jeanne

  46. Hey Sally, Like Billy Elliot's clothes...I figured there was my son's BLUE basketball uniform...that always needs washing during the season. Have a happy day.
    Mary Ann

  47. Hi Sally, I guess I'm 'out of the loop' now because I have never even heard of "Billy Elliot"....

    Glad you went and glad you both enjoyed it. I would struggle with the language also!!!! ha.. There's a TV show called "Lie to Me" which my hubby enjoys. The main character is British --and I can't understand what he says about half of the time...Oh Well.

    Hope you are doing well.

  48. Great tag and so sweet fro her to send it. Blessings, Debbie

  49. Sounds like a great time - Happy Blue Monday!!

  50. Howdy Sally
    Happy Blue Monday to you .
    What a super musical with awesome blues !
    Thank you for sharing your early Valentine with us :)
    Blessings of joy to you and yours.
    Until Next time
    Happy Trails

  51. I'm definately going to add this to my list on Net Flex. Oh I do so love to go to plays, glad it was excellent. The tags Cindy made are gorgeous. Lucky you.

  52. I'm definately going to add this to my list on Net Flex. Oh I do so love to go to plays, glad it was excellent. The tags Cindy made are gorgeous. Lucky you.

  53. We loved the movie Billy Elliott -- it was just on cable the other day actually and I was watching it. I would love to see the musical at some point -- I'm glad you had a great time!!

    Thanks for hosting the Blue Monday hop, I've been enjoying taking part!


  54. Great review Sally! You sure made me want to go see it. I'd love to see it on stage, but I'll probably have to settle for the movie. laurie

  55. Sounds like an interesting movie. Happy Blue Monday, Sally!

  56. I have not been to a movie in so long I probably would not know who to act. I will never see this or any other musical at this point. I am glad you enjoyed it and found just the right touch ob blues.

  57. Just became a follower of your blog. Love the movie, one of my faves...not sure if I could get into the musical.

  58. I haven't heard of that musical, but it sounds really nice!

    Happy Valentine's Day!


  59. I am so late. :(

    Happy Blue Monday sally!

    My Blue Monday.

  60. Hello again me sally, sorry for the mistake, i forgot to put our link into your link and it's to late for me to post it again, here's my entry for Blue monday:

  61. I DO really want to see this movie! I have heard wonderful things about it!
    Thanks for the reminder. :)


    P.S. Sweet tag!

  62. Billy Elliot sounds like fun. It's been a really long time since I saw a stage show. And now that you've got me thinking about it, I really want to see one! Hope your week is going well.

  63. thanks for stopping by my blog! i love blue mondays :)

  64. Happy Blue!
    Love the Mt. rushmore pic.. I still have mine from when I was around 9 years old!
    Have a great week!

  65. uh oh! am i late for my entry? it's only monday here in San Diego....

    anyway, speaking for gas price. I have to say that the price is soaring high. it really hurts in our pocket everytime we put gas in our van. it's expensive, it's almost $4 per gallon. Geezzz when is this going to end? I guess when the Libya stop fighting huh?


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
