Monday, November 15, 2010

Blue Monday - Review Morning Glory

Welcome to the place to show off your blues!

It's a good idea to show Blue Monday's icon--the blue jay. Many people place the Blue Monday button at the top of their post so that visitors can easily find their Blue Monday post.

For instructions, just click here.

I love to see the many ways blogland celebrates the color blue.


Look at these blue curlers! Diane Keaton actually appears like this in a scene from her newest film, Morning Glory. Most stars wouldn't have the nerve, but she remains so lovely.

Here she is with her hair combed out in another scene with Harrison Ford. Note his blue tie, the blue background, the blue chair.

Harrison Ford is shown here in his blue jeans. Why, oh why are men so lucky to look good at any age in any get-up? (sigh) We don't see them with curlers in their hair!

More blue is worn by Rachel McAdams and Patrick Wilson in another scene.

Here's another scene including Jeff Goldblum, with a pretty, striped blue shirt.

It's a good Chick Flick with some laughs. I saw it this past Thursday with my granddaughter, Lauren.

Happy Blue Monday!

Blue Monday Participants
1. Lesley
2. mizhelle
3. A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
4. Lani
5. Milla
6. Dena E
7. Mary@OnePerfectBite
8. Pie
9. LaVoice
10. mrs.m @ tlc
11. Junneth- Philippines
12. La Dame de Nage
13. Candy @ The Little Round Table
14. Riet, Holland
15. Cat
16. Terry
17. NatureFootstep SWE
18. Fes Journey of Life
19. Little World of Fun
20. Travelers Notebook
21. Amazing Grace
22. Rantis, Swe
23. John,Philippines
24. Treasures from the Heart
25. John
26. Ivory Spring
27. Shannara
28. Cindy @ Custom Comforts
29. A Souvenir for Blue Monday!
30. Beverly @HSTS
31. Jeanne,backyard neighbor
32. @nemonen, Sweden
33. Donnie
34. kat
35. Vernz
36. Old Fashioned Baby- Blue Daygown
37. Manang Kim,USA
38. Nostalgic Marveling
39. At home with Auntie E
40. Poetic Shutterbug
41. Valerie-Traveling Through
42. Peggy at Just A Plain Gal
43. Annie
44. Belle
45. Mel Cole @ Love Home
46. Whale sighting
47. hapzydeco
48. Joy- Books and Life
49. Dhemz
50. Hyanne, South Korea
51. Sherry
52. Blue Nike Shoe
53. Life is a Battle
54. Maria's Space
55. Eileen, Md
56. Lazy on Loblolly
57. Kayce's Daily Notes
58. Eden, Australia
59. Kelly @ Till Death Do Us Part
60. Cabin & Cottage
61. Nicki
62. Patricia - USA
63. Shy

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. Wow, love your post today! Happy Blue Monday!

  2. What a fun post Sally!!! How is everything for you and yours??? Praying your new week is blessed as you draw near to Jesus~~~Love and Hugs Dena

  3. Love your post. Harrison Ford still looks hot. :)

    Have a great day.

    My Blue Monday.

  4. You seem to come up with such neat, original ideas for Blue Monday. I have not been to a movie in so long, I probably would not know what to act. Except eat popcorn.

  5. I wear often blue clothes too ! And you ?

  6. ok,,, now I know I screwed up.... where did I leave my comment prior!?? Thanks for hosting is my first BLUE MONDAY!

  7. giggling about the curlers, that´s how I used to look like sometimes in my youth. I even had blue ones. :)

  8. Howdy Sally
    Thank you for Blue Monday !
    Wow this looks like a great movie :)
    I can't believe all the blues .
    I agree with you it is not fair that men don't have to use rollers,etc...
    Men really don't have a clue how long it can take to look so casual and elegant at the same time .
    Blessings to you sweet lady .
    May you have a wonderful week.
    Take care now .
    Happy Blue Monday !
    Until next time
    Happy Trails

  9. I mostly have blue clothing at home :) Have Blue MOnday Sally

  10. So many blue, hehehe I am just on time for the meme today, thank GOD!

  11. Great post
    that movie looks like it will be fun.

    thanks for hosting. I have a cute little blue this week.


    barbara jean

  12. lovely different shades if blue in your post Sally.
    here for another blue monday entry. cheers!

  13. Love your idea for Blue Monday and your cute entry with Diane Keaton and Harrison Ford. This is my first entry, Sally. Thanks for hosting.

  14. I've seen the previews on this movie and it looked like an interesting chick flick. Glad to know someone who has seen it and recommends it. Movies are so expensive these days, you hate to go to one and be disappointed. Thanks for the review.
    This is my first Blue Monday ~ thanks for hosting us.

  15. Thanks for sharing all the blues from Morning Glory, Sally. I can't wait to see it ... it sounds like a good movie.

  16. This looks like a good movie! Love all the blues you found in the photos...especially those blue rollers! Whew!
    Happy Blues Day!

  17. Happy Blue Monday, Sally.

    I can't wait to see this movie. I love all three of the stars.

  18. Good morning Sally, I definitely want to see this movie. I think Diane and Harrison are excellent actors. Besides, I love a good laugh. When one remember these stars as young adults, it really strikes home that we are the older generation. Sigh.

    Wishing you well today and always Sally.
    Warm hugs, Jeanne

  19. I've been looking for a movie for Don to take me to and this might be it. Thanks Sally. Have a great Blue Monday.

  20. oh my crush is thanks for posting Harrizon Ford Sally...

    Happy BM.

  21. Wow, you really have spotted them.. lovely..

  22. I just love Diane Keaton in those BLUE rollers! I adore her and everything that she has ever done!!

    Debbie @ A Debbie-Dabble Christmas

  23. Hi Sally. We are back from our travels and just wanted to stop by and say hello. Your "blues" are, as always, unique and wonderful. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  24. Cute post! I'll have to check out Morning Glory. :-) I'm with you about the guys... totally NOT fair!

  25. I really want to see that movie! Now that you said it was good, I want to see it more :) Happy Blue Monday Sally!

  26. Hi! My blue entry is up :-) but Mr. Linky is not available yet... My link is here.

  27. Mr linky is down but my post is up at

  28. Hi, i had the link on there the whole time! Oh well :(

  29. Oh I love those folks, They are so funny. I see the Link system is back up. Happy Blue Monday.

  30. Harrison Ford would look good in anything or nothing :D A fun and enjoyable post.

  31. Hi Sally,
    Those are some big blue rollers! I have always enjoyed Diane Keaton too. And what can beat Harrison Ford except maybe Harrison Ford in blue jeans! Happy Blue Monday.

  32. Hi, Sally! I need those blue rollers since I'm currently on a "growing my hair out" kick! I agree about some men looking better as they age...tain't fair! I think it's probably the short hair, but if we cut our hair that short, we tend to look like...MEN! AARGH! Oh, well! Have a wonderful Blue Monday! :D

  33. I can't wait to see that movie, although I will probably wait for it to go to Netflix. I saw Harrison Ford on David Letterman.
    He is one of my fav's.
    Have a great week Sally!

  34. Sally,
    Wow what a fun post. I love that you share so many talented people.
    I will look around to see what I have blue and join in on the fun.

  35. the curlers was hilarious! good one Sally....:) thanks for sharing!

    have a good one!

  36. Oh I love these blue. Some are so funny. And some are so yummy!
    Thanks for doing this I always smile.

  37. It's so not fair that many men keep looking good no matter their age!

    I had trouble with Linky at my place, too -- the site said it was down for emergency maintenance. Looks like it is working here now -- I'll go back and check mine.

  38. Diane Keaton is by far one of my favorites. I adore her. She is quirky and funny. We should strive to be at least half as cool as she.

  39. Hi, Sally, I have been watching the previews for this movie and thought it looked good. Wonderful choices for your blues. Happy Blue Monday!

  40. Yay to Diane for proving that real women CAN wear rollers! :)

  41. cute post...I wondered if this would be good..I want to see it. Happy Blue Monday

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Love all these actors and all the blue too.

  44. What a great blue post Sally. I love all those stars

  45. It does look funny, so now I have a review! Hope you are doing well this Monday. Hope your weather is better than the clouds we have here.

  46. I love all the blue! What a unique party...thanks for hosting!


  47. Hi Sally, Thanks for dropping by. I like Harrison Ford and his movies. :~)

    Hope to see you in my Blue Monday post here

  48. Definitely a blue theme going on in the movie! It's a must see for me! Thanks Sally!

  49. I found you on a friends blog and I knew I had the perfect blue Monday piece I am new so this was my first time linking up I'm not really sure if I did it right if u have a few extra minutes will u check to see for me thanks and happy blue monday

  50. These are all nice photo of the celebrity, I like Diane keaton and also harrison ford.

  51. Nice Blue Monday post, Sally. Harrison Ford is one of my favourites.

  52. Nice blue rollers, lol!...Christine

  53. Hi Sally
    Happy Belated by a Day Blue Monday
    Even the stars are out on Blue Monday...I haven't seen any of those movies but now I will have to look for them.
    Harrison Ford always looks so good doesn't are right how come guys age so easily....hmmmmm.
    I hope you've had a good week so far..I am glad you came to tell me about the book. I missed that email!
    thank you

  54. Thanks for the review, Sally! I want to go see that. I adore Diane Keaton. She is a scream!

    Hope you are having a good week. Please keep me in your prayers as we approach the countdown to the tour of homes. The stress mounts! ;-)

    Love you...


    Sheila :-)

  55. P.S. I'm sorry I didn't get by on Monday. I was in the bed, sick.

  56. Enjoyed this Sally, Diane Keaton and Harrison Ford sounds like a great combination. Thanks for the giving it a thumbs up.

  57. I wondered if that was a good movie! I will have to go see it with my daughter when she comes home for thanksgiving!

  58. Once again dear Sally you never cease to amaze me as you present the most creative 'Blue Mondays'!

    I so want to see this flick...Hubby secretly adores a good 'chick movie'...shhhhh, ya didn't hear it here folks!

    Ya'll have a marvelously blessed weekend sweetie!!! :o)

  59. Hi Sally! I'm popping in to say hi! I know it's hard to do, but I miss your daily posting (I've tried to cut back too)! I don't always have something blue to join your party - but I will this Monday though - just enough that I can play.
    Hope you're doing well and I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!
    You are a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  60. Hi Sally, I just came by to tell you how much I miss your posts and your comments. I know you are backing away from blogging so much but I miss you my friend.

    Are you going to your children for Thanksgiving? We are staying home this year. I will have around 25 for dinner. Everyone brings food so it is not a hard day at all. I will have fun setting tables and making everything festive.

    I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving with loved ones all around you.
    Warm hugs, Jeanne

  61. Sally, a million thanks for your sweet comments on Eddie's blog! I cherish your friendship and love you much...


    Sheila :-)

  62. Morning Glory must be one of the movies that ends up being a really surprising film. It deserves to be seen!!!


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