Monday, September 17, 2012

Blue Monday - Movie Review: The Words

Hello! It's Blue Monday! For instructions, just click here.

I plan to visit every Blue Monday post. I love to see the many shades of blue you find.

I appreciate the comments left for me. I always look forward to seeing what you have to say.

Try to visit other Blue participants. That's what makes the day fun. Simply click on the links below. Be sure to wish everyone a Happy Blue Monday!


Thursday, my daughter treated me with her gift for my birthday this past May. She took me to the movies. We've been waiting for a film that we'd both enjoy. Notice the Blue sky and the Blue trim on the theater.

CineBistro is an experience of a new way to enjoy dinner and a movie.
The seating is luxury to the max. Look how wide and cushy these soft leather seats are!

They rock back too! Notice the attached trays and cup holders. Look at the wide aisles!

Dinner is served on china by uniformed staff--and it is GOOD too.
Talk about luxury! Boy, was I spoiled.

The film we saw was The Words.
It is a complex story-within-a-story about an unsuccessful young writer, played by Bradley Cooper,
who finds a great manuscript inside an old brief case and decides to submit it as his own work.
Because of that choice, his life is forever changed.

The color of Cooper's shirt is Blue.

Here he speaks with the novel's true author, the Old Man, played by Jeremy Irons.
You'll spot more Blue here.

Jonathan Wenk / CBS Films

I liked it; so did my daughter; however, we both agreed that it is not for everyone. If you enjoy reading books and seeing films that make you think, this is for you. Because it's not for everyone, I give it a thumbs undecided!

Happy Blue Monday!

1. Magical Mystical Teacher
2. Anne
3. Leah H.
4. Barbara F.
5. Tito Eric of Panglao Island
6. Jeanne, backyard neighbor
7. SwedishCorner DownUnder
8. Gittan Sweden
9. Riet, Holland
10. Pictografio
11. Luna Miranda
12. RobinfromCA
13. Leovi - The veil of Isis
14. LaVoice
15. Rajesh, India
16. Hyde Daily Photo
17. Bluish Monday
18. Anni, Sweden
19. HansHB
20. Diana @ velvet moth studio
21. Gemma's Greyscale
22. AnnA, Sweden
23. Gemma's MP Daily
24. Wordless
25. Judi @ Cranberry Blossom
26. Beverly@How Sweet The Sound
27. Blue Bird Skies
28. Emzkie,PA
29. Little Helper
30. Kim,USA
31. Fun in the Woods
32. Spice Up Your Life
33. Jelly Bean Ball
34. Chubskulit
35. Pomegranate
36. Archibald
37. Rose
38. Sarah ~ Magnolia's Attic
39. Sweet Nothings
40. Susan @ My Place to Yours
41. Melissa @ ILoveVintageHousewares
42. Marit
43. Lina
44. sandi @ the whistlestop cafe
45. Pat@Milie Fiori Favoriti
46. At Home with Auntie E
47. Leovi - Burns Night
48. parenting and babies
49. LadyD
50. Salmagundi
51. Gracie O'Tripp
52. Amiko @ Maipikucha
53. Myrna-My Enchanted Home
54. Joy@Books and Life
55. Travel Quest
56. Rinkly Rimes
57. Mysteries of our Flag
58. mommy peach
59. Happy Gram Carol at Steak N Shake
60. Lessandra

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  1. I love seeing new movies but have not been to one lately. Your movie sounds intriguing! You always share great blues! Have a great week and thanks for the sweet shares! Hugs Anne

  2. Beautiful theater inside out..

    Happy Monday, Sally:)

  3. That is some movie theatre, Sally. Glad you enjoyed it. I want to see that movie. xo

  4. First, that theater is beautiful. And the inside is even more more so. Hope such trend continues. I'd love to see more theaters like that across the globe. Also to be served with tasty treats while enjoying a movie. Oh yeah, I'd like to see the The Words, too!

  5. Thanks for hosting, Sally! HBM :) Beautiful blue sky! We are enjoying some light rain today - the first rain in 61days!!

  6. Hi Sally, the #7 link is not correct. If you can, please delete. I was linking and just when I was deleting last weeks link so I could put in the current linked the old one in error. sigh!

    I know you really enjoyed your birthday dinner and movie. I would like to see it. Especially in a dinner movie theater. Smile. There is nothing like that here though. We have one movie theater and it is small. We just saw 2016 and it was enlightening.

    Happy Blue Monday Sally,
    Love, Jeanne

  7. The movie seems be interesting, time to go to the cinema. It is a pity that in my cinema do not give such dinners :)

  8. We had one like that in my old hometown. It was so fun to attend with my kids. It's no longer there. xo Jenny

  9. I had to look at and read about the film, and most people seems to think just like you!

    I'm not keen of the idea to sit and eat at a cinema, if I want to do that I can watch the film at home. But the chairs look cosy!

    Happy Blue Monday!

  10. I just love the Art Deco look of the cinema - and what a great idea to dine and watch a movie at the same time - I wonder if that will catch on in the UK?

  11. Great photos for blue, - nice to see!
    I am participating this week.
    Happy Blue Monday to you!

  12. Hi Sal!
    I am sending you some blue passion this time, and the last blueberries.
    Happy Blue Monday!
    Have a nice week!
    Best wishes,

  13. What an all round great experience! To see the movie in such style! Love this series of photos!

  14. Happy Blue Monday, Sally.

    What a nice treat for both of you, and I know you had a great time. I've been wanting to see that movie, too.

  15. What a fabulous theater, and such a lovely treat! I'll have to catch that movie -- it sounds really good.
    Have a glorious Blue Monday!

  16. The movie sounds intriguing. I think I'd like to see it... So glad you and your daughter had the time together!

  17. I can't remember the last time I went to the cinema.

  18. What a beautiful theater, Sally. That's really a luxury watching movie experience. It's a pity that my husband likes to watch movie only for fun. It's not his kind of movie. Perhaps I'll try to find its DVD version.

  19. I've never seen such... I'm lucky to be treated to my own bag of popcorn!
    Happy Blue Monday~

  20. What an elegant way to see a movie, Sally! It looked like a good movie and a wonderful experience. Sorry my name came out funny in my link up ...I was trying to put my blog name in and hit enter by mistake. Have a wonderful week!

  21. how lovely ti get the theater visit as a birthday present Sally. Don't know the movie yet but will look out for it

  22. I have not been to a regular old movie place in years. I certainly would not know how to act in one this nice. What a great outing for both you. Take care.

  23. That does look like a very comfortable and luxurious movie outlet!

  24. I have always wanted to go to and eat in Theater. The only one I have ever been to was in Disney World. They showed old B&W films.

  25. Hi Sally.
    I want deh a nice Monday and new autumn week, september is a great months with lots of nice colors and crisp air.


  26. I love that CineBistro definitely a happy experience.

  27. Wonderful photos! The movie sounds right up my alley and inside it looks like a luxurious 5 star hotel! So happy for you both having a nice outing.

  28. Wow, that theater sounds so nice. I think I especially love the wide aisles!

  29. that's my kinda fun...eating and watching a good movie..this is great one.

  30. Hi Sally-- Sorry about that mix-up on the link back to your blog. It was meant to link up to my post on Penny Rugs, and somehow it went to an old post on drawers. I've re-linked but don't know how to delete the old #48 link. Thanks for putting up with my apparent lack of computer skills. Also, thanks for always hosting this fun party. Sally

  31. i love the colors of this theater. and the seats, wow! dinner while watching a movie--that is so great!

  32. I love it that the dinner themed theater businesses are starting to set up in some of the older theaters with such interesting architecture. Thanks for hosing Blue Monday.

  33. I do love reading, smart movies, Bradley Cooper and Sam Elliot - I think I need to put this on my list!

  34. What a wonderful gift!I think the movie sounds very interesting , I want to see it!

  35. Nice looking movie theatre. We go about 2 or three times a year if we are lucky. Last one I saw was Hunger Games. Happy Blue Monday!

  36. I always love seeing a movie and I love Cooper!

  37. very nice theater :) look so neat. Last night we watch hangover in blue ray look what you got there bradley cooper :) im happy to join here. Thanks for dropping by to my blog. Will visit the other entry soon. Hugs Leah

  38. Sally, How cool your dinner was served to you at the movies! I've never heard of that before. I'm sure it was lots of fun, that was a great gift your received! Thanks for the movie review too. Thanks for hosting and have a Happy Blue Monday:)

  39. I've never seen anything like that! Super cool!

  40. Beautiful theater - thanks for the pixs. I've put The Words on my Netflix - sounds interesting.

  41. Posting late for Blue Monday. Hope you had fun visiting all the blues.

    My blues are here and here.

  42. Hi Sally,

    Thanks for the visit... I was having trouble with my computer so I couldn't make any comment in here and in other blogs.

    Have a great weekend!

    Amiko @Maipikucha

  43. That sounds so neat, Sally! Sorry the movie was not a little better. I'm glad you got to go to a fancy place for a movie. :)


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