Monday, August 2, 2010

Blue Monday - Blue Note Cards

Hello. It's Blue Monday! I'm so glad you decided to join in the fun.

To participate: just click here for BLUE MONDAY INSTRUCTIONS.

Visit other Blue Monday participants by clicking on their links.
That's what makes Blue Monday fun. I ❤ comments, and appreciate everyone who leaves one for me.

Look what came in my mail! Denise Marie from Denise Marie Bloomin had a "blog-a-versary celebration door prize," and I won! She made note cards in Blue brown, and white just for me! They're made with such care and details: hand stamped, touches of ribbon, and 3-D parts. Denise Marie is a handy lady. She not only crafts, but she finds great buys that she shares on her blog.

Six Blue items were enclosed:
  1. With Gratitude card with envelope
  2. A Very Happy Birthday card with envelope
  3. Thank you Very Much card with envelope
  4. With Sympathy card with envelope
  5. Best Wishes tag
  6. A personal note from Denise Marie

I'm giving you a close-up of her whimsical address label on the outside of the package. The top of the label is so cute. Just look at that darling Blue mailbox on the address label.

Here's the little note from Denise Marie. Notice in the lower right, she's written, "Keep Smiling."

I turned the card over so that you can read the message, it says,
You've blessed me w/your meme. I had fun making these for you.
If I can find ANY blue I gotta tag in! LOL
Bloggie Love,
Denise Marie"

What a special Blue treat! Thank you, Denise Marie; I'll sure enjoy using these.

Happy Blue Monday!

Blue Monday Participants
1. Jill, CA
2. lani@home
3. mizhelle
4. Vintage linens
5. Sweet Nothings
6. Rajesh, India
7. Dena E Dream Doodlers
8. Candy @ The Little Round Table
9. LaVoice
10. Sarah@Blogging While Waiting
11. Ann@tin and sparkle
12. Fe's Journey of Life
13. Siromade Australia
14. Animor Australia
15. Marie's Maison - Guest Room
16. Pie
17. Coloradolady - blue stained pine
18. Mary@OnePerfectBite
19. Jeanne,backyard neighbor
20. Emily
21. kat
22. Joyful
23. Treasures from the Heart
24. Loui
25. lazyclick, India
26. Fifi Flowers
27. Milla
28. Belle
29. Hagemor Fotosafari
30. Maboe, Norway
31. Shannara
32. Jan, Australia
33. Riet, Holland
34. Eden, Australia
35. Doni @ faithgracecrafts
36. Rinkly Rimes
37. The Recycling Loop
38. Chari@Happy To Design
39. Kvasthilda, Sweden
40. foto CHIP - Birgitta
41. Manang Kim~USA
42. Everyday melbourne
43. Happier Than a Pig in Mud-Freezer Dill Pickles
44. Debbie@thepaintsplash
45. Becky K
46. Fighter ღ
47. Jasmin in Blue!
48. Cabin & Cottage
49. DustyUs, Ok, US
50. Wifey10-My Pet Jamie
51. Reach Beyond Limits
52. Susan@Mizzus G on This and That
53. Christian
54. Idea House Master Suite
55. Auntie E's Garden
56. DeniseMarie
57. linda
58. Christine
59. Katillac Shack
60. Little World of Fun
61. Yoli ~ Apron Senorita
62. Treasured Blue Platter
63. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove
64. Jan K.
65. Talents Differ
66. Joahna Vern, Philippines
67. blue,taiwan
68. Joy- Books and Life
69. Beeutiful by Design-Blue & White
70. Bon Vivant
71. Kayce's Daily Notes
72. Bonnie Blue Flag
73. Ruth
74. peggy gatto
75. hapzydeco
76. Crafty Gardener, Canada
77. annies home
78. Gee
79. Annette
80. Hyacinths For The Soul
81. Komali Chai in the garden
82. Komali -Scented outdoor room

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. Those are beautiful! I love them all! Happy Blue Monday!

  2. I love all of these, Sally girl.
    Happiest Blue Monday..
    xo bj

    Oh...meant to ask ...since you haven't been numbering your blue posts, are you near 100 posts yet?
    I sure want to know so I can throw you a BIG BLUE PARTY...;))

  3. Handmade cards are like sending a special gift, Hallmark is great but handmade is better. Lucky you!

  4. Oh how exciting for you Sally,,,I want to do something similar for my bloaversary soon too but am not sure just how...They are very beautiful by the way...
    Blessings and Big Hugs Dena

  5. You were very lucky to have received these. I love them and she did a super job. I was blessed with some not long ago from a dear blogging friend. She just did them - no giveaway.

  6. The note cards are so pretty, nice color combination, blue and brown, a fave of mine. The address labels are adorable! Happy Monday Sally.

  7. Congrats Sally. Happy Blue Monday.

    Mine is here.

  8. Those are super neat, Sally! I'm so happy for you that you won. :-)

    Hope all is well there. I'm up late, but I've got a full load this week.


    Sheila :-)

  9. wow..those are beautiful blue cards.

    happy BM Sally.

  10. Wow, what a special gift! Looks like she really took some care in making those special for you! Thanks for sharing :)

    HaPpY bLuE mOnDaY!!!


  11. Great cards!!

    Thanks for hosting.
    Used turquoise blue this week.
    Hope that counts. =)


    barbara jean

  12. What a delightful treat!
    I know the blue thoughtfulness brought a beautiful smile to your face!
    Keep smiling..
    happy monday!

  13. What a gorgeous blue parcel, will make snail-mailing a joy!!
    Hugs - Jan

  14. Those are so pretty, Sally. Love all of them.

    Happy Blue Monday

  15. Aren't they pretty! How wonderful to get something pretty in the mail!! I'm joining in for Monday's party! Blessings, Doni

  16. Your cards are a wonderful shade of blue!

  17. Wonderful cards and so creative kind of work :)

  18. The cards are really nice-enjoy!

  19. First time of me : )
    Thank you to let us have fun on wonderful monday blue. And I like your shot..lovely card and warm words to keep people smile : )

  20. Nice blue cards.

    Glad to discover this great blog and Happy Blue Monday!

  21. Those are simply wonderful blue note cards, just perfect for you.

  22. Lucky you! The cards are a perfect Blue Monday post! Have a great week. Debbie

  23. Very Pretty Cards!

    It is so much fun to receive a package such as this in the mail.

    Becky K.

  24. The BLUE cards are lovely! I think there's nothing more personal and/or charming than a handmade card! Thanks for sharing these today!
    Happy BLUE Monday!

  25. What a talented lady! Your blue cards are lovely! Jacqueline

  26. Lovely blue cards! Congrats on winning the door prize!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Btw those cards are pretty! Was thinking of getting to card making, starting to collect crafts now. :)Have agreat week!

  29. Hi Sally, lucky you. These are lovely gifts. Especially for you. This is a very useful gift box as well as fun. I am happy for you.

    My daughter is coming along from her surgery. We are having a wonderful visit.

    Happy Blue Monday.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  30. Beautiful blue cards, Sally! I like this shade of blue..

  31. Sally, what a great Blue Monday post. I love the cards you received from Denise Marie. How lovely. She made them herself? She's so talented. They are beautiful.

    Thank you for hosting another lovely Blue Monday. I think I'm hooked.

  32. Wow, the photos look great! I'm glad you like them. :)

  33. What beautiful cards.
    Very nice photos.

  34. How special for you! All of the cards are unique, love them. Happy Blue Monday.

  35. Denise Marie is so sweet! These are really cute, especially the special personal touches....Christine

  36. Those are so pretty! What a sweet gift.

  37. So pretty Sally! Lucky you!

    Thank-you for this event! I appreciate you.

    love, kelee

  38. wow congratulations and I so love the card, it is so cute

  39. Hi Sally!

    How sweet of Denise to send such a fun package! All of it is awesome!

  40. Hello,
    I am in,
    thank you for the blue cards and blue mail stuff in your post.
    it takes talents to keep posting fresh stuff on the same theme, but you managed well and did an outstanding job!

  41. hi,nice to be back...been putting my link since this morning using my cp but it's not working...your site is not accepting my link,thanks God it's done.

  42. Those are so pretty !!
    That was so thoughtful of her !!
    Have a great week Sally!

  43. what a lovely cards you have.. your friend is so sweet indeed.

    Blue Monday entry here

  44. These are simply beautiful cards! I love it...

  45. Such pretty cards, lucky you! Happy Blue Monday!

  46. Hi Sally...

    Ohhh...don't you just love it when you are the recipient/winner of such a GRAND gift? Denise Marie certainly is a talented lady! I loved each and every beautiful blue card that she sent you! Such pretty designs! Ohhh...and the handcrafted cards are THE BEST KIND!!! Love it!!! Thank you for sharing your pretties with us today, my friend!

    I also wanted to thank you for hosting Blue Monday! I don't often get to participate because...well..(shhh..because I just don't have that much blue...I's a shame really!) Hehe! Sally, I really enjoyed your visit to my Blue Cottage veranda...and the sweet note that you left for me! Thank you, sweet lady!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  47. I actually made this card before I saw your lovely ones!!!
    Thanks for the opportunity to play!

  48. She is very talented. They are lovely and especially love the address label. I know you must have been excited when you opened it up. Thanks for hosting Blue MOnday. Especially since blue is my favorite color!!! Blessings, Sherry

  49. The cards are so pretty and I see a lot of blue. What a wonderful surprise to recieve in the mail. I hope you are doing well and have a great week!

  50. What beautiful cards!!! What a wonderful surprise!!♥

  51. What a great door prize! Such a lot of pretty blue flowers. Beautiful cards, and even better that they're handmade. I'd love to be that talented!

  52. Hi Sally.... How pretty are those cards.... she did an amazing job making them.... and to send them too you,,, what a sweet think to do.. you are so blessed with lovely friends.... have a great week,


  53. What a pretty card set. Enjoy using those. Congrats on your win!

  54. Beautiful cards...what a wonderful friend. This is my first time joining your Blue Monday. I hope I am doing it right!

  55. Sally, what a lovely set of blue cards just for YOU. I'm late linking up today, but wanted to share a beautiful piece of blue art that came my way from a fellow blogger. And I'm celebrating my 1st year of HFTS with a giveback gift offering. I hope you'll join in.
    Thanks for hosting Blue Mondays! ~ Sarah

  56. I guess I was too late for the linking thing.. sorry about that.. this was my first Blue Monmday too.. oh well I'll make a note to self... I do invite you to check out my blue bottles and blue bird though if you would like to.. tthey are on my photo blog.. thanks for hosting the Blue Monday meme..I think it will be fun finding blue things to post.. have a great day..

  57. Sally, what a lovely package to receive. Those cards will be put to good use during the course of the year. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  58. Oh, shoot! Sally, I did forget to link in! I'm so sorry! I know you understand, but I've been Cartering and just plumb forgot! Well, I'll be back, you know that.
    Congratulations on your lovely win! The cards are so pretty and I just love hand made ones!
    Hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  59. Sally, this is just delightful--so pretty and creative. I love blue, and would enjoy all of these cards. Have fun savoring and sending them!

  60. Happy Belated Blue Monday and (almost early one too)
    Greetings from Miami! We had such a good was great for me because I wasn't the one working..

    I love what you won for the Giveaway! Good for you. The cards are darling and so is the little mailbox. She does a beautiful job.
    have a wonderful weekend.

  61. Hi Sally, Your blues are so pretty! I did a blue post for Blue Monday, but for some reason I can't link to your blog. Normally it would say something like, "your next" after the last #. I registered with Mr Linky, but it's not telling me how to join your post. Any ideas?


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
