Monday, January 30, 2012

Blue Monday - Pirate Invasion!

Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For instructions, just click here.

Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday!

This weekend, Tampa was invaded by pirates! It's an annual celebration led by fictional pirate Jose Gaspar. It's Tampa's biggest party, with pirates and mermaids in Blue, a costume ball along with vendors and sponsors showcasing all of their treasures, a parade, a beauty contest, and even fireworks. You can read more about it here.

It begins with a pirate ship invading Tampa Bay. Please notice the Blue water and sky. Many boats are involved.

The weather was perfect in the low-to-mid 70s with a light breeze from the north!

There are many colors represented, but I know you want to see the Blue costumes!

People take part in catching beads, watching Jose Gaspar’s ship sail in, or dressing like a pirate. Some just go out to the streets of downtown Tampa and enjoy a bustling street festival. Lots of Blue here. I did not attend the Gasparilla events, but I did watch the parade on TV.

Here's a group of dastardly fellows, and more Blue too!

Do you like parades?

Happy Blue Monday!

1. Dhemz
2. Mrs.D
3. mizhelle
4. Travels & Wandering
5. Chubskulit
6. Spice Up Your Life
7. Elaine
8. JohnC
9. Kids e-Connection
10. Bible Verses Calendar
11. LaVoice
12. Rose
13. Kim, USA
14. EMZkie
15. Bene
16. Photoblogista
17. Pat ~ Mille Fiori Favoriti -- USA
18. carolynUSA
19. Pie
20. Regina, PHL
21. Lina, Indonesia
22. vhen
23. 36 Weeks After
24. Deliciously Spicy Moments
25. Ranu, India
26. Bintan Resorts Ferry
27. SwedishCornerDownUnder
28. juanna
29. Tina´s PicStory
30. The Father and Son Chronicles
31. Jenn @ Just Add Water, Silly.
32. Eden,Australia
33. Rubberduck
34. mark, australia
35. 4U2
36. Magical Mystical Teacher
37. Green living ideas
38. clavs
39. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen
40. Jackie
41. Leovi - Wishful thinking
42. Marit
43. Terie from Guantanamo Bay
44. Rebel Sweetheart
45. Jeanne, backyard neighbor
46. My Third Eye
47. Circle Journal
48. JLS Hall @Joysweb
49. Nancy @Joyful Altitude
50. sandi @ the whistlestop cafe
51. LadyD
52. hapzydeco
53. KM @ more than seXy
54. Fabulous Blue Give Away!
55. JBigg - Bridalveil Falls in Yosemite
56. Pretty Kat
57. Anne
58. My Ideal Home
59. Leah H.
60. Lesa
61. JennyHansson
62. Bender Oak's Blue Blanket
63. Blue and White Inspiration
64. Twiggy
65. kara
66. I'm Bloggin'
67. Cryominute
68. Karen ~ Briarside Lane
69. Jessica Cassidy
70. Rock Candy
71. Hagemor
72. Myrna-My Enchanted Home
73. Magical Mystical Teacher #2
74. fallenrhainnes
75. Find Your Happiness


  1. wow! that was fun! love the mermaids :)

  2. I heard about this on the news...all the way out here in NorCali! Very colorful shots!

  3. Wow great captures Sally!
    Thank you for sharing.


  4. That's a great and fun event. So colorful and there are many interesting things to see :)

  5. plenty of blues! happy Monday!

  6. THanks so much for hosting, I was thrilled when my butterfly fit the blue theme!
    Jenn from

  7. Beautiful photos of the celebration.

    Happy Blue Monday.

  8. This had to be fun...I would enjoy it!! When we were kids, my sister and I spent every summer in St Pete with my grandparents. We spent plenty of time in Tampa too. Happy Blue Monday Sally!
    ♥, Susan

  9. That looks like a lot of fun! Thanks for hosting the blue day. I have a wonderful enamel sign give away today and one of them is a gorgeous royal blue!!

  10. Great photos.
    My first time linking up here!

  11. WOW!! I can't get over how many boats are entering that bay... this is awesome. Can't wait to show my little man the pirate boat towering over the little boats. I had never heard of this event before. Thanks for sharing--good time to come back to see your stuff Sally!

  12. wow what a love and fun photos you have Sally... i like the mermaid...:)

    Posted my blue monday...

  13. Happy Blue Monday, Sally!

    My grandmother lives in Tampa, too. :)

  14. Sally, This is a WOW1 event. So much fun to read about. Truthfully I would not attend such a well attended festival. Crowds are not for me.

    I hope you are feeling well and getting stronger each day.
    Happy Blue Monday.
    Love, Jeanne

  15. Hi Sally! Oh, look at all of the festivities! I love stuff like this! Your weather sounds like ours!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  16. Looks like fun. But some of those pirates look pretty scary, too. Lots of lovely blues, though.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  17. Looks like fun, Sally. Love the costumes. Have a great Blue Monday.

  18. Wonderful post and I do love a parade! I shared about pirates today also. Must be kindred spirits, like minded friends!

  19. Aye matey! How goes your Blue Monday?
    Hee Hee!
    My middle daughter is fascinated with pirates! What a delight this is! Thank you for sharing today!

  20. What a fun festival! Lots of happy people and lots of blue!

  21. Look at all those boats! Is that normal? It looks like midday traffic, on the water, lol!

    I love the blue costume in the last picture.

  22. Fun fun fun a lot of it...Joining today.

  23. Thank you for hosting Sally!

    I joined in this week-

    White Spray Paint

  24. Wow, what a fun! Those mermaids are so lovely!

  25. looks like a beautiful weekend. We are not quite in the 70's here in New England...but we hope to be there in about 4 months!

  26. What a colorful post you have today. I love parades, looks like a fun day for everyone.

  27. Hi Sally... that looks like a fun festival. I'm with you... I'd rather watch on TV. Too many people!
    Happy Blue Monday!

  28. Nice pictures, my favotita is the first with these beautiful sirens.

  29. what a festive celebration Ms. Sally, great pictures, like them all :-)
    Visiting from Blue Monday and joining for the first time.

  30. AYE! Shiver me Timbers...a harbor full of jolly boats.
    Blissful Blessings ;-)

  31. From the looks of this crowd, all of Tampa turned out. I love parades, but not in a big crowded area.

  32. Great Pics ! Looks like a fun event !

  33. Sure shootin' I love a great parade!

    My sons family would go nuts here. They take International Talk Like a Pirate Day quite seriously.

    They dress up, turn the house into a ship scare the delivery fellas. Heck, the grandsons even wore eyeliner to church on the day.

    This was fabulous Miss Sally!

    God bless and have a fantastic evenin'.

  34. My daughter just missed the celebration! She is currently in Tampa checking out USF for next Fall. If she chooses wisely, I just may need to "visit" during parade time next year!

  35. Lovely photos! It´s a bit like the Carnaval here! There´s nothing lika a big Parade!!

  36. Lovely photos! It´s a bit like the Carnaval here! There´s nothing lika a big Parade!!


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