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One Christmas, my brother and his wife gave my mother this butterfly pin. They told her that it was a custom gold piece, made especially for her. When they divorced, it became a painful reminder, and my mother wanted no part of it. She gave it to me.
During our move, I carelessly placed it with other jewelry. Some of the color rubbed off. Feeling guilty, I took it to a jeweler for restoration. It took forever, but now it's finally finished.
There are tiny markings on the back that can be read. The jeweler said that it was 18k gold, made in Italy, and was "a real treasure." I was shown comparable pieces in a catalog and was surprised to learn the value.

I was able to choose the colors. I chose
blue, yellow, and red. The jeweler had a hard time with the red, and it turned out to be a red/orange. Ah well. The pin looks different with its new colors. Now it reminds me of my mom and not my brother's unhappy divorce.
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