Monday, July 30, 2012

Blue Monday - Olympics

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Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday!

Did you watch the opening of the 2012 Olympics? It was held in London this past Saturday night and was a spectacular event! Of course, we watched it on TV, and we found a bunch of Blue to share with you today.

Blue sheeting is extended across the audience.
(AP Photo/Lee Jin-man)

Even though the uniforms were not made in America,
they're still Navy Blue.

During a funny skit, the queen seems to jump from a helicopter.
Great Britain's flag as well as the background of the sky are Blue.
Photo Sun.

The Tower Bridge, already trimmed in Blue now displays the Olympic Rings--one of which is Blue.
Photo Examiner.

The crowd was bathed in Blue lights.
This is shortly after the lighting of the torch.
(AP Photo/Mark Baker)

The ceremony closed with an emotional Paul McCartney singing,
Hey Jude. What an excellent job he did!
Here he takes a bow with the background in our color: Blue.
Photo NY Daily News.

I must admit that this is the first time I've ever watched
an Olympic Opening. Now, I realize how much I've missed.
Did you see any of it?

Happy Blue Monday!

Blue Monday Participants
1. Magical Mystical Teacher
2. Chubskulit
3. LaVoice
4. Travels & Wandering
5. J.Rye
6. Old Car
7. Rajesh, India
8. Spice Up Your Life
9. Carol Ann. Antique Station
10. Rose
11. eJoops
12. Jim, Sydney, Australia
13. Anne
14. SwedishCorner DownUnder
15. Toronto Canada
16. RobinfromCA
17. The Rebel Sweetheart
18. Barbara F.
19. XyeXyrus
20. Deliciously Spicy Moments
21. Nails and Kolours
22. mizhelle
23. Gittan Sweden
24. Rinkly Rimes
25. Min Fotoblog
26. meoww
27. Jidhu Jose
28. Hyde Daily Photo
29. Pictografio
30. Sweet Nothings
31. alexa in nyc, usa
32. Anything About Bella
33. Joy: Eye catching
34. The Woman In Me
35. 4U2 Sweden
36. Pie
37. Nick, Melbourne
38. NixPixMix
39. Leovi - The yearning to be away from here
40. Tito Eric of Panglao Island
41. Eden, Australia
42. Wordless
43. Jessica Cassidy
44. My Place to Yours
45. LadyD
46. Blogger's Notes
47. Sherry
48. Kim,USA
49. Mary,MI
50. Jeanne
51. sandi @ the whistlestop cafe
52. Magical Mystical Teacher #2
53. Lina
54. Leah H.
55. CailinMarie
56. Maria's Space
57. Jackie
58. AnnA, Sweden
59. Anni, Sweden
60. Leovi - I light an imaginary love in my room
61. hapzydeco
62. Diann @ The thrifty Groove
63. Beverly @How Sweet The Sound
64. Just a Little Southern Hospitality
65. Ann
66. Marleen, The Netherlands
67. Visits With Mary
68. Christine, Three Gentlemen and a Lady
69. Adin Blankenship
70. Finch Rest
71. Loui♥
72. 4joy
73. Marit
74. Myrna-My Enchanted Home
75. Mel Cole
76. Emzkie, PA
77. Hope and Sunshine...
78. Moe Lauher, SC

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  1. Thanks for hosting the party and I hope you are having a great Blue Monday!

  2. I have an Olympic themed post today too. And it's blue.

  3. I love the Olympics and always try to catch the opening and closing ceremonies. It was quite lovely but I doubt anyone will be able to top the Chinese from 2008!
    I like all the blues and since I am going to be very blue I hope you visit soon and see why! Hugs Anne

  4. Happy Blue Monday, Sally! We all loved the opening ceremony :) Have a great week. Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  5. Thanks for hosting....and have a great Happy Blue Monday!!!

    Beautiful pictures with blues. :-)

  6. My favorite parts of the opening ceremonies were The Queen, Rowan Atkinson and Sir Paul. The rest was a little chaotic for me. I love the first week of the Olympics though. The swimming, gymnastics and diving are so much fun. We've also enjoyed the cycling this year! Happy Blue Monday!

  7. Sally, Olympic blues are wonderful! Happy Blue Monday. xo

  8. Have a great week ahead, Sally!
    Happy Blue Monday! :)

  9. Cool photos! I have not seen any of the games yet! need to catch up!

    Happy Blue Monday Sally!

  10. that's a lot of blue!

    Happy Blue Monday Sally!:)

  11. I didn't watch the Olympics opening ceremony but have been amused by some of the comments about the coverage abroad - especially the Americans who don't seem understand British humour.

  12. We need rain rain and more rain out here in West Texas. We have had more than we had last summer, and very thankful for it but....we sure would like a little more.
    Hope you are feeling better..
    xo bj

  13. We watched the opening ceremonies, too. We always watch as they are usually really great.
    The swimming is my favorite summer event and it has been exciting so far. :)
    xo bj

  14. We watched it on the television too. It was indeed amazing!

    Joining this week Sally...

  15. Back again for my other entry.

    Happy Blue Monday Sally!

  16. I missed it v=bacause I was invited to a birthday party. Nice seeing partof it in your blog!

  17. I was able to watch the replay. I enjoyed every minute of it. Happy Blue Monday Sally!

    My Blue.

  18. Great selection of *blue* photos! Loved the Olympics theme.

    Thank you for hosting, Sally!

  19. I watched the opening ceremony too. Lots of blue.

  20. I miss the olympics opening as we were outside but watch some part of it :-) Thank you for hosting the Blue Monday Ms. Sally :-) beautiful blue pictures you have here :-)

  21. Great series of photos! Loved the children's choir singing with their angel voices and of course, watching all the sports, especially swimming and gymnastics. Go U.S.A.!

  22. very Cool. Have a good day.

  23. Good morning Sally, Yes, we did watch the opening ceremonies. It was awesome. We always watch the opening ceremonies and they are always spectacular. Tip...the closing ceremonies are also spectacular. Smile.

    Our grands are home now and all is quiet here. How lonely but how lovely.

    I hope you are feeling stronger and well!

    Love Jeanne

  24. Sally, you did an excellent job on your Olympic blues. I missed the opening part but most said it was not as great as when in China.

  25. Great round-up. My sister lives in London, so I've had an up-date in our daily skype!
    Mine is a little different today~ but it's blue!

  26. I only saw the last part :(
    Thanks for sharing the Olympic blues, Sally. Have a great week ahead :)

  27. love these- I have sadly not caught one iota of the olympics this year - crazy busy summer

  28. We have been obsessed with the Olympics and love all the blue we saw during the opening ceremonies. Great blues Sally

  29. HI sally.
    oops...I had to enter the wrong blue Monday Blogpost...N:o 60 is the right one for this week...
    I wish you a happy BLUE MONDAY - rejoice the summer!
    Best wishes,

  30. No, I didn't watch the opening since I was at a terrific Bruce Springsteen concert instead!

    But I like your pictures from it. Happy Blue Monday, Sally!

  31. Great blues Sally! Thank you for hosting and have a terrific week!

  32. Happy Blue Monday, dear Sally.

    We enjoyed watching the opening ceremony, too. And, of course, I loved Paul's performance.♥

  33. I think they are some nice olympic blue.

  34. Hi Sally. Long time no visit. Thought I would pop in this nice Blue Monday. Nice pictures of opening ceremony. I've always been amazed at the opening ceremonies. The closing ones are spectacular too.
    Hope all is well with you. Clif asked me the other day if you still did Blue Mondays. I told him I thought you did but had not checked in a long time. Glad to see you're still going strong.
    Hugs and blessings,

  35. The opening of the Olympics was awesome! Thanks for sharing these photos.

  36. I loved the whole spectacle!!!The lighting of the torch was just pehnomenol. All the blues you showcased were beautiful. I'm following the gymnastics most and looking forward to the American female hurdler from Louisana.

  37. I only saw the last 45 minutes. Still trying to decide what I thought about it. :-) Go Red, White, and BLUE!

  38. Great olympic blues! Thanks for hosting.

  39. Sorry to say I didn't watch the opening ceremonies. The pictures are beautiful and I wish all the athletes great success. Happy Blue Monday.

  40. I love the opening ceremonies. Though this one pales in comparison with the last one in Beijing, it was still pretty spectacular. I particularly liked the Chariots of Fire section.

    I had wondered how they got those flashing lights and designs in the stand -- I hadn't known about the cloth in the aisles.

  41. Thanks for hosting Blue Monday!!!

  42. There surely was a lot of blues during the Opening and we got to watch it on TV and even recorded it since we won't miss a thing. In fact, I recorded the whole thing up to the last day, so we could see it anytime. :) Spectacular presentation and my fave was the lighting of the torch. Mine is up and I have a little bit of blues going on in my skirt. :)

  43. Hi Sally,

    What a unique blue post - you captured so many blues throughout that ceremony! Well done!

    I have never watched it either, I never watch tv, but told the opening is stunning, one of these years I need to do that- wonder if it is YouTubed?

    Thanks for hosting!

  44. happy blue Monday Sally..
    did not watch any tv since disconnecting the "service" I was not receiving..
    love and hugs..

  45. isn't that hilarious, the uniforms not all-American? Great post - I too watched some of this event, but so sad that I missed Sir Paul!

  46. Amazing pictures from London and the Olympics, I cheer for all.
    Have a great new sommer week.

  47. Great Blue Olympics Pics!I watched most of the opening , it was fantastic!

  48. I was busy moving out, so I missed the Olympic ceremony T_T


  49. i have yet to see it ;) amazing photos you have Sally. Hope you can stop by at my blue monday:


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