Monday, November 29, 2010

Blue Monday - Blue Print

It's Blue Monday!

To avoid having your link deleted, find out how to participate. Just click here.

Have some fun by visiting other Blue participants and leaving comments; you'll be surprised how many will return the favor.

I hope that everyone had a Blessed Thanksgiving; we sure did. We spent the day with our daughter and her family.

Quite a while ago, I won a print from Carol at At My Painting Room, her Etsy shop. The title is Red Hollyhocks, and she even signed it! I love the bright colors of the red against the blue background.

I promised to frame it and blog about it once it was hung.

I went to Michael's and selected a frame. It was $24.99 and on sale for 40% off. I felt that the expense was worthwhile since the print is so lovely. Well, it's finally hanging just around the corner from my kitchen and family room where it can be easily seen each day.

I think it looks really special.

I'll make a confession. When I was inserting the print into the frame, the glass snapped! (I've TOLD you that I was not handy!) Well, I just went ahead and framed it anyway without the glass because thoughtful Carol had it wrapped in a plastic. You might be able to detect the little wrinkle when you click on the picture to enlarge it, but I think it works.

Pay Carol a visit at At My Painting Room, her Etsy shop. You might find something you'd like to have or give to that special someone.

Happy Blue Monday!

Blue Monday Participants
1. mizhelle
2. Lani
3. gengen
4. LaVoice
5. Joy- Books and Life
6. Lesa
7. Dena Es
8. Milla
9. Princess Wannabe
10. Candy @ The Little Round Table
11. Pie
12. {oc cottage}
13. Lucka, Lomnice, CZ
14. Mrs. M @ TLC
15. Squint to find the blue
16. Heart's Garden
17. Samson
18. Hard Rock Hotel Bali
19. Shy
20. Rantis, Swe
21. Loui♥
22. Happy Thoughts
23. Lesley
24. Josep
25. Livsnjutaren
26. Carpe Diem Sweden
27. Andy - Blue Ontario
28. anemonen
29. NatureFootstep Sweden
30. Gypsy Lala
31. Birgitta - foto CHIP
32. Skating on Blue Ice!
33. Mom's Place - kat
34. Beverly @HSTS
35. Cindy @ Custom Comforts
36. Belle
37. Reach Beyond Limits
38. Joy @Joysweb
39. Donnie
40. Fes Journey of Life
41. Life is a Battle
42. Jeanne,backyard neighbor
43. Adventures in Shopping
44. Becky K.
45. charmine
46. Chubskulit
47. Auntie E
48. Kathy @ Me & My Memes
49. Manang Kim,USA
50. Dorincard: word from Mother Teresa
51. Photoblogista
52. molly's Country Memories
53. Mary@OnePerfectBite
54. Christine
55. hapzydeco
56. salmagundi
57. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen
58. Nicki@TheVintageFarmhouse
59. My Place to Yours
60. Sherry Blue Quilts
61. Ann & Tin and Sparkle
62. annies home
63. Jingle
64. Grandmother Wren
65. Nikki Dee
66. La Dame de Nage
67. Terry
68. Kayce's Daily Notes
69. Debbie at The Paint Splash
70. cindy
71. sandi @ the whistlestop cafe
72. Emily
73. Eden, Australia
74. Mylene @ Story Of A Woman

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  1. Pretty! Love it! Happy Blue Monday!

  2. It looks cute painting. Mine is ready too.

    Mine is here

  3. Yes it is really quite lovely, I think i will stop by there too.
    And how are you Sally??? Hope you're safe, well, and HaPpY too!!!
    Blessings and Hugs DEna

  4. Nice painting! Well it doesn't have like there's no glass. :)
    Happy Blue Monday!

  5. Picture frames are so complicated! That is one pretty print-- congrats on winning it!

  6. Well, how pretty is that picture! How lucky you are!! {and how talented she is!}

    m ^..^

  7. A nice print. I find it hard to spend money on frames, even on sale.

    I like the color of your walls, too.

    Happy Blue Monday. I hope your Thanksgiving day was good.

  8. Beautifully framed! Special it is.

    Thanks Sally for hosting. I'm glad to participate again this week. Our entry is posted 2 The Learning Center.


  9. What a nice painting Ms Sally. Very artistic and you found a perfect place for it.

  10. The wrinkle is almost unnoticeable.

    The print is indeed beautiful.

  11. It's very pretty. You picked a good spot to hang it.

  12. Hi sally!
    happy blue Monday!
    lucky you..
    winning one of Carole's paintings!
    her work is fabulous!!
    have a beautiful week!
    warm sandy hugs..

  13. It's a lovely painting. I'm taking part on Blue Monday for the first time, it sounds like fun. Have a nice day.

  14. Congrats to the winning of such a nice piece of art. It is beautiful.

  15. I think you framed it very nice, Sally! It's a very nice painting :)

  16. Gorgeous red hollyhock on a lovely blue background and you did a great job framing it! Have a wonderful Blue Monday!

  17. yeah, its pretty. I like it.

    Happy Blue Monday.

  18. Happy Blue Monday, dear Sally. I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving with your family.

    Your painting is gorgeous. I love hollyhocks. They always make me think of my grandmother.

  19. It looks lovely framed and on your wall. La

  20. What a lovely blue background. We spent some time in Vermont and the campground owner had a lovely display of Hollyhocks. Just beautiful.

  21. Very pretty. You picked the perfect frame and location!

  22. it looks so lovely, I love the color

  23. perfect work of art. here for my Blue Monday entry. cheers!

  24. Good morning my friend, I love the hollyhocks with the blue background and the frame is lovely. I can't tell that the glass isn't there at all. I enlarged it and the art work is so well done. It is so lovely and does add some color to your home. You know I love color.

    I'm glad your Thanksgiving was a happy one. How can one not be happy when the food is always a special meal made with loving hands.
    We too had a wonderful day and we are still eating leftovers. I love that. Pie for breakfast. Mmmmmm.

    Happy Blue Monday.
    Warm hugs, Jeanne

  25. Very pretty Sally and I love that frame too.I still think you need to have a glass in there,it will serve you well in the future.Happy blue Monday!

  26. That is really pretty Sally. I would be proud to hang it on my wall too! Happy Blue Monday :)

  27. Hey, Sally! Nice frame of art, for a nice frame of mind!
    Already 50 people listed by 8:35am, for Blue Monday? Wow! :)...

  28. Wow, you are a good artist sally! Love that painting!

  29. Very nice photo. Sorry about the glass. Happy blue Monday.

  30. Lovely painting! The blue background is perfect for the red hollyhocks. Thanks for hosting.

  31. Hi Sally:

    Sorry about linking 3 times. I clicked too hard. Happy Blue Monday!

  32. That would brighten up any room...BEAUTIFUL!

  33. Absolutely beautiful painting Sally!
    ♥, Susan

  34. Great print!
    Thanks for hosting Blue

  35. Oh I love photography and card made like that. How neat. I won't tell your secret! I posted quilts. Come see me.
    Have a great week,

  36. Beautiful print, Sally, and you framed it perfectly... I too love the red with that blue background. Happy Blue Monday..

  37. Sally,
    Lucky you, this is just lovely. The blue is so pretty against the red. Happy Blue Monday.

  38. what a beautiful picture the blue just pops the picture out

  39. pretty, pretty, pretty!
    Thanks for hosting, Sally.
    Thank you too for introducing me to Carol's blog. Lovely talent.

  40. it's a beautiful painting, Sally. I love hollyhocks! What a great win!


  41. What a lovely thing to win! I love is beautiful!

  42. Howdy Sally
    What a wonderful gift to win .
    You did a great job of showing it off to its full potential .
    Thank you for sharing
    with us today.
    Have a blessed rest of the week.
    Until Next Time
    Happy Trails

  43. I love and enjoy most all artwork,especially oil paintings. I think you did the right thing in framing this one. Very nice.

  44. That is lovely! I will head over to her shop. I will do comments tomorrow on these ladies. School takes so long to do with the two kids and the radiation is at a hospital about 20 miles away, so there goes the rest of the day. I hope you are well.

  45. Hi, Sally!

    This is beautiful. Love it. You are so lucky to win it.

    Happy Blue Monday

  46. Hi Sally,
    Thanks for featuring me today! The frame you chose looks great! You do need to replace the glass, though, to protect the print. A glass shop will only charge a few dollars for a piece that size. Sometimes Michaels, Hobby Lobby or AC Moore sells pre-cut glass in their frame departments.
    So nice of you to blog about my Hollyhocks!

  47. Hi Sally,
    Already fix the link. Sorry.

  48. Hi Sally,
    Stopping by to see your latest posts, I am not posting today though. Your print is lovely and I like the way it looks framed. The mural is great, how funny!

  49. Sally, it's just perfect and very special indeed.

    It falls into blue Monday like a charm.

    God bless ya and enjoy your day sweetie!!!

  50. Hi am new around here and tried but couldnt link. So leaving my blog add here.. :)


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
