Monday, August 27, 2012

Blue Monday - Elephants Surround Us!

Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For instructions, just click here.

***Today's pictures were taken last week, before Isaac began to show his ugly self. Don't worry about us, though; we might get wet, but we're hurricane proof!***

Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday!

Today is the beginning of the Republican National Convention (RNC). Here's the left side of the Tampa Bay Times Forum where the main action will take place. In the left lower corner you'll notice the VIP entrance. Of course, it's Blue!

Tampa lampposts are decorated in signs of red, white, and Blue

Close to the Forum, Channelside is a beautiful place to relax, shop, dine,
see a movie, or even bowl a game or two.
Of course, the welcome sign has a couple shades of Blue.

In addition to 50,000 visitors, a herd of fiberglass 4' x 4' elephants have come to Tampa. Elephants, the symbol of the RNC, were sponsored by businesses and decorated by local artists. The goal of the project is to beautify the Tampa Bay area and exhibit the creativity.

Some are displayed at Channelside, and Johnny and I went to find them.
We found plenty!

Most of them have a shade or two of Blue in their decoration.

Pirates are the theme of this pachyderm with at least two shades of Blue in evidence.

She is labeled "Best Dressed RNC, 2012."
She sure went heavy on that Blue eye shadow!

"Splitsville" is the name of the bowling alley.
They sponsored the elephant to the left of the giant bowling pin.
I took a close-up of it in the picture below.

A map of our state is on this Blue pastel beauty.

Blue is used to outline this intricate design.

We couldn't leave the Hooters elephant out.

This elephant, dressed in Blue, represents Lightning, Tampa's hockey team.
We tried to get a good shot, but it's placed up against a store window.
All we got was the reflection behind us, so I resorted to grabbing it from the internet.

The pictures below are copied from the internet. They are of the elephants placed at the airport and around town.

Look at those Blue eyes!

A flamenco dancer in Blue can be seen on her belly.

I have no idea which team is represented, but the teal color is a pretty shade of Blue.

Following are two patriotic red, white, and Blue elephants.

The story of Dagwood elephant can be found here.
Blue is used to outline his suit collar.

This elephant is covered in tile.
Some of the tiles are shades of Blue.

Do you have a favorite?

Happy Blue Monday!

1. Leah H.
2. SwedishCorner DownUnder
3. LaVoice
4. Magical Mystical Teacher
5. Nina, Chronicles of A Roamer
6. Hyacinths for the Soul
7. Rajesh, India
8. Pie
9. Riet, Holland
10. Photoblogista
11. Kero, UAE
12. XyeXyrus
13. Rinkly Rimes
14. Failed Venice of the Orient
15. Jeanne
16. mizhelle
17. Pictografio
18. Gittan Sweden
19. Rita aka Cashjocky
20. Anni, Sweden
21. Gemma's MP Daily
22. Gemma's Greyscale
23. Lina
24. mark, australia
25. Jenny Short
26. Self Sagacity
27. Wordless
28. Wilderness Fairy
29. meoww
30. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen
31. Leovi - Wheel of Fortune
32. 4U2 Sweden
33. Kim,USA
34. Obstacles & Glories
35. Chester
36. Pleasurable Hobbies
37. Rose
38. Giada
39. iShoppe
40. J.Rye
41. Chubskulit
42. Min fotoblog
43. Maximus
44. Jessica Cassidy
45. Emzkie
46. Eileen
47. dix - gypsyczech
48. Have A Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
49. NixPixMix
50. Jackie
51. LadyD
52. KM @ more than seXy
53. hapzydeco
54. Fashion Momma
55. Leovi - Behind bars
56. Diann @ The thrifty Groove
57. sandi @ the whistlestop cafe
58. Visits With Mary
59. Maria's Space
60. Marleen, NL
61. Finch Rest
62. Joy@Books and Life
63. Myrna-My Enchanted Home
64. twiggy
65. Amiko, Maipikucha
66. Anne

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  1. Happy Blue Monday, Sally!
    My 2,5 yr old princess said, Wow... so many elephants :)
    Thanks for hosting and have a great week! ~Pernilla

  2. Oh, my! Those elephants are so cool. My daughter will surely love to see them:)

    Happy Blue Monday, Sally:)

    Here's mine:

  3. Sally so glad you shared these elephants with us. I have never seen anything like this. I did not realize they did all this. It would be hard to pick a favorite. I like them all. Trust the weather misses all this.

  4. Happy Monday!

    Wow! That's a lot of elephants :) thanks for sharing those beautiful shot.

  5. What a darling idea! Thanks for taking the photos to share with us. I was in NYC when the Cow Parade took place. Love the idea of elephants. ;-)
    Stay dry! ~ Sarah

  6. Love all those crazy looking elephants! Thanks for hosting!

  7. Great photos of the Convention. The elephants are so cute, eye make up and all. Be safe, Sally, and stay dry! Praying for everyone in Isaac's path. xo

  8. Those elephants are so cute! :)

    Happy Blue Monday Sally!

  9. This same type of project was done in St. Louis only they used Butterflies. I posted about them at the time. I've seen horses done in Louisville, Ky and giant "O's" in Omaha. I've seen other bloggers repost on an assortment of fundraisers copying this idea with all kinds of animals and objects.

    I have to admit the artist have done a great job with their elephants I hope they hang around longer then the convention.

  10. They are all beautiful in their own way (as with us people) but my absolute favorite is the last one!

    Happy Blue Monday!

  11. An awesome parade of coloured elephants! So many different versions! I think my favourite is the last one that looks like mosaic tiles!

  12. I can't choose. They have their own beauties!

  13. Glad to be here. Thanks for inviting me. xo Jenny

  14. Nice finds. The elephants are fun to look at.

  15. It is always fun to see what the artists will do when confronted with a challenge Sally...the elephants are so whimsical and sweet! Stay safe with the crazy weather!
    ♥, Susan

  16. Hello...I am worried about your and your family as Issac nears your town...
    I am happy to be back and will add to Blue Monday very soon I hope.

    Stay Safe and Dry!

  17. Those are beautiful and colorful elephants :-) Thank you for hosting the Blue Monday.

  18. I love all the elephants. did you go hunting for all of them?

    We have this sort of thing every year and always search them all out. This year it was the Great Bustard and last year it was lions. Great fun.

    Many thanks for hosting Blue Monday.

  19. thank you so much for posting all the pics from around Tampa. I really enjoy seeing what is going on in "another world". And the,,,they are fantastic. Thanks so much for sharing. dix---

  20. Nice series of photos, Sally. The tiled elephant is my fave.
    Thanks for hosting.

  21. Be safe Sally! The elephants are very unusual. I like the Splitsville or the Americana ones best. Cute name for a bowling alley by the way. Thanks for letting us share our blues.

  22. Best Dressed Elephant, with her grogeous blue eyes, and the Hooters one are my favorites. So many wonderful blues. Great post!

  23. What a great variety of elephants and blues!

    Hope the hurricane doesn't affect your area badly.

  24. Nice pictures you show.
    Wish you a good Blue Monday :)
    Hanne Bente

  25. Hi Sally, I love your (Johnny's) pics so much. He is a dear husband to help you with your photos.

    The elephants are cleverly painted and my favorite is the elephant with his rear end turned toward us. The red white and blue one above the last pic. Great personality for an elephant. HA!

    Happy Blue Monday.

    Love, Jeanne

  26. Sally, thanks for sharing this civic project. It makes Tampa proud.

  27. Delicious photos, poetic sculptures of elephants, very nice. Greetings.

  28. Fun photos. I still can't believe it has already been four years. I think I am losing time somewhere! LOL Thank you for hsoting and have a fun day Sally!

  29. Cute, Cute, cute!
    I'm waving the red white and blue today too.
    Stay safe~

  30. Happy Blue Monday Sally, loved all the elephants!!

  31. These are all beautiful Sally, hard to choose a favorite ;)
    Happy Blue Monday!

  32. Happy Blue Monday, Sally - thanks for hosting.

    LOVE those elephants - my daughter has collected elephants for yeats and I know she would adore them!

  33. These are all gorgeous Sally, the one with the big eye is my favorite I think. Happy blue Monday

  34. Wow, I love those elephants! (Even though I'm a Democrat. Ooops!) Hope the weather doesn't get too awful there. Have a happy (and safe and dry) Blue Monday!

  35. Loved the elephants, great pick for Blue Monday! Take care :)

  36. so many beautiful elephants! Happy Blue Monday!


  37. Hi Sally! I put up my post because I was making a collection of memes this weekend and forgot to link! Here I am and loving these sweet elephants! Your Johnny is a great guy helping you out! I love the bowling alley too! You do such a great job keeping us all blue each Monday! Thank you so much! Have a bluetiful week and come see how many blues you can find at my post! Hugs Anne


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