Monday, March 26, 2012

Blue Monday - Here Comes Easter!

Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For instructions, please click here.

I'm repeating this suggestion because last Monday several people still put defective links in.

It's a good idea to check your link to be certain that it's loaded correctly. When typing in your http address, computers sometime "help" by filling it in for you. In some cases, that may mean that you have just loaded in your LAST link and not the one you would wish. Oops!

Please visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday!

My house is prettier because of Blogland. I see all of you decorating for the different seasons, and I've copied some of your ideas. I do have fun with it. Here's the entry table right off of my front door. I'll admit that in this picture it looks a bit plain, but it does contain Blue. Perhaps you can suggest ways to improve. Should I tie a Blue bow on the top of the apothecary jar?

Inside the apothecary jar, I've placed white and Blue crystals, with a lamb on top. I took him out so you could see him better. He has a Blue bow around his neck and Blue feet. I've placed a Blue marble egg on a stand and a crystal candy dish with pastel M&Ms. Of course, some of them are Blue. My family especially enjoys the candy dish.

Here's the other side of the table. Next to the lamp and figurines, I've place a lacy Blue ceramic egg.

I really like ceramic objects that appear lacy. I always have. Here's a close-up of the top. It even has a Blue flower! I bought it several years ago at the $ store. Yep, it only cost one dollar!

Are you decorating for Easter?

Happy Blue Monday!

1. Dhemz
2. Mrs.D
3. LaVoice
4. Marbles
5. JohnC
6. Cards
7. Travels & Wandering
8. Chubskulit
9. J.Rye
10. Spice Up Your Life
11. mizhelle
12. Jim, Sydney, Australia
13. Christine
14. Elaine
15. Carol Ann - Beautiful Outside!
16. Karen, Philippines
17. Leah H.
18. Jeanne, backyard neighbor
19. Royal Wedding Postcard
20. Leovi - Love Potion
21. SwedishCornerDownUnder
22. More Easter and Front Yard
23. Eden,Australia
24. John McElveen
25. Anni, Sweden
26. Pie
27. Olive White: Turquoise Trend
28. Luna Miranda
29. movie drama addict
30. Maria's Space
31. Beverly @How Sweet The Sound
32. Lesley
33. Magical Mystical Teacher
34. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen
35. Jackie
36. Leovi - You light up my nights
37. Marit
38. Emzkie, PA
39. LadyD
40. FABBY: Antique Belgiam Buffet
41. The Rebel Sweetheart
42. Jessica Cassidy
43. Searching for Spring
44. The French Hutch ~ Showtime
45. Dogwoods of Kentucky
46. Anne
47. KM @ more than seXy
48. Bird Bath
49. Ann @ Tin and Sparkle
50. Sherry
51. Pat Langley
52. Chie
53. Loui
54. dix - gypsyczech
55. Diann @ The thrifty Groove
56. sandi @ the whistlestop cafe
57. kara
58. Mona, My BFS Diaries
59. Living the Beauty of life
60. Joy@Books and Life
61. Shannara
62. 4U2 Sweden
63. Myrna-My Enchanted Home
64. Magical Mystical Teacher #2
65. Dubai Underwater Zoo

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  1. really gorgeous Sally! I might start decorating this weekend....:)

  2. Looks like to me you have added just the right touches. I am no decorator, but I like it just as this way. I am sure there are lots of bloggers that have some great suggestions. Sorry to say, I gave up decorating for any occasion a long time ago. I still enjoy seeing what oters do tho.

  3. Lovely vignettes, Sally. I love the mother and dughter figurine...Christine

  4. I love the blues.. Maybe a nice blue floral arrangement on your table..

  5. Your entry table looks beautiful, Dear. I hope you are still doing well.

  6. Thanks for hosting. I love that blue egg! I need to check out the dollar store more:)

  7. I don;t decorate that much for Easter but bought a bunch of candies:)

    You have beautiful blues, Sally:)

  8. You ahve beautiful house, Sally. I bet easter celebration will be grand.

    Checkout the Royal Wedding postcard i received with lots of blue!

  9. Hi Sally, I thought I was the only one awake this late. I just linked and decided to say hello and then go to bed.

    I agree about the way blogging has changed my way of thinking. I have always decorated for holidays but I carry my camera everywhere and decorate in colors. Pink and blue. HA!

    Your Easter display is lovely. Blue crystals is a great idea. The sweet egg looks way more expensive. A good bargain Sally.

    I hope this day finds you feeling well and as back to normal as possible. It is a long journey to regain ones strength after all you went through. You are always in my prayers my dear blogging friend.

    Love, Jeanne

  10. Happy Blue Monday, Sally :)
    ... cute vignette!

    Greetings from Australia♥

  11. Beautiful decorations and my favourite is the jar with white and blue crystals.

  12. Beautiful Sally!! Just Beautiful!

    Have a great week!


  13. Very limited decorations here but Love yours.

  14. Thanks for dropping by Ms. Sally... Your easter decos were simple yet beautiful... Looks so refreshing in the eyes, and you feel more beautiful looking in the mirror.. I suggest you place fresh blue flowers with a touch of lavender and yellow colors... To make it more refreshing... Xoxo

  15. Your table looks so pretty, Sally, and I love your touches of blue.

    The world of blogging has touched us all. We've all become friends over the internet. Hopefully these friendship around the world are steps toward understanding how similar we all are.

    Happy Blue Monday, dear Sally.

  16. Very pretty blues this week Sally! Hope your weather is as lovely as ours has been!

  17. Elegant decorations, refreshing to look at. I have beautiful crystal displayed in my china cabinet so those busy little hands can't reach them! =:)

  18. Everything in blue is beautiful dear Sally, specially the mother and daughter figurine. Have a great week and thank you for hosting.

  19. Even your blog is ready for Easter, Sally! :)

  20. Hi Sally! I am way behind but I am going to decorate. I have some sweet hand crocheted little eggs my late aunt made for me. Now to find them in the garage....
    Your post is pretty as a Spring day. Thank you for sharing with us.
    Happy Blue Monday and Blessings to you! Anne

  21. awwww! I love your house Ms. Sally :-) beautiful blue decorations :-) Finally join this weeks Blue Monday, last week was no luck for me :-( Visiting from Blue Monday.

  22. Sally, I love your blues. The figurines are beautiful and I love the egg. I think your vignette is lovely. Thanks for hosting Blue Monday.
    Have a nice week.


  23. Very pretty! I don't have too much in the way of Easter decorations but I need to send my son up to the attic to get my box of them down.

  24. Beautiful blues. My house is prettier or at least I have ideas to make it prettier because of blogland too! I loved your post.
    Come over for a short tour of Texas today.
    Happy Blue Monday,

  25. Well, now I want to drop everything and go decorate for Easter. I have eggs that I have collected over the years. You have some beautiful accessories!

  26. Hi Sally..
    Happy Blue Monday!
    love all the pretties!!
    not really decorating..
    just packing,packing, de-crappifying for the upcoming move..
    love and hugs to you!!

  27. Thanks for the inspiration. Your decorations are lovely. Of course, I love the $ store find. thanks for sharing. dix---

  28. I think the blue touches are just right Sally! Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful day!

  29. Thanks for the reminder... I need to get hopping!

  30. Sorry Sally, I made a double entry you can delete any of it.


  31. That photo more lovely, I love those blue glass beads.

  32. Very pretty. Love the pretty candy dish and the little lamb figurine. Hope I got my link right this Happy Monday ;)

  33. Hi again Sally..
    hadn't even thought about Mac..
    always use Dell because of the office account..
    will certainly check them out!!
    thanks for being such a sweet friend!!
    love ya..

  34. Thanks for sharing! Love the blue! Joann

  35. In the last minute! Have a nice tuesday! :)

  36. Hello Sally, What a lovely weblog you have. I have written a blogitem for Blue Monday, but I can't link this to your weblog, because of the Mister Linky not working.
    So I write the URL here:

    Be welcome to visit.

  37. my late blue

  38. Watch your back girl, I'm quite taken with those lovely figurines, sweet!

    What a beautiful blue Monday ya had here. Right down to the comical little sheep leanin' by the apothecary jar.

    Great job my friend.

    God bless ya and have yourself a delightful day sweetie!!! :o)

  39. Hi Ys Sis Sally,,,soooo blessed to see you're still alive and kicking with your BEAUTIFUL BLUE Monday happeneings!!!! Praise the LORD!!!
    Yessss, enjoy a day BLESSED in the very REAL Presence of>>> JESUS our CHRIST !!!
    Ooooooh WOW, Praising our Mighty LORD,,,"We shall behold HIM" can we even imagine this truth????
    LV+Hugssss with Prayers Always included too!!! DE


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