Monday, November 22, 2010

Blue Monday - Blue Mural

Welcome to the place to show off your blues!

It's a good idea to show Blue Monday's icon--the blue jay. Many people place the Blue Monday button at the top of their post so that visitors can easily find their Blue Monday. For instructions, just click here.

I love to see the many ways blogland celebrates the color blue.


On a beautiful day with lovely blue skies, we took a drive. Look at the unique store that I discovered! It has an interesting, large mural of a beach scene painted along the front, with some beautiful blue water. I stopped the car to take some pictures for Blue Monday..

The name of the store is "Clothing for the Free Spirit." What kind of clothing might that be?

Hm, as I looked more closely, it seems the models sittting on the beach answer that question. I suppose the store sells only hats.
BTW, there's a nudist colony right next door! You think there's a connection?

Happy Blue Monday!

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

Blue Monday Participants
1. Martha
2. mizhelle
3. Milla
4. LaVoice
5. Dena
6. Loui
7. Candy @ The Little Round Table
8. racheld
9. Rose
10. Look Here @Amiko
11. Lani
12. Pie
13. Decisions
14. Jeanne,backyard neighbor
15. Debra Kaye
16. La Dame de Nage
17. Mary@One Perfect Bite
18. Rantis, Swe
19. Poetic Shutterbug
20. Joahna Vern, Philippines
21. Cricket
22. Eye Candy - Building
23. Carpe Diem Sweden
24. Cat
25. Becky @ Random musings of a deco lady
26. Mom's Place - Kat
27. carolynUSA
28. Life is a Battle
29. Belle
30. NatureFootstep Sweden
31. Raya's treasures
32. Lesley
33. hip chick
34. Reach Beyond Limits
35. joco, uk
36. Donnie
37. Pietrek67
38. Friendship Offering!
39. Manang Kim,USA
40. My Place to Yours
41. Cailin Marie
42. Kathy-Delightsome Life
43. Jennifer Grenko
44. Auntie E's
45. Dhemz
46. Priyanka @ Lens n Verses
47. Mel Cole @ Love Home
48. charmine
49. Sweet Nothings
50. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove
51. Elaine
52. Hearts content
53. hapzydeco
54. nature is magical
55. bevie
56. Little World of Fun
57. Terry
58. Kathy @ Me & My Memes
59. Peacock Blue
60. Shelia @ Notesongs
61. anemonen, Sweden
62. gengen
63. bevie
64. Dorincard
65. My Home Sanctuary
66. Shannara
67. Joy- Books and Life
68. Eden, Australia
69. sandi @ the whistlestop cafe
70. Shy-PA,USA
71. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA
72. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA, 2nd entry
73. Vernz
74. Maria's Space
75. Lazy on Loblolly

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. Beautiful mural! Happy thanksgiving Sally!

  2. nice finds Sally! :)

    btw, cant seem to find Mr LInky.. here's mine anyways

  3. Guess you got so carried away over this store, you lost Mr.Linky. It certainly makes for an interesting Blue Monday.

  4. Hi Sally..
    laughter too!

  5. Hey Sally,, this was sure different,,, and btw where is the linky thingy???? Are we suppose to leave it in the comment this time???
    Blessings Sweetie all through the week...Hugs Dena

  6. This is my very first Blue Monday, but with Jeanne's encouragement, I'm giving it a try! Thank you for letting me participate.


  7. Hi Sally! This isn't MY first Blue Monday, but thanks for letting me participate too! VERY interesting mural! Jacqueline

    Have a wonderful holiday!

  8. Hats. Scarves. Shoes. :) That might be the extent of their "clothing line". :)

    Happy Blue Monday, Miss Sally.

  9. Sally,

    While I do love a beautiful hat, I do love a cute bathing suit to go with it! tee hee

    Happy Blue Monday

  10. Naked ... but you still have a towel!
    That's what I like blue ...

    Happy blue monday … Here, it's a grey monday.

  11. Hi Sally, yep, I'm up late. Would you believe I was wrapping Christmas gifts already. Thanksgiving weekend we are visiting some family that I won't see at Christmas. I'm delivering their Christmas gifts to save mailing. That adds up to lot of dollars these days.

    Your post gave me a big chuckle. I think the free spirit means exactly what you think. HA! Once we were invited to dinner by a couple that were actually my banking customers. It was a great meal and then they invited us to join their nudist colony. We laughed all the way home. That was the end of that. Not our life style, needless to say. It still makes me laugh.
    Have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving.
    Love, Jeanne

  12. Hahahaha,, Hello Miss Sally.. That was so funny.. Hat for sale for those who have free spirit...:-)

  13. nudist colony next to a hat store...uumm.. gives you something to ponder about huh? Happy Blue Monday!

  14. Sally.. thanks for hosting another BLUe MONDAY!! have a great week!

  15. Always amusing looking at your blue posts Sally.
    Please have a great Thanksgiving.

  16. Hi Sally, I went with the beach too. Yours gave me a smile. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  17. nyahaha you made me laugh Sally..I guess they are selling umbrella hahahaha.

    Happy BM.

  18. hi Sally, here for another blue monday meme. cheers!

  19. I wish it WAS the time for bathing suits. :)

  20. thanks for telling me I forgot the link. One should not do too many things at the same time I guess. :)

  21. Hmm...I wouldn't think they would be in business for very long selling clothing to a nudist colony...

  22. My first
    but in a good way :-)

    Freespirited is also good.

  23. That's so funny. Kind of an oxymoron selling clothing for nudists, isn't it. Happy Blue Monday Sally.

  24. Thank you for the warm welcome, and for your visit to Lawn Tea!!

  25. I was admiring that lovely beach painting...then, I realized what they meant by "free spirit"! I suppose the stores sells lots of suntan lotion along with the hats. Too funny!
    Enjoy this Blue Monday!

  26. haha! That does seem funny - a clothing store advertising nude sun bathers. maybe they sell sunscreen and shoes along with hats?
    Happy Blue Monday Sally.

  27. I would have loved to see your face as you realized the free spirits they were catering to :)
    The beach scene is well done.

  28. Thanks for hosting Blue Monday today! Happy Thanksgiving to you

  29. LOL, you are a scream, Sally! To be honest, the woman in the photo looks like she might be nude were it not for those straps on her shoulders. ;-)

    Happy Blue Monday! You just gave me something about which to smile...


    Sheila :-)

  30. very interesting Sally! Oh boy, there must be a connection....funny and weird....thanks for sharing!

  31. I like the mural. Makes me wanting to be in the sea again. I really miss the sea. Oh the warmth!

  32. Interesting mural,about the models depicted there...hmmmm is all I have to say.Happy blue monday Sally.

  33. I've always thought it would be a hoot to visit a nudist colony..with ME wearing clothes, that is. hahaha...what a laugh!!
    xo bj

  34. LOL... What would they sell... Sunscreen for sure and maybe Umbrellas.

  35. Love the painted mural
    I'd love th check the store out...but then maybe not. Ha
    Happy Thanksgiving Sally

  36. LOL! Sally, I am falling out of my chair! I clicked on the picture, and NOW I can see. LOL! It doesn't help that I've had no sleep, but this, oh THIS was a real eye-opener for sure. LOL! I think this may be your most amusing Blue Monday post yet. And look how she has her hand on that guy's knee. LOL!

    Oh... where on earth???


    Sheila :-)

  37. I am laughing out loud for real! funny,thanks for the smiles.

  38. Hi, first time here and cool meme you have!

  39. Lol I think they really have a connection huh? hehehe

  40. Howdy Sally
    Oh my this is priceless :)
    What a wonderful way to start the week .Thank you so much Sally for sharing this fun little drive with us .I had a wonderful time .
    May you and yours have a blessed Thanksgiving week .
    Until next time
    Happy Trails

  41. How funny Sally! That really made me laugh :) Happy Blue Monday!

  42. Love the mural! Thanks for hosting, Sally. Happy Thanksgiving!

  43. Hi Most Smiling One!! Oh, that's a pretty mural. A nudist colony? I didn't know those were still around!!
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  44. That is so funny! And I love the painting. A nudist colony, hmmm? Well, my spirit is free, but my body definitely has to be clothed!

    Have a wonderful week, and Happy Thanksgiving!

  45. Hi Sally,

    It's a sew day today at my house. Checking mail and a few posts quickly before arrivals.

    Just wanted to stop by and say have a Blessed Thanksgiving... hope to join in next week.


  46. I link you already in my post...

  47. I just discovered your nice blog and friends...See my blue jay post in my blog, Dorincard:

  48. Interesting post! Now I have linked to your site, but one can´t klick on the logo. error! Sorry

  49. I hope I did it right, according to your rules. :) I'll be glad to explore your part of the blogosphere...

  50. Yes...I'd definitely say there's a connection! :)

  51. Interesting, Sally! You did not happen to be driving by Dunedin or Spring Hill. did you?...Christine

  52. LOL.. what a cute place..I bet my daughter would like it. She is a real free spirit.
    Happy Blue Monday and Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Joy at Books and Life

  53. What a great find for Blue Monday! I think there is a connection, Sally.

    Thank you for hosting BM. Have a great week.

  54. The beach poster looks inviting, except for the butt crack

  55. Talk about an oxymoron! All they can sell is flipflops and hats!

  56. how creative... maybe less imposing, nyahahaha... love it.

  57. Hi Sally,
    Just wanted to wish you and Johnny a very Happy Thanksgiving. Love your header picture.
    Hugs & blessings,

  58. I loved the blues you shared with us today. I'll bet those models have blue eyes. I hope you and all you love have a wonderful holiday. Hugs and blessings...Mary

  59. And a nudist colony next door? Cool!

  60. You have great eyes for blue things, Sally.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  61. Hi Sally, I am knee deep in cooking, baking etc. for tomorrow. I just wanted to wish you and your a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know your pies will be the favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal... How nice to have Thanksgiving with your daughter.
    Blessings and love,

  62. Hi Sally,Just stopping by to tell you that I hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    I have missed blue monday for over 2 months now, I have to slap myself back into the groove!
    Hugs, Ann


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