Last Friday, we were out and about, and I took some pictures that the Florida Chamber of Commerce would like to delete. I know that many of you have snow up to the kazoo, but in Florida, we're supposed to have balmy breezes and warm temperatures. Instead, we've been having record-setting cold temperatures. The "s" words (snow, sleet) have even been used by the television weatherperson as a slight possibilities! Truthfully, we did not get either one.
Look at this pathetic palm. It wants some sunshine and warm temperatures.

These Queen Palms are safe because of the building's protection. They are messy trees and could sure could use a pruning! But not until after warmer weather comes.

This shot could have been taken anywhere in the country, but it was taken about twenty minutes outside of Tampa. Look at those yucky skies! (It did rain an hour later.) Notice that the leaves have fallen from some of the trees.

We went to a shopping mall. Look at these pathetic little trees--no leaves! They're naked! There's not much here that says, "Florida."

Folks who want their tropical plants to remain healthy, cover them up at night. However, many forget to uncover them during the day which causes the poor plants to "bake" under the covers.

This picture was taken yesterday around noon at a nearby mall. Some trees are without leaves, while the good ol' palm smiles at the blue sky!

If you look closely, you'll see the frost on our rooftops. This picture was taken yesterday morning. At 8:00 AM, our temperature was 29º.
Hey, Mr. Gore, whatever happened to global warming?
Susan at
A Southern Daydreamer is the gracious hostess for Outdoor Wednesday. Participants post pictures of anything that they might find outdoors.