Monday, October 8, 2012

Blue Monday - Blue Lunch Bunch

Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For instructions, just click here.

Blue Monday is a fun way to meet nice bloggers. It's most enjoyable when you leave and receive comments.

Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday!

My daughter, Debi, who lives in Gainesville, sent me this picture of her son, Zachary, and some of his friends, taken on her front porch one Sunday. Several times a month, Debi invites the college group from church to her house for a lunch of sandwiches. A large, hungry group of 25-35 respond.

This group is wearing Blue shirts. Three of the guys shown here are roommates, who decided to wear same colored shirts; they told Zachary so he would wear his Blue shirt too.The pretty, young lady--a friend of Zachary's sister, Caeli--happened to wear the same beautiful shade of Blue, so Debi had her pose with the guys.

In the right lower corner, you'll spot some Blue plumbago blooms. 

Our grandson, Zachary, is standing to the left, behind those on the swing.

Happy Blue Monday!

1. LaVoice
2. Anne
3. Magical Mystical Teacher
4. Jim, Sydney, Australia
5. Sherry
6. Luna Miranda
7. Ranu, India
8. Rajesh, India
9. Leovi - Your nights are my days
10. Riet, Holland
11. Gittan Sweden
12. Lina-A modest barbershop
13. Pictografio
14. Titbelsoeur
15. Hyde Daily Photo
16. Gemma's MP Daily
17. Gemma's Greyscale
18. Pie
19. Blue as your Eyes
20. NixPixMix
21. andre
22. Dagny Sweden
23. Marit
24. Deliciously Spicy Moments
25. lessandra
26. China cupboards and Hutches
27. Halloween Doll House
28. rosewalk cottage
29. Eden, Australia
30. Duct Tape Bag
31. erica
32. Spice Up Your LIfe
33. Pleasurable Hobbies
34. Chubskulit
35. Jo May
37. Lillianna - Sweden
38. can it..would you
39. Mousepad
40. Kim,USA
41. Small, Medium, Large Dogs
42. J.Rye
43. Kangaroo
44. Leovi - Castles in the air
45. Jeanne, backyard neighbor
46. LadyD
47. Karen
48. Beverly @How Sweet The Sound
49. Aktuella bilder, Sweden
50. CollectInTexas Gal Sue
51. Pie (2)
52. Short and Simple
53. Toe Juice
54. Dixie
55. Joy@books and life
56. Myrna-My Enchanted Home
57. Magical Mystical Teacher #2
58. veredit, Germany
59. CailinMarie Patriot's Groom Cake!
60. Patricia

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  1. You have a lovely family Sally! I like that shade of blue! What a blessing you have in your daughter and these beautiful young folks! Have a terrific week! Hugs Anne

  2. Thanks for all your hard work hosting this meme!

  3. That is so cool. I love her spirit for providing for them and they wore Blue for you how cool.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Love to see their smiles :)

  5. A great looking gathering of young people! They look wonderful in this photo!

  6. Nice looking group of kids. That is a great way to support your kids and a lot of sandwiches. xo Jenny

  7. Great photo, lovely kids!
    Thanks for hosting, Sally!

  8. Hello,,,
    Hope you had a great weekend.
    So great youth you have on your image.


  9. hi Sally ! thanks for hosting, and visiting my blog ! take care !

  10. Beautiful photo.

    Have a great week, Sally!

  11. A happy group and they look so nice in their blues.

  12. I love those vibrant smiles, so contagious!

  13. Beautiful smiles and gorgeous blues.....Happy Blue Monday!!!

  14. Ain't nothing like "Happy" smiles on wonderfully beautiful blue "sky" these smiles!! and the blue's too.

  15. Sally I think I linked up wrong,I apoligize...if you would fix it I'd appreciate it,I'm sorry.
    It's #35.
    I think I should missed a step,with Mr Linky.

    Have a great and blessed week I smiling friend,I hope you get to see your favorite blue color everywhere you look.

  16. Sally I linked up right with #38...would you delete my #35

  17. They really pose for you!


  18. That's so generous of Debi! And it's neat they all wore the same shade.

  19. Sally,
    I hope you are feeling well!!

    Lovely Blues and Lovely family!!

    Thanks so much for hosting each week!


  20. Good morning Sally, I just posted my blue for today. We didn't arrive home until 9:00pm last night. Too tired to post.

    What a crowd and so terrific of your daughter. College kids love to be fed!!! Zachary is so handsome and I adore this photo. Such awesome young adults. It is a shame that only the bad kids are in the media. The world is full of outstanding young adults like these.
    Kudos to Debi and her hubs. You have a terrific family Sally. I am not surprised. Smile.


  21. Yes, a very handsome grandson. They look very happy in blue.

  22. Beautiful blues and lovely youth. You must be so proud! Wonderful photo of everyone.

  23. That is a fine looking group all decked out in their blues. Your daughter is doing a great service for the young folks. We need more families like that. Take care.

  24. I love that shade of blue. I also like to invite young people because it seems they are hungry and like to feed them too hehehehe. Thanks for the visit Sally I do appreciate it.


  25. Happy Blue Monday, Sally.

    What a great group of young people. And, it is wonderful for your daughter to provide a place and time for the to gather.

  26. Whad a handsome grandson you have Sally and what a nice bunch of young people. Happy BM

  27. A great looking group in a lovely shade of blue! Thanks for hosting.

  28. Those blue shirts are one of my favorite colors of blue, and I bet those are favorite young people of yours. I've visited Blue Monday many times through Beverly and Jeanne. This is my first time to post. I've a quilt with lots of blue and a good story to go with it. Thanks for hosting.

  29. They all look great in their pretty blues!

  30. What a cutie your grandson is and the others, too. And how great of your daughter to feed that crowd of students. SO neat. She takes after her mother, i see. :-)

    Love you...


    Sheila (my old blog email no longer works, Sally... long story)

  31. Sally, I can't find your phone number, but I will try and find your email address and email you. If you get an email from an address with my initials in it, you'll know it's me. :-)



  32. Hi Sally... it's been so long since I've posted on my blog. I couldn't think of a better place to re-enter the blogging world than by visiting Blue Monday.

    Love the photo your daughter sent... shows she's always thinking of you and your BLUE!

    HUGS. Dixie

  33. Love that shade of blue they are wearing. Looks like a nice group of young adults.
    Happy Blue Monday!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Beautiful Blue Bunch!
    Happy Blue Monday!

  36. I was editing my post and realized I hadn't added your link! (probably about the same time you noticed I hadn't added your link!) It's there now. Thanks so much Sally. Hope you're doing well!

    hugs. Dixie

  37. love this photo! and the story that goes with it. Happy Blue Monday :)

  38. Oh yes, that's really a very nice Story and perfect Shot for Blue Monday!!


  39. What a great looking group of young people. How nice your daughter has so many over for lunch! Thanks for stopping by, Laura

  40. oh to have the young folks' energy for a few minutes.. Love the blues.. have a grand day!

  41. Hi Sally! What a great looking bunch of young uns! :) Your grandson is a handsome young man and how sweet of his mom to invite the young uns over for lunch. Love your pretty header. Now I've got a good excuse for not getting my fall on - we've been on a month long road trip and traveling to upper New York to see my only little grand daughter. But I did get out my boxes today. Hope you're doing well and it's always grand to hear from you.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  42. I just commented and wasn't signed in so here goes again - I said your daughter is so sweet to invite all of Zachary's friends over after church. My grand-daughter, Stephanie, wants to go to college in Gainsville - in 4 more years. They live about 40 minutes from there.
    You have a lovely abundance of blues posted today!

  43. Sally, your grandson is very handsome. Hope all is well. Thanks for your recent visits........Sarah

  44. Hey Sally! Lovely blog and theme hosting!Thank you! Blue being my favorite too I would like to participate in this fabulous meme, but your linking sounds a bit complex. Can I just not paste your website link on my post and add my permalink to your theme on Monday, like it is done with Sky watch Friday, Reflections and Blackandwhiteweekend etc?

  45. All that wonderful love in one shot - gorgeous faces!



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