Monday, February 13, 2012

Blue Monday - Gabriella Is Here!

Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For instructions, just click here.

Many people place the Blue Monday button on the top of their post so that visitors can easily spot it. Another Blue Monday button can be placed on the sidebar of your blog. Some choose to place the link within the Blue Jay button.

Please leave a comment for me; I guarantee that I'll visit you and leave a comment for you. Then, visit other Blue participants to wish them a Happy Blue Monday.

Life has become extra exciting in our family this past week. Johnny and I have a nephew and niece who became grandparents Tuesday! Their daughter and son-in-law, the new parents, have decorated the baby's nursery a teal blue--perfect for Blue Monday. The black and white accent colors look so special, I think.

I like this idea of framing hearts on the opposite wall.

Here she is . . . only one day old . . . Gabriella Marie. Isn't she adorable?

I'm so happy that her parents took these pictures as they live down in South Florida. (You might remember that we moved from there to Tampa 2½ years ago.) With modern technology, we can "see" her!

I'm having a book giveaway on my book blog.
To enter, click the cover of the book at the top of this page on my sidebar.

Happy Blue Monday!

1. LaVoice
2. Riet, Holland
3. SwedishCornerDownUnder
4. Jeanne, backyard neighbor
5. mark, australia
6. Chie101
7. RobinfromCA
8. juanna
9. vhen
10. Pie
11. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove
12. carolynUSA
13. Mountain Mermaid
14. Elaine
15. JennyHansson
16. Tina´s PicStory
17. Ces, Hawaii
18. Maricon
19. Jack's Paper Moon
20. Rebel Sweetheart
21. Marit
22. Thorgun, Sweden
23. Eden,Australia
24. parenting and babies
25. Magical Mystical Teacher
26. Beverly @How Sweet The Sound
27. Kitchen Blur
28. Spice Up Your Life
29. Kids e-Connection
30. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen
31. Travels & Wandering
32. Crafty Gardener, Canada
33. Chubskulit
34. Splash Mountain, Disney
35. laura Hegfield
36. Emzkie
37. Anni, Sweden
38. Jessica Cassidy
39. Leovi - Golden Heart
40. LadyD
41. Nancy @ Joyful Altitude
42. The3Chies
43. Jackie
44. sandi @ the whistlestop cafe
45. Deli
46. Christine
47. Dhemz
48. hapzydeco
49. KM @ more than seXy
50. Alaska, Sweet Nothings
51. 4U2 Sweden
52. Ann
53. JBigg - Avalanche Gorge -GNP
54. The Father and Son Chronicles
55. Anything About Bella
56. John McElveen
57. Kim, USA
58. Twiggy
59. Jamie
60. Handmade Wreath at The Paint Splash
61. mhie
62. Joy@Books and Life
63. Schotzy@Wings of Eagles
64. dix - gypsyczech
65. Myrna-My Enchanted Home
66. mizhelle
67. Carol Ann, Blue Windows

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. Hi Sally, great blues there and congratulations. Also thanks for running this meme I always appreciate it.

  2. Love that color of blue and little Gabriella is precious! I think every hospital uses the same blankets in their nurseries!
    Happy Blue Monday!

  3. Congrats to the parents and to you Sally! She's Adorable.

    My Blue Monday.

  4. Hi Sally,

    Nothing to be blue about there, is there? He is adorable. Thanks for hosting.


  5. Sally~
    Congrats to all the lucky folks surrounding Gabriella with love!!
    such a beautiful baby!!
    hope you aren't freezing with all the cold temps!! stay warm!
    warmest hugs..

  6. A sweet baby and a beautiful name. Happy Valentines day wishes


  7. The little girls is really cute and yes she's adorable...Plus the blue room is perfect for her...

    Happy valentines day Sally

  8. she's so pretty and very nice room

    Ces of

  9. The baby is so adorable....:)
    Maricon here, it's my first Blue Monday Participation...

  10. Awww... she is indeed adorable. And her room is pretty, too!

    Happy Blue Monday! :)

  11. She is so cute.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  12. Good morning my dear friend. Congratulations on the arrival of such a darling little great niece. Her name is beautiful and I bet she grows up to honor her name. I too love the framed hearts on the wall.

    Do you miss your home in South Fl? It is 14 degrees here this morning. Brrrrr. I still do not miss Fl. Only my dtrs. and grands who live there.

    Happy Blue Monday Sally.

    Blessings to you and yours,

  13. Happy Blue Monday, dear Sally.

    Her room is fabulous, and Gabriela is an exquisite gift from God.

  14. Sweet baby blue...congrats on another lovely and adorable addition to the family!

  15. Isn't modern technology great. We have a new grandson on the other side of Canada and we can visit via Skype and digital photos.
    Welcome to Gabriella. Her room is wonderful.
    My blue Monday post is about some little mittens I knitted for our new grandson.

  16. An absolute angel! This is my first time joining this glad I did so I see the beautiful face of little Gabriella,

  17. New borns are absolutely adorable! Oh, I can feel the baby smell from the little neck!

    And the room is lovely!

    Happy Blue Monday!

  18. awww! Gabriella is precious Ms. Sally
    :-) love her room, great design :-) Visiting from Blue Monday :-)

  19. Congrats on the adorable new addition. I love babies and her name sounds like beautiful music. We have an Anna Marie in our family. The Princess' room is stunning!

  20. Gabriella is a beauty, Sally. What a blessing. The teal is pretty, too. Thanks for sharing and for hosting this great meme. Hugs.

  21. What a precious and adorable baby! Congrats to the new addition to the family. Cute nursery!...Christine

  22. what a gorgeous colour for a nursery,

    Gill in Canada

  23. My first time to join. Happy Valentine's Day :)

  24. Gabriella - A terrific Valentine. Best to all.

  25. Beautiful blue nursery and Beautiful Baby Girl@ Congrats!

  26. Sally, that baby is adorable. Such a sweet, pretty face. I really like their selection on her room decorations.

  27. Congratulations to the family! She is adorable. What a unique and pretty nursery.

  28. But so cute, I also want to have a little one!

  29. Beautiful colors for a nursery. Gariella is so precious--what a gift from God.

  30. Joining here again Sally...

    She is such a cute little girl...

  31. Congrats to your family on the new addition. She IS adorable! Sally

  32. What a wonderful new find! Hello from a fellow (used to be Floridian)- I was born and raised in Plant City!

    Thanks for such a wonderful format- and Gorgeous pictures!!!

    Have a great week!


  33. Oh--and congrats on Beautiful Gabriella--are you going to get to go down??


  34. What a precious little baby Sally. I would love to be in that warmth too. Happy blue Monday

  35. What an adorable nursery for a precious girl! Congrats to them!

  36. Nice portrait of Gabriela, that tender.

  37. She is beautiful! We should have a new little granddaughter in about 4 weeks! Blessings, Debbie

  38. Adorable baby and nursery. Sure love those colors. Hope you get to snuggle that baby too!

  39. That nursery is adorable but...that baby girl is MORE adorable. Just beautiful.
    xo bj

  40. Sally, thank you for hosting us this Blue Monday! What a darling little person! And the nursery is precious. What lovely colors and accents! dix---

  41. Congratulations , your grand niece is beautiful ! Love her blue room !

  42. how lovely! and such an angel! congratulations!

    sorry for the late post!

  43. Hi Sally congratulations to your family! Ain't that cool that we can see our priceless gems even if they are far away. She is adorable and her name I like it very much!


  44. Congrats Sally! Your new addition to the family is adorable. May God bless her and her parents. Thank you for hosting. Happy Valnetine's to you sweet lady.

  45. Miss Sally, Gabriella Marie is as beautiful as her name. Congratulations to you and your family. What a precious little bundle of love.

    ....and they painted the nursery just for you!!!

    God bless ya sweet lady and have a wonderful Valentine's Day!!! :o)

  46. A huge Congratulations to the new parents, grandparents... and to you as well... you are so right,,, she is just Beautiful... and I love her room the color is so pretty...she will love growing up there,,, I Happy Valentine's Day..


  47. I was a little blue and under the weather! still put up my post today! Hee Hee! I know you are a sweetheart visiting everyone. Thank you! Come see my blues too!
    This little baby girl is adorable! SHe is picture perfect! Her new nursery is gorgeous! Love it!
    Many blessings to your family and this new addition!
    Hugs Anne

  48. Hi, good to be here. Blue is also one of my favourites and especially this year I seem to be looking for it anywhere.I just happened to post minutes ago something blue :D, but I cannot seem to ind out how to link with Mr.Link?? please help me or otherwise this is the link :

    thank you,I will be waiting for your reply so that I can link to your blog then.Have a blue nice day!

  49. Gabriella is so cute. Looks so innocent. The babies bed's colour is of good combination and I also like back wall colour.

    buy office 2010


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