Friday, December 7, 2012

Pink Saturday - Camillia Bush

Precious Beverly at How Sweet the Sound hosts Pink Saturday.

Please Pause at her Place to see Plenty of other Pretty Pink items that Precious Pink Participating People are Presently Presenting for your Perusing Pleasure.

They've Plotted, Planned, and Preformed to Perfection so you can take a Peek.

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Time flies! This month is the third anniversary of our move into our new home. I showed Blogland the Pink camillia bush planted in our planter here. Now, three years later, here's that same bush.

Although it's clear that we need to pretty up our planter, that bush is still happy.
I'm stretching things a bit when I say that this is my Holiday Treat.

See you for Blue Monday!


  1. Sally, welcome to Pink day. I love your flowers. All my flowers are in full bloom. They do not know what to do. Still in the 80's. Not Christmas weather.

  2. Oh, I love it. I love camellias. I just had to cut one down to make my insurance company happy; it was too close to the house. It was very old, though, and quite large and had the most beautiful blooms. I hated to see it go.
    Happy Pink Saturday and thanks for the visit!

  3. There's nothing prettier at Christmas (other than a dark green holly tree full of red berries) than a blooming camillia bush. Mom has a pink and red one that are just beautiful right now. I recently planted one and it has three buds on it right now. Oh Happy Day! Yours is just lovely Sally. Happy happy Pink Saturday. xo

  4. How pretty, Sally! I'd say that's a holiday treat for the eyes. Thank you for your visit. Happy PS.

  5. It's a sweet treat for me Sally. My mother had a camellia outside her front door, it was her favorite. Fond memories, thank you and happy Pink Saturday !

  6. the Camillia looks pink as pink can be and lovely as lovely can be...smiling with you...have a great weekend!

  7. Wow, it has been three years already?! The camellia bush is so pretty. Glad it is thriving. I want to plant one some day.

  8. Hi Sally, I adore camellias. they have a lovely wax like appearance that almost makes them look fake. I love the color of your pink camellia bush. My sister has a red camellia bush that is almost like a tree. Gorgeous. Hers has been growing for years though. It is hard to believe that you have been in your new home three years already.

    I enjoyed your comment today. We have been packing a good part of the day. Thank you for your good wishes for our trip.

    Happy pink Saturday,
    Love, Jeanne

  9. Wow, your flowers are lovely Sally!

    My PINK Candelabra
    Hope you'd come and see. Have a blessed Sunday!

  10. Oh, Sally! They are SO pretty!!! I love pink camelias best.



  11. Pink and Blue! You are a welcome addition to the pinkies! Such a lovely colorful bush! Happy anniversary at your new home!


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