Hello, it finally came . . . Happy Spring!
It's Blue Monday! Come celebrate the color we ❤ best--blue!
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Check the other participants and wish them a Happy Blue Monday!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I love to read and maintain a book blog where I review what I've read. I'm planning a giveaway in a couple of weeks.
In my search for things
blue, I spotted this beautiful
blue library sign. It stands outside of my local library.

This is the side of the library. I captured the sky and the flag because they both contain more

The city began as a train station around 1910. To commemorate the town's beginning, the library has an interesting 3-D brick sculpture of a train pointed toward the entrance. You can see the entrance by looking at the right side of this photo by the white railing.

Here's a close-up. I think it's quite unique with its 3-D effect. As we walk through the doors, the train is aimed right at us.
Do you like to read?
Happy Blue Monday!1. mizhelle 2. Lifemoto- Baguio 2 3. A song and post for Japan 4. Gotta Get It! @ My Place to Yours 5. JEC 6. Grace 7. Ms. Burrito 8. Rose 9. Tulsa Gentleman 10. Chubskulit 11. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove 12. LaVoice 13. Molly's Country Memories 14. Jeanne, backyard neighbor 15. Jan Australia 16. raya's treasures 17. Fifi Flowers GIVEAWAY 18. niko 19. anne 20. Rajesh, India 21. Joyful Servant 22. Kathy Matthews 23. Dena E 24. Carpe Diem Sweden 25. Bhupesh 26. Christine 27. gypsea nurse 28. Cat 29. Blue Fostoria and Crazy Silver Man! 30. GVK, Mysore, India 31. Gengen 32. Pie 33. Roses and Blues 34. Milla 35. Mary@OnePerfectBite 36. Eden,Australia 37. Vernz | 38. liberal sprinkles 39. Sweet Nothings 40. Mar , Spain 41. Rantis, Swe 42. Cindy Adkins 43. NatureFootstepSweden 44. Rinkly Rimes 45. clavs@clavsupclose... 46. Shengkay's JOurnal 47. January 48. Heather, NZ 49. Prosperity's Desire 50. kat 51. Lina, Indonesia 52. Theresa 53. Vinni 54. Andy - Canada 55. MommyLESsons 56. Debbie at The Paint Splash 57. Love H, Grow G, USA 58. Maria's Space 59. Shengkay Random Nest 60. Blue Skies Up Above! 61. Reach Beyond Limits 62. Beverly @How Sweet The Sound 63. Blue Hyacinths and a Pinata 64. Life is a Battle 65. Birgitta - Europe 66. Donnie 67. Visits With Mary 68. A Musing Potpourri 69. Jingle 70. Sue-Someone's Mom 71. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen 72. Dorincard: Big, Bad Wolf...or Nose? 73. The Metcafe' 74. hapzydeco | 75. Picket 76. Jeanie from Georgia 77. Sunny Simple Life 78. Mischievious Kittens 79. Little World of Fun 80. garden roses@ Mere Thoughts 81. Barbara Rosenzweig 82. Dhemz 83. Joysweb 84. wedding bell blues @ whistlestop 85. 'Blue Tassels" 86. Manang Kim,USA 87. carolynUSA 88. Photoblogista, CA 89. Unraveling Mysteries 90. Joahna@Pink Reflections 91. What's Inside Joahna's Heart 92. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA 93. Gittan Sweden 94. Grandmother Wren 95. Joy- Books and Life 96. Sandra 97. mercedes scott 98. La Dame de Nage 99. Shy@J&J 100. Chie's WhereAbouts 101. Find Your Happiness 102. Patricia - USA 103. Photographing New Zealand 104. Hazelicious 105. Andrea 106. annies home 107. Marianne 108. Komali - An Invitation 109. Melynda@Moms Sunday Cafe 110. Chuchie's Hideaway |
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