Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy 2009! Yes Man Movie Review

Doesn't it feel funny to begin a new year already? I just got used to writing 2008.

When I first began blogging in June, I thought that no one would ever want to visit. The first comment I got surprised me to no end! Now, I realize that there are a bunch of people in Blogland just waiting for a friend. I sure wanted more friends. I feel as if I have so many more friends than before Blogging days. So, my friends, I wish for you and yours a happy, healthy 2009.

Myspace Comments

Several days ago, two of my granddaughters took me to the movies, and we saw Yes Man with Jim Carrey. It's the story of an unhappy man who is talked into attending a seminar where he is convinced--by the guy on the right--to always say "yes."

It's a typical Jim Carrey film. It gave me a laugh or two. There is the expected but totally unnecessary profanity. I enjoyed it mostly because of the time with my sweet granddaughters. If you're a Jim Carrey fan, go see it.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Three Wise Men

(With apologies to my southern friends.)

In a small Southern town there was a nativity scene that showed great skill and talent had gone into creating it. One small feature bothered me. The three wise men were wearing fire fighter helmets. Totally unable to come up with a reason or explanation, I left.

At a "Quick Stop" on the edge of town, I asked the lady behind the counter about the helmets. She exploded into a rage, sanpping, "You Yankees never do read the Bible!"

I assured her that I did, but I simply couldn't recall anything about helmets being worn in the Bible. She jerked her Bible from behind the counter and ruffled through
some pages, and finally jabbed her finger at a passage.

Pointing to a verse, she said, "See, it says right here,'The three wise man came from afar.'"


Monday, December 29, 2008

Blue Monday - Flight to Egypt

It's Blue Monday! To participate:

1. Post about something blue on your blog. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's blue. Leave a link to this blog on your post.

2. Place the Blue Monday button on the top of your post so that people can easily spot it. Place another
Blue Monday button on the sidebar of your blog.

3. Return here and link in with Mr. Linky by leaving your name and the
Permalink to your post. To create a Permalink, click on your Blue Monday post title and copy all the stuff in the http window. It is a longer address so that people can find your post even later in the week--whenever they get a chance to visit. For those who just can't wait, Mr. Linky will be up after midnight!

Do NOT link in until after your post is up.

4. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links. Make someone's day; leave a comment.
I appreciate it when you take the time to leave a comment for me.

5. Check back later to make certain you visit all the Blue participants. (That's why the Permalink is so important.)

This is one of my most precious Christmas pieces. It's not very well made, and it's not the most attractive thing I own. It's been broken and repaired more times than I care to remember. But my mother made it especially for me in 1972. Notice the blue, her favorite color, and she knew that it was my favorite color too. I keep it on top of my little roll-top desk in my Living Room.

I used to hold my granddaughter on my lap when she was only nine months old, and let her touch the pieces while I named them over and over for her. Her mother couldn't believe that I allowed Lauren to touch each piece, but she only touched while she was in my lap. She never broke a thing. Lauren is now nineteen years old, and every year when I unpack these pieces, I remember my mother making this for me and those special times with Lauren.

Three years ago, I found this figurine of the flight into Egypt. I couldn't resist getting it. It's sitting on top of the chairside chest in my Family Room.

Blue Monday Participants
1. Lana G!
2. Anne Fannie
3. ellen b
4. Robyn
5. Sheila
6. claudie from canada
7. Rechelle
8. The Muse
9. Kim: mom-musings
10. CC
11. Gloria
12. Judith
13. Jeanne
14. Mamapippa - Belgium
15. Elizabeth
16. Gemma
17. bj
18. Andi
19. Mojo, NC, USA
20. White Iris Designs
21. Beverly
22. Linda
23. Sherrie
24. Melissa
25. Linnea
26. Lorrie
27. Diane
28. Charlotte
29. Theresa
30. Lisa
31. charli and me
32. JLS Hall
33. Melissa\'s Cozy Teacup
34. Pagan Sphinx
35. jsprik
36. Jennifer

Learn more about Blue Monday here.

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Have You Made Your Resolutions?

Do you make resolutions? How about making a decision to read the Bible on each day of 2009?

To visit others, click here.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Pink Saturday - Bye, Bye Pink!

Beverly at How Sweet the Sound hosts Pink Saturday. Stop by her Place to see the many other Pretty Pink items that Precious Pink Participating People are Putting on display.

Today, I want to show you my Pink porch floor. When my house was built, the concrete did not "set" correctly before it rained. Therefore, where some rain fell, it pockmarked the concrete. To compensate, the builder put this finish on the porch.

I choose Pink without thinking that it would turn out to be double bubble gum Pink.

I've lived with it for thirteen years, but now there's a crack that has formed on the porch.

I need to attend to it. So, I'm going to repair and repaint. I will choose another color. Bye-bye, Pink!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Lemons! I Got Lemons!

My philosophy has always been, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." In fact, many years ago, my daughter gave me a little sign with this saying on it; I still have that sign in my office, where I can see it every day. Here's a picture of it for you to see. No, my shelves are not this empty. I did not want to show you mess.

Charlotte at Charlotte’s Weblog gave me a Lemonade award a couple of weeks ago, and it seems to fit me. Look at this cute lemonade stand.

Here are the rules for this Lemonade award:

• Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!

• Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.

• Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

• Share the love and link to this post to the person from whom you received your award.

Charlotte also presented me with a Friends Award.
“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find, and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”
I so appreciate Charlotte for these two awards. She has made my day!

Melissa from Little Things in Life tagged me by requesting that I list 7 Weird facts about myself. I've done this before, but since I am so VERY weird, I figure I can easily do it again.

1. My husband says to tell you that I sing LOUDLY whenever I have music on while blogging. (Note: he does not state that I sing on key!)

2. I can still touch the floor with my fingers without bending my knees.

3. I am a night owl; I love Jay Leno. Johnny is an early bird; he wakes at 5:00 AM each morning!

4. I'm married to a sport addict, and I really do not like sports. Therefore, we have two separate TVs. Mine shows interesting things; his is boring.

5. I still wear polyester. You want to hear weird? I like polyester!

6. I love, love, love to have my back rubbed; Johnny is nagged every night to give me a back rub.

7. I should have my first pair of custom made shoes soon. I will take pictures and post about them.

I'm supposed to tag 7 other bloggers and force them to reveal 7 embarrassing weird things about themselves. That plus the ten from Charlotte's Lemonade award and the ten from her Friends award make 27 bloggers. Hey folks, it's time for me to bust outta here. I'm breaking the rules before the rules break me. If you want to do this tag, go to it. If you are a visitor who leaves comments on my blog, I love ya; take an award or two. Have a blast!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

T'was a Florida Christmas

To find wreaths of holly, t'was not very hard,
for holly trees grew in every back yard.
In front of the houses, Dads and Moms were
adorning the bushes and coconut palms.

The sleeping kiddies were dreaming in glee,
hoping to find water skis under the tree.
They all knew that Santa was well on his way,
in a Mercedes-Benz, instead of a sleigh.

And soon he arrived and started to work,
he hadn't a second to linger or shirk.
He whizzed up the highways and zoomed up the road,
in a S-L 300, delivering his loads.

The tropical moon gave the city a glow,
and lighted the way for old Santa below.
As he jumped from the auto he gave a wee chuckle,
he was dressed in Bermudas with an Ivy league buckle,

There weren't any chimneys, but that caused no gloom,
for Santa came in through the Florida room.
He stopped at each house....stayed only a minute,
emptying his sack of stuff that was in it.

Before he departed, he treated himself
to a glass of papaya juice upon the shelf.
He turned with a jerk and bounced to the car,
remembering he still had to go very far.

T'was the night before Christmas and all through the town,
no noses were frozen, no snow fluttered down,
no children in flannels were tucked into bed,
they all wore shorty pajamas instead.

He shifted the gears and stepped on the gas
and up Highway 436 he went like a flash.
And I heard him exclaim as he went on his way,

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Funny Christmas Music Ya Gotta Hear & A Christmas Poem

My friend, Diane at A Picture is Worth A Thousand... hosts Trash to Treasure. She finds what someone thinks is not worth much and tweaks it a bit to create a thing of value for her home. If you'd like to join in the fun, click on the link.

This is a stretch, so work with me here. I had so much fun participating last week that I wanted to play this week. Now, I'm not a "crafty" person, however, I've gathered up what some people may think is TRASH and hopefully, after you've inspected, you'll agree that it's TREASURE.

I snatched a funny piece of music from my baby boy at Allen: All Day. Then, the nasty copyright people took it away! I hunted through the trash bins and found a slightly different one: same song, amateur group.


Christmas Poem

Let the stable still astonish; Straw--dirt floor, dull eyes, Dusty flanks of donkeys, oxen; Crumbling, crooked walls; No bed to carry that pain, And then, the child, Rag-wrapped, laid to cry In a trough, Who would have chosen this? Who would have said: “Yes. Let the God of ll the heavens And earth Be born here, in this place”? Who but the same God Who stands in the darker, fouler rooms of our hearts and says, “Yes. Let the God of Heaven and Earth be born here-- in this place.”
--from Light from Heaven by Jan Karon

Monday, December 22, 2008

Blue Monday - My Nativity Collection


It's Blue Monday! To participate:

1. Post about something blue on your blog. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's blue. Leave a link to this blog on your post.

2. Drag the Blue Monday button from here, and place it on your post. Place another one on your sidebar of your blog.

3. Return here after midnight when Mr. Linky will be up, and leave your name and the
Permalink to your post. To create a Permalink, click on your Blue Monday post title and copy all the stuff in the Http window. It is a longer address so that people can find your post even later in the week--whenever they get a chance to visit.

Do NOT link in until after your post is up.

4. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links. Make someone's day; leave a comment.
Please remember to leave a comment for me. I truly enjoy reading your comments.

5. Check back later to make certain you visit all the Blue participants. (That's why the Permalink is so important.)

I collect nativity sets. I've already shared my favorites. Here are a few of the others that happen to have blue in them. Teddy bears are always cute.

This music box plays "Joy to the World ."

Joseph is looking stunned! I guess he has good reason.

Blue Monday Participants
1. ellen b
2. Lana G!
3. claudie from canada
4. Sheila
5. Theresa
6. coloradolady
7. Linnea
8. Judith
9. Natural Moments
10. bj
11. Judi
12. Andi
13. Diane
14. Jeanne
15. Mojo, NC, USA
16. Elizabeth
17. White Iris Designs
18. Charlotte
19. JLS Hall
20. Jane
21. Lisa
22. Heidi Jo the Artist
23. The Pagan\'s Eye
24. charli and me
25. Rhonda
26. Anne Fannie
27. Barbara H.
28. Dirkjogt, Belgium
29. Shelia
30. Carrie - Oak Rise Cottage
31. The Muse
32. jsprik

Learn more about Blue Monday here.

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Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Happy Blue Monday!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Innkeeper

The innkeeper missed the opportunity of his life! Don't miss yours.

To visit others, click here.

Bonus! Rambling Rose has this short (2 minutes), funny, and to the point video posted. She's sharing it with us!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Pink Saturday - Princess Shopping Ideas

Beverly at How Sweet the Sound hosts Pink Saturday. Stop by her Place to see the many other Pretty Pink items that Precious Pink Participating People are Putting on display for the Pleasure of others.

Sometimes I think that my husband enjoys my blogging as much as I do. Johnny was going out to run an errand the other day, and I said, "Take the camera and snap some Pink pictures for me for Pink Saturday." Here's what he found: "Everything you need to be a princess"--a Pink one, of course--and all in this one box!

Some Pink telephones, along with a Pink tea set, and a Pink hair dryer for that princess.

For the grown-up princess, a Pink hair dryer. (Notice the Pink purse in the front.)

A special Pink baby doll. Looks like some commoner opened the package on the right!

Even Disney had Pink for her highness.

Of course, our princess will need some Pink royal clothing.

A Christmas stocking in Pink is a MUST.

Some light is necessary so that her highness can gaze upon her Pink treasures.

In South Florida, all princesses must have Pink flamingoes!

And to wrap it all up, some Pink paper and a Pink card. Get the one with a Pink purse on the Pink cover!

Happy Pink shopping!

Today's the final day for the cookbook giveaways. Check my sidebar.