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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I hope you had a super Easter celebration yesterday; I did! After church, I had my son and his family over for a ham dinner.
Jane, who lives in Pennsylvania, sent me this gorgeous arrangement of flowers. And, look! Some of the blooms are
Blue!Does anyone know what is the name of this flower? I've never seen it before.
It seems that flowers don't usually smell as nice as they used to, but oh my, does this arrangement smell good! I think it's the roses. There are two more roses than the one shown in this shot.
The arrangement is pictured here in our Family Room, where I placed it as soon as it arrived on Tuesday.
That way, we enjoyed it before Easter.
Of course, I used it for our Easter table centerpiece.
Our dessert for our Easter dinner was our traditional egg cake from Publix, a Florida grocery store. They create an egg-shaped cake covered in flowers, but I always ask them to form the flowers into the shape of a cross and write, "He Is Risen" on the cake. This year, thinking of
Blue Monday, I had them do all the flowers
Blue. The icing is chocolate fudge. Yum!
I'm pleased with the way it turned out.
Remember to check out my book giveaway.
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Happy Blue Monday!1. Rajesh, India 2. mizhelle 3. Lani in Taipei 4. Points of View and Thoughts 5. Rinkly Rimes 6. Becky @ Random musings of a deco lady 7. LaVoice 8. kat 9. 36 Weeks After 10. Books and Life - Joy 11. Fe's Journey of Life 12. clavs@clavsupclose... 13. GVK, Chennai, India 14. Tulsa Gentleman 15. Dena E 16. Mom Daughter Style 17. Gypsea Nurse 18. Everything that Counts 19. Dhemz 20. Dias Spot 21. Prosperity's Desire 22. Pie 23. Flea market Blue Chanel Scarf 24. Cindy Adkins 25. Gittan Sweden 26. Tattered Rebel 27. Family weekend 28. Milla 29. Lucka, Lomnice, CZ | 30. warr_shee 31. A Woman's Note 32. It's Not Just A Blog! 33. Vinni, Inida 34. Sweet Appreciation of Life 35. Point and Shoot 36. Everyday is a New Day! 37. Josep 38. Ankush 39. Donnie 40. Judi @ CranberryBlossom 41. Butterfly on Blue Monday! 42. Beverly @How Sweet The Sound 43. Reach Beyond Limits 44. Manang Kim, USA 45. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen 46. Jeanie from Georgia 47. Blue Church Painting 48. Lazy on Loblolly 49. MommyLESsons 50. Proud Peacock 51. Dorincard: Death Valley blue salt pans 52. Meredith@ Mere Thoughts 53. Lina, Indonesia 54. Picket 55. Grandmother Wren 56. Becky K. 57. Unraveling Mysteries 58. Shy-USA | 59. What's Inside Joahna's Heart 60. Pink Reflections 61. Anne 62. Kayce's Daily Notes 63. Ms. Burrito 64. Chubskulit 65. John 66. Blue @ the WhistleStop Cafe 67. Chie Wilks 68. Eden,Australia 69. Sunny109 70. Rose 71. Maria's Space 72. Mona, Simple Happiness 73. Katie @ Spray Paint Queen 74. Candace 75. Birgitta - foto chip 76. Doni @ faithgracecrafts 77. Maria Berg, Sweden 78. Anni 79. Almond Joy 80. Magpies & Magnolias 81. Beach Treasures 82. Find Your Happiness 83. sandiegowithlove 84. Easter Egg Cake 85. annies home |
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