Monday, March 5, 2012

Blue Monday - Blue Tree House

Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For instructions, just click here.

I hope you've had a good week.

Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday!

When I was a young one--many years ago, I dreamed of having a tree house. What adventures I'd have! Why, I'd climb up into my dream tree house, and no one would know where I was. Total freedom! However, my dream never came to be.

Most days Johnny walks three miles. During one of his walks this week, he spotted a tree house, and a blue one at that! See the white ladder (on the left) that enables the lucky child to climb into his hiding place? It even has a balcony! Peek inside the door and you'll spot the throne (bucket) available for seating. I can imagine eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch in that special place.

The dangling rope allows the young adventurer to swing down into the lake behind the house. Ah, bliss! Have you ever dreamed of a tree house?

Today is the final day for my book giveaway.
If you're interested, click on the cover of the book; it's located on my sidebar.

Happy Blue Monday!

1. LaVoice
2. Kids e-Connection
3. Dhemz
4. Travels & Wandering
5. Pat - Mille Fiori Favoriti -- NYC
6. Rose
7. Pittsburgh Airport
8. Cupcakes
9. Chubskulit
10. Karen, Philippines
11. Christine
12. Riet, Holland
13. Deli
14. mizhelle
15. Jeanne, backyard neighbor
16. MC
17. RobinfromCA
18. Marit
19. After the storm
20. Blooms
21. Margarets Table
22. SwedishCornerDownUnder
23. Twiggy
24. Eden,Australia
25. juanna
26. Hagemor
27. Pie
28. Carol Ann, The Mantle my dad made
29. Jim, Sydney, Australia
30. Tina´s PicStory
31. 4U2 Sweden
32. Jessica Cassidy
33. mark, australia
34. Red Nomad OZ turns BLUE!
35. Magical Mystical Teacher
36. Transferware
37. Magical Mystical Teacher #2
38. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen
39. Leah H.
40. Miss Bloomers
41. Leovi - The Kingdom of Carey
42. Rebel Sweetheart
43. hapzydeco
44. Ann @ Tin and Sparkle
45. Circle Journaling Again
46. Jackie
47. emzkie
48. COLLEEN@Looseleafnotes
49. LadyD
50. Kim,USA
51. KM @ more than seXy
52. sandi @ the whistlestop cafe
53. Maricon
54. Nancy
55. JBigg - Look What I Won
56. JBigg - Blue on Blue - Part 4
57. Have A Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
58. Genny
59. Loui♥
60. Elaine
61. John McElveen
62. Anything About Bella
63. dix - gypsy czech
64. Helen /Nanna's Place
65. Schotzy@Wings of Eagles
66. Myrna-My Enchanted Home
67. Debbie at the Paint Splash
68. FABBY: Mother's Tea Party
69. jheng
70. great people
71. SAHM

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  1. That's a beautiful shot! Have a great week Sally.

  2. We all have our dreams. They might not come true, but it does not hurt to try. This was a special day for Johnny's walk as it was meant to be for him to find your dream tree house.

  3. I was lucky when I was a child that there was an empty lot near my house that had lots of trees on it. We would climb up and sit on the low boughs of soem of them. It was almost as good as having a tree house!

  4. I was like you! I dreamed of having my own tree house as a kid. I didn't get the chance to have one but I did climb lots of trees then :) Happy Blue Monday :)

  5. same with me, i have always been dreaming to have a tree house. that one is lovely! happy monday sally!

  6. After a long time, I am now able to join here again! ♥

    Nice shot, Ms. Sally!

  7. It's my first time here!!Have a nice day!!xoxo

  8. This blue tree house is amazing concept. It looks so different and unique. Johnny's walk definitely have this day as special day.

    buy office 2010

  9. Lovely shot! Happy Blue Monday Sally.

    My Blue Monday.

  10. Sally, great picture! I'd love to be able to climb up there and have a look around. What kid wouldn't love this and have hours of fun:) Happy Blue Monday!

  11. Well that's a nice house, happy child.
    Have a nice day!

  12. Yes we all had our dreams. This blue tree house is gorgeous. Happy Blue Monday Sally.

  13. that is one pretty blue tree house Ms. Sally :-) we only have a deer stand but you the four of us can stay and look at the trees that surround us :-) I hope you have a Happy Blue Monday. Visiting from Blue Monday.

  14. Hi Sally! This is my first link up to Blue Monday - as you can tell from my name, I usually specialise in RED!! But my blue photo deserved more of an outing than just hidden away on my blog!!

    Thanx for hosting!!

  15. Good morning Sally, Tree houses can be so much fun! Very good blue find. Somehow, I managed to link the wrong post the first time...#42 is correct.
    ♥, Susan

  16. I love having a tree house. It is very cool!

  17. I love tree houses...always wished I had one of my very own! Love the blue tree house!
    Miss Bloomers

  18. The tree house looks wonderful!

    Happy Blue Monday, Sally! :)

  19. Hi Sally! Oh, that is so cute! I had trees in my yard when I was growing up but no tree house. I was deprived! :(
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  20. I'm curious about what the letters spell. I once visited a treehouse hostel in Georgia where everyone was camping in treehouses!

  21. Fabulous find! My kind of world, treehouse and playhouse with grandkids! Thanks for hosting!

  22. Oh, I dreamed of a tree house! We did, however, climb to the tip top of very tall trees...something I would never have wanted my son to do. Love your neighborhood tree house, Sally.

    (for some reason, either a code, or something, I couldn't leave a comment on the book site.)

  23. That is super cute! We had one when the boys were younger but it was very rough.

  24. Hi Sally, that tree house is childhood heaven! I too always thought it would be so fun to have a tree house. Never dreamed of having one that you could jump into a lake. Now that would be heaven! We had a playhouse at our Highland home and hope to have one hear before too many years.

  25. Yes, beautiful house, very original. As a child he dreamed of a house.

  26. Hi Sally..
    Neat post!
    as kids, we did have a makeshift treehouse,
    constructed entirely by us ..that is until daddy discovered it, pronounced it as too HAZARDOUS..
    and MADE us tear it down..
    thank god, no one fell out of the tree!
    but fun memories anyhow!

  27. We lived in tree houses as young boys and kept all our contraband up there--;-). We never though to paint them though!



  28. That is a cool tree house but I never experienced to play with one during my younger years.

    Joining today Sally...


  29. Very cool pics of a very cool treehouse. Never had a treehouse as a kid but my dad did build me a playhouse using old signs. Many an hour was spent serving house guests bark and leaves! Thanks for the memories. dix---

  30. I never had a tree house either Sally lol wanted one for the kids when they were little, they never got one either, not sure if the grandkids know what a tree house is lol!

  31. Hi Sally

    It´s my first time here. Very nice to see you.
    Blue, my favourite colour.

  32. I love that blue tree house ! I have dreamed of a tree house , too.

  33. Hi Sally! I have always wanted a tree house too. I don't think I am too old to still want one. How about you?

    Susan and Bentley

  34. Hi Sally, My dad built me a tree house and it was my one place only I could go! When he cut that tree down WE build a garage and he put in a ladder and small attic space with a window which was my "art studio" He was so special.

  35. Totally adorable! Thank you for hosting Sally, there's blue, trust me. Have a great week.

  36. Here I am Sally. Safari shows the photo. This is a very cute tree house. Lucky kids is all I can say. I wonder what the letters OE mean. Pretty fancy in blue and white.

    It was so lovely to talk to you tonight. You sound great even though you have a ways to go. Keep working on getting stronger. I pray for you my dear blogging friend.
    Love, Jeanne

  37. What a lucky kid to have a treehouse like that one! And so nice that your hubby looks out for blue things to share with us! I never thought about tree houses growing up. My friends and I did, however, build very large Barbie cities in the garage on rainy days. Sure wish I had a picture of one of those!
    Happy Blue Monday,

  38. Hello Sally, thought I's stop on by and see your Blues :-) love the tree house. I went looking for the book giveaway and then realized that you wrote about it being the last day yesterday, so you probably took it down. Hope it went well


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