Monday, September 3, 2012

Blue Monday - Happy Labor Day!

Hello! It's Blue Monday! For instructions, just click here.

There are still people who do not check their links. Last Blue Monday, a blogger tried to link in twice. She wrote to me this past Thursday complaining that neither of her links showed up. Unfortunately, it was way past the time that I could help. I searched but her links were nowhere to be found. I don't know what happened. Please check your link(s) to avoid disappointments.

Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday!

In the United States, we celebrate work with a holiday called,
"Labor Day."

I love this Norman Rockwell painting of a teacher.
In fact, I have a copy hanging in my home.
I taught school, and I loved it!
However, I don't remember my students sitting quite so prim and proper!

Our oldest grandchild, Lauren, is a first grade teacher.
Here she is after a day's labor of cleaning and decorating her classroom
in preparation for this new school year.
Notice, please to labor she's wearing Blue.
In addition, there's plenty of Blue in the classroom.

What labor do you do?

Happy Blue Monday!

1. Magical Mystical Teacher
2. Jeanne, backyard neighbor
3. Hyacinths for the Soul
4. Rajesh, India
5. Barbara F.
6. Nina, Chronicles of A Roamer
7. Riet, Holland
8. SwedishCorner - DownUnder
9. Loui♥
10. Leovi - The latest wave touched my heart
11. Gittan Sweden
12. Marit
13. Lillianna - Sweden
14. Sweet Nothings
15. Marie
16. Pie
17. Gemma Wiseman
18. Hyde Daily Photo
19. Pictografio
20. NixPixMix
21. Anni, Sweden
22. LaVoice
23. mark, australia
24. HansHB
25. Eden, Australia
26. Lessandra
27. Kim,USA
28. Leah H.
29. Leovi - Let it soak for eternity the soul
30. "BLUE" Glass Turkish Jewels
31. Jessica Cassidy
32. Beverly @How Sweet The Sound
33. Wordless
34. LadyD
35. Christine
36. The French Hutch
37. Anne
38. Chie Wilks
39. Helen @ Nannas Place
40. Lina
41. Susan @ My Place to Yours
42. hapzydeco
43. Spice Up Your Life
44. Chubskulit
45. Thorgun
46. Pleasurable Hobbies
47. Rose
48. Etcetera Etcetera
49. Savannah Granny
50. The Incredible Hulk
51. J.Rye
52. Tomato Hornworm
53. Cupcakes to Go
54. sandi @ the whistlestop cafe
55. 70 Years of Lovin'
56. Luna Miranda
57. What I did this summer
58. Jackie
59. Amiko @ Maipikucha
60. Myrna-My Enchanted Home
61. Kay Ellen's Blue Monday
62. mizhelle

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  1. I enjoyed your neat post, Sally. Have a great weekend.

  2. Sally, I remember the "labor" involved in getting one's room ready for the beginning of school. More like a week of labor getting the room clean and set up for those little ones. ;-)
    My best wishes to Lauren for a wonderful year ahead. I taught first graders the last ten years of my career. They are the best!
    Happy Labor Day to you! ~ Sarah

  3. It is sad to see summer coming to a close, and I remember my apprehension for school many years ago! But looking forward to autumn, my favorite season. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. xo

  4. Aww summer is almost over and kids are going back to school.

    Happy Labor Day! Hope Lauren will have a fruitful school year ahead.

  5. Hope you're having a great weekend! Happy Blue Monday, Sally!
    Thanks for hosting :)

  6. Hi Sally!
    Happy Blue Monday!
    Love your post!
    when I was employed...Banking was my profession!
    Nowdays, my titles are way too many..
    I'll go with the fun title of Photographer..
    Had forgotten all about "Labor Day"
    was just enjoying the fun I was having with Hubby and my family!

  7. Hi, Sally, I bet you were the best teacher. Both my son and daughter in law and my oldest grand are teachers. Well, David taught for a couple of years and decided it wasn't what he wanted to do the rest of his life so he got out of it.
    Thanks, dear one, for hosting.
    I trust you are feeling fit and enjoying life with your Johnny.
    love, bj

  8. Happy Labor Day to you Sally! :)

    Labor Day here in Philippines was just last May 1.

    Joined Blue Monday again after a very long time! *_*

  9. Beautiful post. Happy Labor Day!

    My blues are here and here.

  10. I'm a teacher too - high school - English and History! Our classrooms are not so bright and colourful as your granddaughter's, but they are light and airy and beautifully maintained. Great photos!

  11. well here I thought labor day was the day a women gave birth in a labour ward - or else we think of the Labour party (politically left-ish) whose colour is red as opposed to the Conservative party (right-ish) whose colour is blue.

  12. Happy Labour Day! Enjoy the day, Sally.
    Lovely post today.
    Thanks for hosting!

  13. I'm sorry to say that teachers seldom get a proper appreciation.

    Happy Blue Monday everybody!

  14. Lauren's classroom looks inviting!

    My main profession was wife and mom, and I loved it, but I guess you could add free-lance writer since I have had a handful of articles published. I hope to expand on that now that I have just one left at home.

  15. Great post!
    Happy Blue Monday to you!

  16. Happy Labor Day Sally. I love the photo of Lauren getting her classroom ready. My niece is a teacher and she always worked so hard to have a good classroom environment for her kids. Our daughter, the Industrial Engineer, is now teaching advanced HS math and loving it. Teaching is such an important job.

    Enjoy your day with your hubs.
    Love, Jeanne

  17. Happy Blue Monday Sally...thanks for hosting. I really enjoy your posts and photo's.

    We also have Labour Day here in Canada today and tomorrow school starts....and it's starting to feel like summer is over.

  18. Happy Labor Day Ms. Sally :-) Lauren is one pretty teacher :-) Thank you for hosting the Blue Monday :-)

  19. Happy Blue Monday and Happy Labor day, to you dear Sally and to all.

    The teaching profession is one of great importance, great reward, but unfortunately not great salary. Our country needs to work on their priorities.

  20. Your granddaughter is a doll and her classroom looks like a fun place. Happy Labor Day, Sally!

  21. Cute pic of your granddaugghter, Sally.You must be so proud of her. Happy labor Day. John and I labored in our backyard, after Hurricane Isaac's visit, lol....Christine

  22. Hi Sally, Labor Day is always a day with family to celebrate the end of summer and beginning of fall. As a child it was the last day of summer vacation and going back to school. Thanks for hosting…………
    Happy Labor to you Sally.

    The French Hutch

  23. I've always liked that Rockwell painting too. Love the kid with the eraser on his head. Hope you have a fine Labor Day and a great week!

  24. Hi Sally! Beautiful post! I work in an ENT surgeons office and am the receptionist. I have met some of the nicest people there and others who I simply pray for!
    I like this post It made me think of my bible study this morning. It is o the same line. Never do work simply to do it but rather to give glory to God! It is helping me get some perspective about my work situation. I would ask for prayer for the whole office where I work! Thanks and enjoy your Labor Day!

  25. Happy labor Day Sally, we're getting rain!hope you ahve a fantastic day & a happy Blue mOnday!

  26. Now I'm a stay at home wife.
    Happy Labor Day and Blue Monday :)

  27. I just got through laboring in my yard. Had to mow and did not finish. My strength will not let me do the whole thing at once. It takes a lot of patience to be a school teacher. I would not qualify.

  28. Nice classroom and I think she likes the color Blue:)

    Happy Labor Day, Sally:)

  29. Happy Labor Day Sally ~ it always signals the end of summer!

  30. Yes, school is very important. Greetings.

  31. Stopping in to say Hi and Happy Labor Day, Sally! :)


  32. Happy Labor Day! and Happy Blue Monday!

  33. Hello Sally~~~

    So happy to join in your Blue Monday :)

    Happy Labor Day too!

    Kay Ellen

  34. She must be excited for the first day of in school tomorrow! ^_^

    Thanks for the visit!


  35. Your granddaughter is so pretty!
    Happy Labor Day!

  36. I am late! Happy Blue Labor Monday Sally!

  37. Excited about my first Blue Monday! Thanks you for hosting such a fun event. Oh, and if I didn't look at your pic, but just read the description and knew you where in Tampa, I would have thought you were my Aunt Sally who lives in Tampa! I was convinced for a second that you were her! : )

  38. Hi Sally! The blue badge is linking to your website. I made sure of that before I posted my entry. I went back to it and checked again. It is linking to I noticed that my link was deleted, I am trying to link again but the Mr. Linky widget is not showing. :(

  39. Hi I dont understand what to do to put my link to Mister Linky, please help me someone.

    But here is my picture

    Sussie B.

  40. Getting the classroom ready is often the most exciting part of the year!


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