Monday, September 10, 2012

Blue Monday - Doctor's Office Redo

Hello! It's Blue Monday! For instructions, just click here.

It's been reported that Blue Monday Bloggers have the largest collection of blue finds. Join in the fun. Find some blue and share it with us!

Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday!


It's amazing how much Blue there is in our world.

Wherever I go, I see Blue.

My endocrinologist recently updated her office.
She chose to cover her dark, wood paneled walls with Blue paint.
I thought you'd like to see the result.

Even the water bottle is Blue.

What is your opinion?

Happy Blue Monday!

1. Magical Mystical Teacher
2. Pleasurable Hobbies
3. Rajesh, India
4. Rose
5. January
6. Power Grip Jar Opener
7. Ceramic Pitcher
8. Jeanne, backyard neighbor
9. J.Rye
10. Aquatic Theme
11. Chubskulit
12. Spice Up Your Life
13. Emzkie, PA
14. Anne
15. Eye Catchers
16. Luna Miranda
17. Riet, Holland
18. LaVoice
19. Lina
20. Leovi - Incomplete Landscapes
21. Blue Iguana
22. Nick, Melbourne
23. Pie
24. FM
25. Nina, Chronicles of A Roamer
26. Hyde Daily Photo
27. SwedishCorner DownUnder
28. Pictografio
29. meoww
30. Rinkly Rimes
31. Anni, Sweden
32. Gittan Sweden
33. Andy - Canada
34. Wordless
35. mark, australia
36. Gemma's Greyscale
37. Gemma's MP Daily
38. "BLUE" Chairs
39. smallflower morningglory
40. Beverly @How Sweet The Sound
41. "BLUE" Aegean Sea, Turkey
42. Kim,USA
43. Chapel Splashed with Blue
44. Leovi - The rest of the heroes
45. hapzydeco
46. Jackie
47. Christine
48. Sweet Nothings
49. LadyD
50. Karen
51. Melissa @ ILoveVintageHousewares
52. Ann @ Tin and Sparkle
53. Tito Eric
54. Schotzy@ Wings of Eagles
55. Visits With Mary
56. Susan @ My Place to Yours
57. Sandi
58. Maria's Space
59. Joy@books and life
60. Mary-Anne (Norway)
61. Myrna-My Enchanted Home
62. Mel Cole
63. Who was Jesus?

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  1. Hi Sally, Paint is in and paneling is out. It is very pretty in blue. Even the water cooler has blue. It lightens up the room.

    I hope all is well with your Dr. appointment.

    Happy Blue Monday.
    Goodnight my dear blogging friend.
    Jeanne xoxoxo

  2. I Like that happy blue paint! It is pretty and calming! You always find interesting blues! Have a terrific week! Hugs Anne

  3. Blue is good. I have a new blue gray sofa in Texas I can't wait to get home to. xo Jenny

  4. Like the new look. It looks friendly and homy!

  5. That's a really nice shade of blue. Perfect for a doctor's office.
    Thanks for hosting, Sally.

  6. thought id' join this week :) lots of nice photos here i see :)

  7. Happy Blue Monday, Sally!! Hope you have a great week :) Perfect blue for a wall! Thanks for hosting :)

  8. Blue has a calming effect on people, very suitable in a reception room. Imagine that room in red, how would you feel then?

    Happy Blue Monday!

  9. Blue always seems to dress up a room with freshness - wonderful cool in summer days! Lovely photos!

  10. A very pretty and calming blue. Thanks for hosting and Happy Blue Monday!

  11. There is so much blue every where in God's beauty...the sky,the water,the flowers,etc... we humans defiantly are inspired by nature.

  12. Happy Blue Monday, dear Sally. Looking for blue is a good thing. It is such a cool and refreshing color.

    I bet the office looks much better than it did before paint.

  13. If there are lots of current magazines in the office, my opinion of the wall color would improve. :)

  14. Much brighter and prettier than brown panels for sure...Christine

  15. Yes, life is full of beautiful blue.

  16. Very nice upgrade. The room looks lighter and brighter!
    Seems to be a pleasant atmosphere while waiting to see the Dr. Happy Blue Monday, Sally!

  17. That paneling is really cool! I like how we know it is probably dated, but it looks kind of new and trendy now, just because of a coat of blue paint. : )

  18. That's not really my favorite shade of blue, but I love painted paneling. It really brightens up with paint.

  19. Very nice and it makes your visit more pleasurable.

  20. hi sally :)
    actually i did put a link in my post, it's above my image. i added a link on the text "blue monday"
    sorry if that wasn't enough and i misunderstood.

  21. blue is a good idea...i was at the doctor's clinic a few days ago, and it was gray and white--so depressing. doctors' clinics must be colorful.:p

  22. My opinion? I wish MORE doctors would update their offices. Some of them are living in the dark ages! So glad you had a nice new view at your last visit!

  23. I love panneling painted-looks so cheery!!! I buy quite a few Red Hats at the thrift stores and refurbish them with new ribbon and flowers. I have a couple really special ones I have bought at the Hat Store.

  24. That office would make anyone feel better, Sally! Lovely shade of blue! I had some blue today so decided to link up. Hope you're having a wonderful day.


  25. Like the wall colors. Hope it was just a routine check and you are feeling o.k. Happy Blue Monday!

  26. Thank you for your comment on my blog, Sally. I also commented above. I "own" all of these blogspots:
    NixPixMix, NixBlog, Melbourne Fresh Daily and Floral Friday Fotos.
    They keep me busy... :-)

  27. That blue paneling is kind of cute. I love the light blue color!

  28. We lived with wood paneling in our old house......I lost the battle.....I wanted to paint it. NO paneling in this house and no wallpaper (EVER AGAIN!) in this home. I like paint. How lucky for you that your doc painted it blue, just for YOU!!

    Thanks for "checking" on me in a recent post comment. This has been a terrible few blogging and visiting have suffered.

    Hope you're feeling much, much better!!! L, Dana

  29. I think the blue office is great. Blue tends to be calming, just what you need while waiting for the doctor! Happy Blue Monday!

  30. Happy Blue Monday! Like the doctor off redo.

  31. Hi Sally *hugs*
    I like the colour of the panelling in is brighter and happier I think.
    Its a good thing you take your camera around with you because you are right you just never know where you'll snap your next blue picture.
    Happy weekend....hope it was a nice one.


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