Monday, August 13, 2012

Blue Monday - Blue Dolphins

Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For instructions, just click here.

Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday!

It all began with Chicago's Cows on Parade in 1999. Johnny and I were fortunate enough to stumble upon the colorful exhibit while visiting that city. Since then, many cities have enjoyed outdoor fiberglass art exhibits. This summer, it's our area's turn.

A pod of fiberglass dolphins--fifty, in fact--decorate Clearwater Beach to celebrate Winter the Dolphin, star of the film, Dolphin Tale. Each dolphin is six foot tall and weighs eighty pounds, and each has been decorated by a local artist. After the exhibition is over, the dolphins will be auctioned off, and the money donated to charities.

Johnny and I took a ride over to snap some pictures for your enjoyment. As you can see, many of the dolphins are Blue.

The signs at the bottom give information about the artist and sponsor.

Here's a picture of the dolphins before decoration. For more on the story, click here.

Do you have a favorite?

Happy Blue Monday!

Blue Monday Participants
1. Leah H.
2. Swedish Corner - Down Under
3. Bolt
4. J.Rye
5. Anne
6. Pets & Critters Nook
7. Fruits Variety
8. Rose
9. Fitness & Family
10. Chubskulit
11. Pretty and Fuzzy
12. LaVoice
13. The Rebel Sweetheart
14. Rajesh, India
15. Christine
16. alexa in nyc, usa
17. Tea @ Sweet Nothings
18. meoww
19. Chèvrefeuille
20. Luna Miranda
21. Jim, Sydney, Australia
22. Dolphin Show, Safari World
23. Adin Blankenship
24. Tito Eric of Panglao Island
25. Loui♥
26. Thrift Store Scores!
27. Pictografio
28. Gittan Sweden
29. beagleAnnie
30. Anni, Sweden
31. Deliciously Spicy Moments
32. XyeXyrus
33. Marit
34. mizhelle
35. Gemma's Greyscale
36. Gemma's MP Daily
37. Lessandra
38. Leovi - The future of of our fears
39. Wordless
40. Eden, Australia
41. Am I Blue?
42. Magical Mystical Teacher
43. Carol's Blue Bicycle
44. Pie
45. Kim,USA
46. Haint Blue!
47. Hangin' Out in the Sunflower Patch
48. Restoration Giveaway @ My Place to Yours
49. Magical Mystical Teacher #2
50. LadyD
51. Summer Garden
52. CailinMarie
53. hapzydeco
54. Pat ~ Mille Fiori Favoriti (USA)
55. John McElveen
56. Hello Monday
57. Emzki
58. 4U2 Sweden
59. Leovi - Cold and Warm
60. The French Hutch
61. Lina
62. dix - gypsyczech
63. Diann @ The thrifty Groove
64. Jessica Cassidy
65. Deep Blue Pearl
66. Sheladf Photography©
67. Myrna-My Enchanted Home
68. Mel Cole
69. annies home
70. Finch Rest
71. Karen, Philippines

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  1. Happy Blue Monday, Sally!
    Lovely and colourful dolphins :)

  2. Those Dolphins are so colorful. So cute:)

  3. I have never seen such colorful dolphins! What a special treat! Have a blue ti ful day! Hugs Anne

  4. Cute dolphins!
    Happy Monday, Sally! :)

  5. Oh how fun! Beautiful creations!...Christine

  6. The designs on the dolphins are cool and fun!

  7. these are colorful dolphins--they're fun!

  8. Beautiful art!

    We have the same theme, Sally...only that my dolphins are performing hehe.

  9. Those dolphins are sure awesome and fun! :) Lovely photos. :) Happy Blue Monday!

  10. Hi Sally!
    I'm home!
    wow!! love those Dolphins!!!

  11. Sally,
    Love those dolphins!!

    Thanks so much for hosting!!
    I scored big last week with my Blue transferware thrift store buy!!


  12. Lovely dolphins, but where can I find them?

    I'm into fish as well today!

    Happy Blue Monday!

  13. those are really cute and colorful!

    Happy blue monday sally!

  14. Such attractive, bright dolphins! Gorgeous feature!

  15. Great shots! Love those dolphins.

  16. Love the dolphins! Happy BM Sally!

    My Blue.

  17. Sally these dolphins are fantastic,where are they at?

  18. What lovely, creative looking dolphins. My batch of grandkids would love this display! So cool, thanks for sharing!

  19. Goodmorning Sunny Sally!! LOVE those Dolphins, they are terrific. Have a great day!

  20. The area you live in has so many neat and interesting things. What an awesome sights these dolphins are all dressed up in their cute little skirts. Trust all is well with you.

  21. How unique! I love the different ways they are decorated.

  22. Beautiful blue dolphins, Sally! they are so quintessential Florida icons. Happy Blue Monday and week!

  23. Two favs--Blue and Dolphins! Thanks friend!


  24. Hello Sally !! Have a wonderful and blessed Blue Monday !!

  25. O, you are right...I didn't mention "sweet tea" but...I have a photo there of SUGAR CUBES so, does that count? lol
    xo bj

  26. I'm loving those happy dolphins. Happy Blue Monday and thanks for hosting.

    The French Hutch

  27. Hi Sally, It's great to hear from you. I always enjoy the Blue Monday posts... This one with the colorful dolphins is GREAT.... I love them all --but the patriotic one caught my attention... WOW!!!!

    Hope you are feeling well these days.

  28. Sally thanks for sharing the info,now I know I've got to get back down there for the Exhibit!!!

  29. Beautiful dolphin, good sculptures.

  30. Wow, those are really neat! I hope they make lots of money. I hope you are doing well, Dear. Thanks for your sweet visit and for sharing this. Hugs ~

  31. Hello Sally,
    Those dolphins are so cute! I often think of you but I never seem to have anything blue to share. I have spent the majority of the summer at the beach which of course has beautiful blue water. Perhaps I'll share from there one of these days. Thanks for your visit, my friend, and have a fabulous day.


  32. Wonderful dolphins!

  33. Sally! Wow! These pics of all those dolphins are great! My favorite is the one with the colorful circles and swirls. Thanks so much for sharing since I can't see them in person! lol

  34. Those are totally cool! thanks for hosting Sally and have a great week!

  35. Blue, beautiful and colorful cool and so pretty :-) I love all the pictures Ms. Sally :-) Thank you for hosting Blue Monday :-)

  36. Wonderful, cool & fun dolphin pics !
    Thanks for hosting!

  37. amazing park. love the dolphins :) hope you could stop by at my Blue Monday at:

  38. Hi Sally, I'm sorry I didn't get a blue post done. Our trip to Knoxville to see Beth Moore was wonderful. She captures you from the get go. Inspiring to say the least. I am so happy I was able to be there.

    The dolphins you shared are so pretty. What a fun thing to do. We have seen bears painted like this near the Smokey Mountain National Park.

    I will be posting Next Monday Sally.

    Have a wonderful week.
    Love, Jeanne

  39. Hi SALLY!! I'm so glad your dropped by and I hope you're doing well. I've seen horses, elephants, donkeys, fish but never dolphins! These are so cute!
    I mean to pop in more often and don't want to loose touch with you!! Remember the olden days of blogging when it seemed to be more simple? :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  40. WOW- Monday again, where does the time go???

    Thank you for hosting! Have a wonderful week!

  41. Here's my BM entry. I forgot to post right away ;P


  42. Hi Sally *hugs*
    Wow....lovely BLUE dolphins. Wouldn't you love to have one of those in your backyard by a pool or fountain. I have never seen painted dolphins like this...I've seen moose and cows but not dolphins. Thank you for sharing.
    have a great rest of the week...keep well.

  43. Sally, what artistic dolphins. Amazing how different each one looks. laurie


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