Monday, July 23, 2012

Blue Monday - Packages of Blue

Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For complete instructions, just click here.


Many people place the Blue Monday button on the top of their post so that visitors can easily spot it. Another Blue Monday button can be placed on the sidebar of your blog. (Directions: Just put your mouse on top of the Blue Jay Blue Monday button. There's one on my post and another on my sidebar. Right click and drag it onto your desktop. If you have a Mac, click and drag onto your desktop, without lifting your finger off the mouse. Now, you have a button on your desktop! You can load it onto your blog.) Some choose to place the link within the Blue Jay button. You can find that code on my sidebar.

Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday!

On a recent drive, Johnny and I spotted a pile of Blue packages stacked up in front of a store. Of course, we pulled the car over and began snap, snapping away! Can you guess what these Blue packages contain?

I'll give you another clue. Here's the store where they're sold. Notice it has plenty of Blue too.

A close-up of the Blue packages reveal that they are bags of salt for swimming pools!

Here's another shot of the store. Notice the ducky on the Blue roof.

I have no need to buy pool salt as I have no pool. How about you?

Happy Blue Monday!

1. Magical Mystical Teacher
2. Leah H.
3. Pleasurable Hobbies
4. Chubskulit
5. J.Rye
6. Badminton
7. eJoops
8. LaVoice
9. Anne
10. XyeXyrus
11. Spice Up Your Life
12. Deliciously Spicy Moments
13. Rose
14. Fitness and Family
15. Christine
16. Riet, Holland
17. Jim, Sydney, Australia
18. SwedishCorner DownUnder
19. Jeanne
20. Min Fotoblog
21. Tina´s PicStory
22. Luna Miranda
23. Hyde Daily Photo
24. Leovi - embers burning
25. Gittan Sweden
26. Lina
27. Pictografio
28. Linnea
29. meoww
30. Joger Pin, Amiko
31. Eden, Australia
32. Jackie
33. Name your price! @ My Place to Yours
34. CailinMarie
35. Beverly @How Sweet The Sound
36. LadyD
37. Christmas in July
38. One last project in my BLUE Den
39. Pie
40. 4joy
41. hapzydeco
42. Jessica Cassidy
43. Kim,USA
44. Ann
45. Sweet Nothings
46. Kat
47. Leovi - Stripped of my soul
48. Blue Rose of Sharon
49. Finch Rest
50. Diann @ The thrifty Groove
51. iWander
52. One Eyed Monster
53. Marleen, The Netherlands
54. The Rebel Sweetheart
55. Janice
56. John McElveen
57. Adin Blankenship
58. My Daily Babble
59. Barbara F.
60. Fill My Cup with Blue
61. Tito Eric of Panglao Island
62. Loui♥
63. Schotzy
64. Wordless
65. Myrna-My Enchanted Home
66. Maria's Space
67. Bunny Jean
68. Mildred - France
69. Elaine

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. Nope, I don't need any pool salt either, for the same reason as you! :)

  2. Such a clever post! I would like to jump into a cold swimming pool right now! It is so hot here! Have a bluetiful week!

  3. I wonder how much of that salt I need to keep our pool clean. Cool pictures!....Christine

  4. Wow, that's a lot of salt! No pool here either... Happy Blue Monday, Sally :) Thanks for hosting. Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  5. Hi Sally, a late night but I hate to miss Blue Monday. This week is grandkids week so we are running the roads and busy as usual. This is a very special week and we enjoy it so much. Our children and grands do not live close to us so being with them is a blessing. Three of our children are here as well. Eleven in all. Cooking is a big deal for this gang three times a day for a week.

    We used to have pools in our previous homes but we didn't use salt. However, our daughter in Kissimmee uses salt in their pool. It is much better than chlorine.

    Happy Blue Monday.

    Love, Jeanne

  6. Hello Sally.
    Great pictures you show.
    I have no use for pool salt ..... has no pool.
    Wishing you a good Blue Monday :)
    Hanne Bente

  7. blue salt - not what I would have expected.

  8. I have no pool either. Too expensive for me :)
    Interesting blue shots, Sally. Happy Monday!

  9. I don't have a pool, so I don't need that kind of thing either! Hope you have a wonderful week!


  10. oh, so hot here too... wish i can jump into the pool

  11. Hi,

    I laughed when I saw the duck on the roof. \(⌒▽⌒)

    Amiko @ maipikucha

  12. Beautiful photos. Lots of blues.

  13. I recognized the bags of salt right away. We use them w/ our water softener. Have a great week, Sally!

  14. Ah, a familiar salt. I really miss our pool, but not enough to put one in here.

    Happy Blue Monday, dear Sally.♥

  15. No pool, no salt but I do like to make my own olives and that takes lots of salt! I love your series of blue photos, especially ducky on top!

  16. I hear salt pools are really good for your skin - but I don't have a pool either. Love last week's post - 266 bird boxes?!? Wow. That is a lot of bird boxes.

  17. I don't need pool salt either! This body has not been in a pool for 15 years! LOL!
    Thanks so much for hosting , Sally! Hope you are continuing to feel well...


  18. pretty blues you get here Ms. Sally :-) It is great to join the Blue Monday after my three week vacation in the Philippines.

  19. Hi, Sally girl, hope this finds you feeling fit as a fiddle.:)
    We have had a really busy and fun summer...trip to the lake for a week..than a week in the NM mountains doing one of our favorite
    We are thankful for health to do these things. :)
    love, bj

  20. Happy Blue Monday, Sally - thanks for hosting!!

  21. Oh, I wish I had a use for this salt! But, no pool here either. thank you for hosting Sally. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  22. Interesting! I never knew there was such a thing as pool salt.

  23. Hello Sally, always look forward to Blue Monday !! Thanks for hosting, have a great day!!

  24. Nice photo's. Happy Blue Monday!

  25. Happy Blue Monday Sally!
    And hope you have a great week ahead, too! :)

  26. I guessed it! Great clues and great post--You are the Best!


  27. I realized I could share some little blue birds here! Have a great week, Sally! xo

  28. We don't have a pool either. If we need a quick plunge in the water during the heat of the summer, we just go to the river by our farm. hehehe... Lots of blue stuff going on. :)

  29. Success. I don't know what happened this morning. I should be able to join you at 6:00 am the next day if you open up your blog at midnight. Thanks, Jenny

  30. Hi Sally!
    happy Blue Monday and Mellow Yellow Monday,,
    (the yellow duckie on the roof..
    qualifies you for that Meme today!)
    as usual.. I'm late..
    at least I did make it!!
    hugs and love!
    ps..I have no pool either..♥

  31. Seems you and Johnny take the right routes to finding neat blues.

  32. We just filled our inground pool in this summer. Too much worry for daughter and me, too, with the grandchildren. Enjoyed your "blues."

  33. Great Blue Pics!Happy Blue Monday!

  34. The kids and I all wish that we had a need for pool salt. My girlfriend just got one and had a bunch of those bags delivered recently. I should have headed over for a salt theme for Blue Monday.

  35. Hi ....First time joining your fun party! (Please remove link #67 as I posted it by mistake :/)

    xoxo Bunny Jean

  36. Happy Belated Blue Monday.....on Tuesday Sally...

    See there is blue everywhere...a that is a nice shade of blue too! It is definitely good to travel with camera...

    I hope your summer is going nicely...enjoy the rest of the evening...


  37. We do have the pool but it is on ground pool so we don't need the pool salt too:)

    Thank's for the visit, Sally:)


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