Monday, December 6, 2010

Blue Monday - Snow In Florida!

It's Blue Monday!

Find out how to participate by clicking here.

Take some time to have a bit of fun by visiting other Blue participants and leaving comments; you'll be pleased how many will return the favor.

We've been decorating for Christmas, and it's been especially enjoyable as last year, we didn't do much. You see, we moved into our new home last December 17th; there wasn't much time to decorate for Christmas!

The only snow I see where I live is decorative, in other words, fake snow. I have a collection of snowmen--or snowpeople, and of course, there's a bit of our celebrated color Blue on each one I'm showing today.

I bought the Freeze Family several years ago when my daughter-in-law had a House of Lloyds Christmas Around the World party. It's become one of my favorite Christmas decorations.

Mrs. carries a small tree, Mr. holds a broom, and Jr. is dragging along his sled. Notice, please, the little guy is dressed in Blue.

Accumulating stuff is one advantage to aging. I've had this happy paper towel holder for several years. His stand is Blue as are his mittens and scarf.

There's even a Blue and white trim on his hat. No wonder he smiles!

Last year, I bought this happy guy just because he caught my fancy. Well, his price was right too! Note the Blue gift in his arms.

Happy Blue Monday!

Blue Monday Participants
1. Dena E
2. niko
3. mizhelle
4. ellen b
5. Lani in Singapore
6. LaVoice
7. Lani in Taipei
8. Milla
9. Rinkly Rimes
10. Princess Wannabe
11. Fifi Flowers Tiffany Blue Holiday!
12. Cat
13. Shelia @ Notesongs
14. Little World of Fun
15. Shy-PA ,USA
16. cricket
17. Siromade Australia
18. Misalyn
19. Gunnar,Norway
20. Pie
21. Lucka, Lomnice, CZ
22. Life is a Battle
23. Lesley
24. Treasures from the Heart
25. Carpe Diem Sweden
26. Zoe's World
27. Christine
28. Rantis, Swe
29. Strada
30. NatureFootstep Sweden
31. Birgitta - foto CHIP
32. Shannara
33. Joysweb
34. Christmas Angels!
35. Cailin Marie
36. Reach Beyond Limits
37. Cindy @ Custom Comforts
38. Beverly @HSTS
39. Marietta
40. Eden, Australia
41. Baba's Special Babies
42. Mom's Place - kat
43. Belle
44. A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
45. Donnie
46. Auntie E
47. Dorincard: Great Smoky Mts
48. Becky K.
49. Jingle
50. Chubskulit
51. Beatrice Banks
52. John
53. hapzydeco
54. sandi @ the whistlestop cafe
55. Manang Kim,USA
56. Crafty Gardener, Canada
57. imriz
58. Jeanne
59. riz
60. riz
61. Kathy @ Me & My Memes
62. gengen
63. Cindy@Fairytale Cottage
64. annies home
65. Loui♥
66. Raya in Thailand
67. Sunflower Fields
68. Helen
69. Elaine
70. Home Tour Part Five!
71. Molly's Country Memories
72. Cass at That Old House
73. La Dame de Nage
74. hip chick
75. DogsMom
76. Diana @ Find Your Happiness
77. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA, 2nd entry
78. Ann @ Tin and Sparkle
79. Books and Life - Joy
80. charmine
81. Joahna Vern, Philippines
82. Patricia - USA
83. DashingSmiles
84. theresnoplacelikehome

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  1. Oh My Gosh and gee willikers I'm 1st here~~~Wow Sally,, and I LOVE your snowmen and and getting a peek into your home,, THANKS for sharing your heart with us!!!
    You my Sweet Sis,,, are God's silver lining on a cloud filled day...And~~~an EXTRA Blessing from Him in many ways!!! Hugs Dena

  2. Hi Sally,
    We have had the real stuff already which is out of the ordinary. I love snowmen and you have a fun collection. There's something about them that always make me smile.

  3. I love them! I can fee the Christmas spirit by looking at them! Happy Blue Monday!

  4. Hello Sally~ Loving your snowmen! For some reason.. they always put a smile on my face.. perhaps its the Frosty jingle!
    Happy Blue Monday!

  5. HI Most Blue Sally! Love your little snow family! I'm grinning and hoping you've had a great weekend.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. The Freeze family are so cute. I love it

  7. You have a very pretty christmas decoration Ms. Sally. I love that freeze family. So cute

  8. Your Freeze family is darling!
    Happy BM!

  9. very cute post Sally. Makes me want to grab mine is up, hope you can dropped by. happy blue monday. cheers!

  10. Hello Miss Sally.. Those snowmen collections are adorable and cute..:-) Frosty the Snow men.. is a very fatty snow.. according to my sis.. happy Blue Monday..

  11. What delightful ornaments! I particularly like the skinny snowman; he's so unusual.

  12. Hi Sally.
    Well, sort of a silly little post today, but hope it will make you smile.

    thanks for hosting


    barbara jean

  13. Such a cute snow family! Happy Blue Monday!

  14. Nice paper towel holder, I like it!

  15. hi Sally! The santa in the last shot would certainly do well in our Lucia celebration that´s coming up soon.

  16. I love your snowmen, even though I can't stand the real stuff! Also love that comment about accumulating stuff being "one advantage to aging" - now if you could just convince my hubby of that!

    Happy Blue Monday!
    ~ Joy @Joysweb

  17. I really love the blue santas :) Pity they haven't come to Sweden yet :)
    Happy BM!

  18. Adorable Freeze Family! Love the little family and that child with the sled is too cute!
    Happy Blue Monday!

  19. Mornin' Sally! Happy Blue Monday!
    This is such a happy post - I think that maybe the think about snowmen, they are so happy!
    I particularly like the way the last one is painted.
    Enjoy the Holiday Season!

  20. They are adorable, Sally, and looks so soft for cuddling.

  21. Sally,
    Your snowmen are adorable. I love snowmen because they're always smiling. Thanks for hosting us today.

  22. Happy Blue Monday, dear Sally.

    We both have snow today. I have the snow, and you have the family.♥

  23. Love the Freeze family.

    Happy Blue Monday.

  24. the snowmen family are cute..hehe especially JR lol.

    Happy BM Sally

  25. Good morning Sally, I love your Freeze snowmen family.They would look cute by my fireplace, but then they would melt !!!!
    Have a good day. hugs, Baba

  26. Sally, all of these sweet snowmen are just adorable!! I LOVE all of them!!


  27. Morning Sally. I love all your pretty blues today. Especially the Freeze family. Hope you have a wonderful Blue Monday.

  28. No abominable snowmen in your image...Nice family atmosphere, with nothing FRIGID, I would hope...:)

  29. I love the snowmen. they are my favorite around my home. Happy blue Monday.

  30. Please delete entry 47 - sorry! :)

  31. I love snowmen and snowladies...Yours are very cute!
    I knew it had been cool in FL so thought maybe you actually had gotten some snow....glad it is just in the form of these cuties.

  32. Those are pretty neat decorations Sally!

  33. Gosh! Just lovely post Sally. Gorgeous Santas.

  34. Love your little snowman family! So cute. Thanks for hosting this party. I'm enjoying it.
    Have a wonderful week!

  35. Nice to meet you, Sally!

    I come from Donnie's blog and I am liking what I am seeing here! Your blog is super fun! You're doing a beautiful job!


    Luciane at

  36. Cute snowmen. I've also got some blue on my snowmen for this week. Have a lovely day.

  37. i'd be happy to adopt those snowmen family:) you've accumulated awesome stuffs there.

  38. if i'd be aging with those pretty neat stuffs, then let it them all.

  39. they're so vintage! love them.

  40. Hi Sally,
    Your Snow People are adorable! I'm glad you're able to decorate for Christmas this year in your new home. Just stopping by to say Hello and to wish you a Merry Christmas!

    Christmas blessings,

  41. Your snowmen are so, so cute Sally! Happy Blue Monday!

  42. What darling snow people! Cuteness, for sure. I love these and so would my children. Happy Blue Monday!

  43. The real snow is pretty, but I prefer the kind you have. Those little snowmen are so cute. My sister is a snowman nut and has them all over her house. She leaves most of them out all year.

  44. what beautiful decor very pretty and so very blue

  45. Hi Sally!
    beautiful fun post!!
    have a wonderful week!!

  46. Sweet snowmen Sally! Happy Blue monday!I'm hopeing no one needs me this week so I can clean & get ready for Christmas but they will LOL LOL

  47. Howdy Sally
    Happy Blue Monday to you .
    I love Snowmen and snow poeple .
    This is a great way to enjoy the cold and remain comfortable.
    I may be smiling all day .
    Snow people are truly
    givers of joy .
    Thank you for the happy smiles !
    Have a blessed week.
    Until next time
    Happy Trails

  48. What is it about snowmen that makes us go..isn't he or she cute? Love your collection.

  49. Looks like you've done a terrific job of creating your own little winter wonderland!

  50. Oh I adore snowmen! Love yours -- I leave mine up till Groundhog Day unless they are clearly Christmas themed ones.
    Thanks for hosting Blue Monday!
    Up in NJ, we're blue with COLD!

  51. Snowmen are the happiest of the holiday decorations. How can you look at one and not smile???

  52. Here, the snow wasn't fake last week, so I prefer show a picture from summer. It's better for my mind !

  53. My first time participating at your Blue Monday!

  54. Those are very cute decorations!

  55. Accumulating stuff is both an advantage and can be a disadvantage. Storage is the key! Cute frosties.

  56. Your Snow Family is just the cutest. They are ready for all the snow......Love the blue. Ann

  57. Sally I love your Freeze Family, they are just adorable and makes me shiver just looking at them. I've always collected Santas but have to admit that lately Snowmen are pushing the Jolly Fellow out of 1st for giving us this meme to display our special blues.

  58. I love snowmen! Those are so cute.
    Happy Blue Monday!
    Joy at Books and Life

  59. Sally ,I love your freeze family!So pretty and they are so huge.Happy blue Monday.

  60. well, maybe this is not a santa, I did think a bit about the white dress. We don´t have snowmans like that.

  61. I had nothing to add to today's festivities, but I just wanted to peek in and say hello. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  62. Love the snowmen. I have about a million myself. I collect them. They are happy little guys and I like to leave them up thru January so after Christmas is still kind of cheery.

  63. thanks sally and happy blue monday to you as well... thnx again :)

  64. I missed the cut off due to my time zone.

    I hope your Blue Monday was a good one, Sally!

  65. I missed the cut off due to my time zone.

    I hope your Blue Monday was a good one, Sally!

  66. I posted blue monday this week but it wouldnt let me link!

  67. love your decorations! I collect snow men too!!

  68. I love your pretty little decorations, Sally. I hear it is very cold there.

  69. I know you are so enjoying your new house thru this Christmas time. How fun to decorate.

    Hugs, bj

  70. I know you are so enjoying your new house thru this Christmas time. How fun to decorate.

    Hugs, bj

  71. Beautiful decorations Sally! I'm especially fond of snowmen. I remember last year how hectic it was for you moving into the house. I hope you have a very relaxing and enjoyable holiday this year. Your home looks so warm and inviting.

  72. Your little snowpeople are just charming Miss Sally. As much as I hate the cold and snow I do adore my snowmen. They go out early and stay out until spring. Kinda nuts huh???

    I never proclaimed sanity! Heeehehe!!!

    God bless ya and have a most stupendous weekend sweetie!!!


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