Monday, August 20, 2012

Blue Monday - Tampa's Giant Postcard

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Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday!

I have plenty of Blue for you today!

It's exciting to live in the Tampa area because in just one week, the Republican National Convention will be held here, and more than 50,000 visitors are expected. This is the biggest party our area has ever hosted, and we are busy sprucing up to make sure we look our best!

For instance, a mural painted by Carl Cowden has been repainted. Remember the postcards people used to send while on vacation? They often said, "Wish you were here." In 2003, Cowden based his mural on a real postcard. Unfortunately, it had to be removed in order to repair the crumbly stucco on this historic building, home to Archives and Records. Cowden said murals often can weather a lot. "The murals don't fall apart," he said. "The walls fall apart."

The City of Tampa's public art program picked up the tab of $12,000. You can read about it here.

This is a picture taken during the repainting process.
Look closely and you can see three men painting.
I copied it from the link above.

Standing on a scissors lift, Mural Artist Carl Cowden III, 56, right, of Tampa, and his two son's Carl IV, 20, left, and Griffin, 19, center, repaint the City of Tampa postcard mural.

The mural merges Tampa images from past with the present. In the letters that spell "Tampa" you can see the Sulphur Springs water tower, the Gasparilla ship and accompanying flotilla, the old Tampa Bay Hotel now the University of Tampa...

... a streetcar in Ybor City, and a nature scene on the Hillsborough River.

This shot is a close-up of the lower left of the mural. I like the way the artist displayed his information.
How proud he must be of his two sons.

Here's the finished postcard mural!

Happy Blue Monday!

1. Magical Mystical Teacher
2. Anne
3. LaVoice
4. Luna Miranda
5. Swedish Corner Down Under
6. Blue Skies and Sunflowers
7. Pictografio
8. Pie
9. Christine
10. Gittan Sweden
11. Rajesh, India
12. Tito Eric
13. Jeanne
14. aVintageGreen
15. mark, australia
16. Gemma's Greyscale
17. Gemma's MP Daily
18. Mildred - France
19. meoww
20. Rinkly Rimes
21. Leovi - My angel wings
22. NxPixMix
23. 4U2 Sweden
24. Anni
25. Wordless
26. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen
27. Beverly @How Sweet The Sound
28. Eden, Australia
29. Chapel Edged in Blue
30. Kim,USA
31. J.Rye
32. Flip Flops
33. Family & Fitness
34. Goodnight Sign
35. Moe Lauher, SC
36. Rose
37. Pin Wheels
38. CailinMarie
39. Chubskulit
40. Maximus
41. Sandi @ the WhistleStop Cafe
43. LadyD
44. "BLUE" Wedding Cake
45. Leovi - That sweet gulf between my sheets
46. Cafe au lait - FM
47. hapzydeco
48. Hyde Daily Photo
49. Jackie
50. Blowing Rock
51. Jim,Sydney, Australia
52. dix - gypsyczech
53. Rita aka Cashjocky
54. Thorgun
55. mizhelle

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  1. I really enjoyed these postcards! What a unique post!I always love visiting all the blues! I was catching up earlier and now I better get some rest. Have a blue-ti-ful Monday! Hugs Anne

  2. Excellent. I've seen one in Seaside OR as well.

  3. Nice photos. Happy BM Sally.

    My blues are here and here.

  4. How exciting! I wish I could be there to see that.....Christine

  5. the mural is beautiful!
    i was in Tampa for a night 3 years ago---stayed in a hotel for an early morning flight to Atlanta the next day. didn't see much of the city.:(

  6. Hi Sally; rarely do I have blue to share but today I do. Finally finished a project (started in February). Vintage sewing bench is now blue. Thanks for hosting, such lovely posts.

  7. Incredible, unique kind of mural! Like a universal kind of postcard! Stunning colours and design!

  8. What a great idea for popularising Tampa as a tourist destination! Good shots!
    Thanks for hosting, Sally!

  9. Mural paintings (and painters) are great to see!

    Happy Blue Monday, Sally!

  10. Good morning Sally...that is a big blue this week!

  11. Happy Blue Monday, Sally.

    I love, love, love this postcard. I remember all of these images from when we lived there when I was a young child. Thank you for sharing.

  12. That is a card I would love to receive. This man is amazing. An excellent mural. Enjoyed seeing and the story behind it.

  13. that is a fabulous post! I love that post card, and I'm so impressed that Tampa commissioned it. How neat is it that the artist's sons worked with him to complete it!

  14. I lived outside of Tampa growing up... It is a beautiful place.
    I love the giant postcard!

  15. Beautiful mural, grand-size postcard. This is one of my favorite posts. The details in the painting are marvelous to see. I'm thrilled for you and all of Tampa as the Republicans gather!

  16. Wow! That represents a lot of great work. Such beauty in your neck of the woods. Thanks for sharing!!

    P.S. I was so excited for the Olympics and now the Republican Convention is giving me the same kind of excitement. Love it!! Lucky you to be right there.

  17. Lovely postcards and blues and thank you for hosting.
    Have a Happy Blue Monday!!!!

  18. Good morning Sally, We are getting ready to drive my friend Bobbie to Atlanta to catch her flight back to CA. We have had a fun week running the roads and reliving some wonderful memories. I will miss her. However, it is time to get back to 'normal' around here.

    Yes, the rock was given to me by Marilyn. She is always finding little things that she knows I will love.

    Your post is so interesting today. Tampa is a very beautiful area. The detail n the paintings is awesome. The idea of using postcards is unique. I really enjoyed your post today.

    This trip to the airport is a 6 hour round trip. Worth it to see my dear friend who is like a sister to me.

    Love, Jeanne

  19. Love large letter postcards - these are really large - visit me here

  20. What a neat mural! Love the detail and the background info.




  22. A nice poster with a blue beautiful Tampa. Greetings.

  23. Great blue! I love creating this style postcard in Photoshop,

  24. My best friend lives in Tampa. It's so beautiful there!

  25. How very cool that a vintage postcard was the inspiration for this fabulous mural! I love old postcards! Really enjoyed viewing all your great pics. Thanks for sharing and thanks for hosting us. dix---

  26. Having lived in Tampa for 3 years it is always fun to see photos from there! LOVE the postcards!!

  27. Delighted that I had a blue to share today because it allowed me to see your wonderful mural.

    Great capture.

  28. Sorry I am late! What a cool postcard!

  29. It's only 9pm PST in the USA and there is no Mister Linky. Am I looking in the wrong place or has it already been removed for this Monday (19th)

  30. Wow! This is great!
    Thanks for sharing the information too;o)

    Happy day****

    ps: and thanks also for pointing to the problem with Linky!

  31. Sally, what a wonderful piece of art work to be enjoyed for years to come. Been thinking about you with Isaac roaring in to the Gulf.
    Hope you are safe. ~ Sarah


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