Friday, August 7, 2009

How to Wrap A Baseball Bat

The best part about birthday presents is getting exactly what you want, and better yet being surprised by the gift. If you've ever tried to wrap an odd-shaped birthday present, you know that it's quite important that the shape of the wrapped gift not give away what's inside. Our grandson, Pierce, wanted a baseball bat. We bought him one, and here's how we presented it. First, I wrote on the back of some gift wrap paper, rolled the gift wrap paper up, stuck it in a gift bag, and when Pierce unrolled it, he read the following:

Ask Papa for his car keys, and open his trunk."
Here's what happened next.

He said, "Sweet!"

Here's the handsome, now-eleven-year-old with his two proud grandparents!

Later, the birthday boy went with his family out to eat a birthday dinner and posed for this picture with Johnny and me.


  1. Oh, the look on your husband's face as he looks at his grandson in that last picture says it all!

    What a great move you all made!

    By the way, Sally, You look fabulous! So happy!

    Becky K.

  2. Good morning Sally, thank you for your sweet comment this morning. Remember, my sister helped with the food. However, I did the table and loved every minute. My mom always fussed over her table settings, even with six kids. I guess I take after her. I no longer have tons of dishes since we moved, I don't have room. So I rarely do the tablescape event.

    Your post made me smile with each photo. I love your original idea with the baseball bat. Very clever, but then, you are very clever. Your grandson is soooo handsome and he is only eleven. He is a head turner for sure. I think this is the first time I saw photos of you and your hubby. You look very attractive Sally. And, I can see your joy of being with Pierce.


    Now, you know why I never get to visit everyone. As Beverly says, I am wordy. LOL

  3. Dear Sally, I can see the tqwo of you are really enjoying being able to spend time with your grandchildren. I'm so happy for you. Your post left me smiling too. I hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Sally, I am back to comment on your comment to Beverly. Your comment made me laugh out loud. I have a huge amount of roosters and hens. Can I send you a photo of one. Here's a clue. Go to Google and type in roosters. Then click on image. Walla, a pick of the litter, I mean roosters. BIG smile. Have fun and save money.


  5. What a BRILLIANT way to present a gift to your gr. son!!! I LOVED his reaction to his gift----and I loved the pictures of you, the birthday boy and his grandpa!! How precious.

    Thanks for the great share. dana

  6. Wonderful surprise! What fun to see a photo of you and your smiling face Sally!!

  7. What a great way to wrap an odd shaped gift! He looks so pleased too. Happy birthday to him.

  8. Oh, such great pictures. He is really a cutie and looks like he love his new bat. What a fun way to "wrap" his gift. Hugs, Marty

  9. Sally,
    Your grandson is so lucky to have you and your husband as grandparents! The joy you bring him and your other grandchildren will forever be remembered by them.

  10. Hi Sally
    Wow thats an ingenious way to present a present. He must have been pretty surprised first to see the paper as it was and then getting the instructions for checking in the trunk.
    Great idea and it looks like he was pretty happy with such a great gift...and nice pics of you all too.

  11. You seem to be enjoying all the daily fun associated with living close to the grand kids. Fun, yes, but today I'm pooped. We spent yesterday taking our kids to the go-cart track. Sally

  12. That is a clever way to wrap a gift! Loved all the pictures. You all look so happy. I have done treasure hunts with my kids to find their gifts. Actually just once for each. The year they got their first bike. That was fun too.

  13. That definitely IS the way to wrap something so obvious! Looks like he LOVED the bat!! Looks like y'all had a great Birthday with him.

  14. Good idea! I sometimes had my boys go on a hunt to find their gift, leaving clues to where the next clue would be found. Sometimes they'd misinterpret the clue and it would get pretty funny. :)

  15. I had to go visit Beverly to find out what comment Jeanne was refering to. I had to laugh as well. I never did get the Target Birds but I do have a cloche now that I won one from Darlene. I don't have any roosters either. So don't feel bad about not having any roosters. We will just visit those who do! :-)

  16. GM Sally ...what a fun way to do his gift...And girl I so love being with my family and can see by your smile you feel the same way...May you have a wonderful weekend my Dear friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  17. That was a GREAT idea Sally! Happy Birthday to Pierce :) it looks like y'all had a really good time!

  18. Hey! I think it's the first time I see your smiling face Miss Sally. I know you have one on your side bar... but that doesn't count does it.
    You both look so happy with Pierce.
    Happy Birthday "you little bat"
    Love Claudie
    P.S. Yes I can hug my mom, but sometimes I'm afraid to break her, she's soooo tiny.
    Actually I will call her right now and say hi.

  19. What a great idea! You are so smart! Great pictures you share.

  20. Good pictures. I have always loved bats. I still have a couple of my sons. One time a few years ago we went to Louisville where they make bats and we had a regular, professional size bat sent to our adult son. Happy Birthday to your grand-son.

  21. Happy Birthday, Pierce! What a handsome young man and what a clever way to give him his birthday present! Oh, Most Smiling One ~ how nice to see your tiny smiling face again! Love it!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  22. ♪♫♪ Happy Birthday Pierce ♪♫♪

    What a wonderfu;l picture of the three of you Sally... Glad you got to surprise him...


  23. Your story and pictures sure bring back memories of our son when he was that age. He'll be 36 in September! We did a similar surprise for his first bicycle when he was 7, but it was in the driveway, not in the trunk of the car! Now we do those things with his girls, our granddaughters, and it's even better than before!

  24. Wishing a belated "happy birthday" to Pierce... what a neat way to give a surprise gift !! Glad to meet you and Johnny in a picture..hugs, Baba

  25. Great idea on how to wrap a bat! That is fun.

  26. That is the world's sweetest picture of the three of y'all. Love it, Sally!


    Sheila :-)

  27. P.S. I also think he looks a lot like both of you!


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